International Trade
Fall 2024-25
Classroom: Rockefeller 003. Time: 10:10-11:15, MWF; x-hour Th 12:15-1:05.
Professor Robert Staiger:
Office: 319 Silsby; Phone: 646-9345; Office Hours: M 5:00-6:30pm, W 11:30am-1:00pm.
TA Lindsay Harris Office Hours: Tuesdays 2:00-3:30 pm and Thursdays 10:00-11:30 am in Berry 171A (unless otherwise specified).
Special Announcements:
Have a Great Thanksgiving and Winter Break!
Paper Topic; Background reading; Background reading 2
A small tariff for a large country
Acemoglu & Ventura with highlights
Basic Trade Model Coding Challenge (no points, just for the Glory!)
Slides from first day of class.
Trade Talks Episode 180: The WTO is in trouble. Econ 101 to the rescue?
Problem Sets
- Problem set 1; Due in class Monday September 30. Answers.
- Problem set 2; Due in class Friday October 4. Answers.
- Problem set 3; Due in class Monday October 14. Answers.
- Problem set 4; Due in class Wednesday October 16 (same day as the midterm exam!). Answers.
- Problem set 5 (you only need to do problems 1-3); Due in class Wednesday November 6. Answers.
- Problem set 6; Due in class Monday November 11 (same day as the midterm exam!). Answers.
Current Exams
Old Exams
Non-Technical Articles
- Trade Talks Episode 180: The WTO is in trouble. Econ 101 to the rescue?
- Trump’s Trade War Timeline: An Up-to-Date Guide
- Economists Say Trump Seems To Misunderstand Significance Of Trade Deficits
- The drivers of bilateral trade and the spillovers from tariffs
- Old Ideas, New Insights: The Ricardian Revival in International Trade
- Winners and Losers from Globalization 1; Winners and Losers from Globalization 2
- WTO World Trade Report 2007
- National Sovereignty in the World Trading System
- What can Developing Countries Achieve in the WTO?
- Labor, Environment and the World Trading System
- Liberalizing Agriculture
Not-Very-Technical Articles
- An Introduction to the WTO and GATT
- Economic Theory and the Interpretation of GATT/WTO
- Canada Dairy Subsidies
- Trade Liberalization and Food Security
- Dispelling Some Misconceptions about Agricultural Trade Liberalization
- The Economics of Permissible WTO Retaliation
More-Technical Articles
- *A Direct Test of the Theory of Comparative Advantage
- *An Empirical Assessment of the Comparative Advantage Gains from Trade
- *New Trade Models, Same Old Gains?; OECD Input-Output Database; The long and short (run) of trade elasticities
- When trade stops: Lessons from the Gaza Blockade 2007-2010
- Why Trade Matters After All
- German Foreign Trade and the Reparation Payments
- *Optimal Tariffs and Market Power: The Evidence
- *The World Income Distribution; Asiaphoria Meets Regression to the Mean; What Remains of Cross-Country Convergence?; Being Charged by an elephant: A story of globalization and inequality
- Trading Population for Productivity
- Aid, Dutch Disease and Manufacturing Growth
- NBER Working Paper No. 11947: What’s so Special about China’s Exports?
- *Comparative Advantage, Trade and Payments in a Ricardian Model with a Continuum of Goods
- The China Syndrome
- *The Case of the Missing Trade and Other Mysteries
- NBER Working Paper 9161: Winners and Losers over Two Centuries of Globalization
- Were Heckscher and Ohlin Right?
- *Trade, Turnover, and Tithing
- Trade and Inequality in Developing Countries: A General Equilibrium Analysis
- *What Do Trade Negotiators Negotiate About? Empirical Evidence from the World Trade Organization
- How Large is the Bias Against Exports from Import Tariffs?
- Strategic Trade, Competitive Industries and Agricultural Trade Disputes
- Measuring Industry-Specific Protection: Antidumping in the United States
- *Trade Wars: What do they mean? Why are they happening now? What are the costs?
- Is the WTO Passé?
- *Multilateral Trade Bargaining: A First Look at the GATT Bargaining Records
- *A World Trading System for the Twenty-First Century
International Economics Links
- WTO Home Page
- ALI Principles of Trade Law: The World Trade Organization
- World Bank Home Page
- IMF Home Page
- USTR Home Page
- The Center for International Data at U.C. Davis
- Forum for Research in Empirical International Trade
- U.S. Antidumping Database
- Trade Polls
- World Integrated Trade Solution (WITS)
- WITS World Trade Indicators
- Temporary Trade Barriers Database
- GATT Bilateral Negotiating Records
- WTO Tariff Analysis Online
- Global Preferential Trade Agreements Database
- Federal Reserve Economic Data
- NBER International Trade and Investment Program
- NBER International Finance and Macroeconomics Program