Tuesday, May 10 | 12:15–1:15 pm EDT (Zoom)

How do politics and emotion intersect? How might our understandings of sovereignty change if we account for feelings and emotions? How is gender mobilized in assertions of sovereignty?
Making the Pakistani state and Pakistan-based Taliban her objects of study, Shenila Khoja-Moolji (Gender, Sexuality, and Women’s Studies, Bowdoin College) contemplates these questions in her award-winning book, Sovereign Attachments: Masculinity, Muslimness, and Affective Politics in Pakistan (University of California Press, 2021), by paying particular attention to state and non-state cultural productions that shape national publics.
Join us to hear more!
Zahra Ayubi (Religion, Dartmouth College), Marya Hannun (Center for Contemporary Arab Studies, Georgetown University) will be joining the author for this conversation.
Elizabeth Lhost (History, Dartmouth College) will moderate.
Register online to attend: https://dartgo.org/conversations-khoja-moolji
This event is sponsored by the Bodas Family Academic Programming Fund | the Asian Societies, Cultures, and Languages Program | and the Department of History at Dartmouth College.
All are welcome to attend.