Conversations on South Asia with Gregory Clines

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Tuesday, January 10 | 12:15-1:15 PM ET | Zoom

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cover of "Jain Ramayana Narratives"

The Rāmāyaṇa—the story of Rām and the kidnapping of his beloved Sītā by the malevolent Rāvaṇa—is one of the world’s best-known epics. Translated, transformed, told, and retold for centuries, the tale remains an important touchstone for religious—and political—life across South Asia and in the diaspora.     

Yet for all its popularity, most associate the epic with Hindu religious traditions. What sense, then, can we make of Jain retellings? What moral, ethical, and political imaginings do these versions offer? 

Analyzing three Jain texts, Gregory Clines (Trinity University) offers some answers in his new book Jain Rāmāyaṇa Narratives: Moral Vision and Literary Innovation (Routledge Advances in Jaina Studies, 2022).

Join us on January 10 to learn more.   

Paula Richman (Emerita, Oberlin College) and Sohini Pillai (Kalamazoo College) will be joining the author for this discussion.

Elizabeth Lhost will moderate.

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All are welcome to attend.


The Conversations on South Asia Series is sponsored by the Bodas Family Academic Programming Fund, the Asian Societies, Cultures, and Languages Program, and the Department of History at Dartmouth College.

Conversations on South Asia with Tarini Bedi

"Conversations on South Asia" header

Tuesday, December 13 | 12:15–1:15 PM ET

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In Mumbai, the black and yellow taxi is an ubiquitous symbol of the city, its hustle, its grind, and its grit.

Focusing on the hereditary community of chillia taxi drivers, who have sustained the industry for over a century, Tarini Bedi (University of Illinois Chicago) explores how lives, livelihoods, mobility, and modernity are bound together in tangled webs of economics, politics, kinship, care.

How have taxi drivers sewn the webs that bind them to the city? And what are the strings that stitch them together today?

Join us to learn more.

Deepa Das Acevedo (University of Alabama Law School) and Biju Mathew (Rider University) will be joining the author for this discussion. 

Elizabeth Lhost will moderate.

Register to attend:

All are welcome to attend.


The Conversations on South Asia Series is sponsored by the Bodas Family Academic Programming Fund, the Asian Societies, Cultures, and Languages Program, and the Department of History at Dartmouth College.