We are proud to announce the creation of the Sadie Alexander Association (SAA). SAA will strive to encourage Black students and other underrepresented minorities to explore the field of economics, take economics courses, and pursue a degree in economics.
We recognize the widespread perception that studying economics is disproportionately difficult for black, minority, and FGLI students, and we will strive to overturn that view because we believe that understanding and engaging in economic policies is crucial for everyone. We have been inspired by the legacy of Sadie Alexander, who was the first black woman to receive a Ph.D. in Economics. We appreciate the Economics Department’s commitment to tackle these issues, and we are grateful for their support in establishing SAA.
In collaboration with the faculty and staff of the Economics Department, SAA believes that existing barriers to diversity can be eliminated. SAA will provide a place for Black students and other minorities to find support and solace while navigating the field of Economics. SAA will help students make connections with peers, faculty, graduate students, and alumni. And we are eager to get started, so please come join us for our inaugural meeting on Thursday, April 8th, 2021 at 7 PM EST! We hope to see you soon! 😎
Laura Francisco ’22, Mothibi (Tibi) Penn-Kekana ’22, Jenique Richards ’22, and Tinotenda (Tino) Kuretu ’22