Compassionate Action during Green Key Weekend

Concert goers at GreenKey.

Following post brought to you by Student Wellness Center rock star intern, Michael Burns Jr. ’26

Green Key weekend is just around the corner, and we all know what that means – friends, parties, and lots of fun! But we also know that it’s important to be conscious and intentional about our choices, especially when it comes to alcohol and partying. That’s why we’re here to share some tips and ideas to help you make your Green Key weekend a fun and conscious one!

First and foremost, remember that you have the power and choice to make your Green Key what you want it to be. Whether you choose to abstain altogether, take it easy, or party hard, it’s up to you. There’s no right or wrong way to do Green Key, as long as you’re making conscious and intentional choices that feel good for you.

If you do choose to drink, remember to do so responsibly and intentionally. That means knowing your limits, staying hydrated, and avoiding dangerous situations. It also means being respectful of others and their boundaries. 

But what if you choose to abstain? That’s totally cool too! You can still have a great time during Green Key weekend without alcohol. You can join in on the festivities, dance the night away, and connect with others.

And here’s where the idea of compassionate action comes in. By being conscious and intentional about our choices, we can also be compassionate towards ourselves and others. That means listening to our bodies and minds, respecting our own boundaries, and being supportive of others in their choices as well.

So, let’s make this Green Key weekend a fun and conscious one! Remember that you have the power and choice to make it what you want it to be. And by doing so with compassion and intentionality, we can create a safe and enjoyable space for everyone.

Here are some tips for practicing intentionality while drinking:

  1. Set an intention about drinking or not: Think about what you want to get out of the night and set a clear intention for how you want to feel and behave. This could be anything from wanting to have a fun time with friends to wanting to stay safe and in control. 

  2. Know your limits: If you choose to drink, be aware of how much you can drink before you start feeling out of control, and stick to that limit. It’s okay to say no to drinks or to take a break from drinking altogether if you feel uncomfortable.

  3. Pace yourself: Drinking too quickly can lead to losing control and not being able to stick to your intentions. Take it slow and give yourself time to enjoy the experience.

  4. Drink water and eat food: Staying hydrated and well-fed can help you stay in control and avoid negative consequences from drinking too much. Check out all the great things (including FREE food) Green Key@Collis is offering!

  5. Be aware of your surroundings: Pay attention to your surroundings and make sure you and others feel safe in the environment. If you feel uncomfortable or unsafe, don’t hesitate to leave or ask for help. If you notice that something might be off for someone else, check in.

  6. Be respectful of others: Drinking can lead to poor decision-making and negative behavior. Make sure you are respectful of others and their boundaries.

  7. Have a plan for getting home safely: Check in with each other at the end of the night and make sure everyone in your group has a way to get home safely.  If you’re farther than a walk, don’t risk driving/biking under the influence – use a designated driver or a ride-sharing service. 

Cheers to a great Green Key weekend!

Michael Burn Jr. ’26