Instrumental Stress Relief for Finals

Classes are almost over. Take a deep breath. You got this.

Instead of rapidly moving on to the next thing on your agenda (finals, spring break plans, etc.) take a moment to pause and take stock of all that you worked on this past term. Celebrate the successes, acknowledge the setbacks, and give yourself a moment to just breathe and be. Taking moments, even fleeting ones, to pause can help you reset for what’s to come.

That’s exactly what helps Dartmouth student, Denva Nesbeth Jr ’24, de-stress and thrive:

I view wellbeing as one of the most important aspects of my life. Considering the multitude of responsibilities I have on and outside of campus, I actively make sure I give myself breaks and do things to ensure that I’m in a good mental space. Whether it’s working on music because I find it fulfilling or setting aside some minutes in the day for mindfulness to be present in the moment or spending time with my friends, my wellbeing and mental health are central to me. 

Denva Nesbeth Jr ’24

To take a page from Denva’s “wellbeing” playbook, we are thrilled to share his super chill and calming instrumental track, “In the Stacks”. Denva described making the instrumental last year in the spring while he was in the library and was inspired to create something that could be listened to while reading, studying, or doing any kind of work.

The “In The Stacks” single itself, as well as the full album, can be listened to while one is reviewing for a midterm or working on a problem set or a 10 page paper. You can also listen to it when you’re chilling with your friends or chilling by yourself or have it in the background while eating with friends. If you’ve had a long, stressful day or you feel burdened with problem sets or pulling an all-nighter, you can listen to help lock in or give you a relief of stress!

As we turn the corner towards finals — we offer this track as a gift to you. Listen to it on your own, with others, or you can often find it playing in the Student Wellness Center Tranquility Room (a space to help you pause and take a break while in the library). In whatever way the melodic beat of “In the Stacks” finds you, we hope it offers you respite from the demands and stresses of life.

Many thanks to Denva Nesbeth Jr. for opening our ears and hearts!

Denva Nesbeth, Jr. is a ’24 studying Mathematical Data Science with an intention to minor in FILM & Media Studies. He is the Vice President of the National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE) chapter on campus. He was previously involved in the Sustainability Action Program and as a research assistant with the Augmented Health Lab.