Summer of Reflection: Roots of Wellness

Dear Dartmouth, 

Welcome to summer term 2023! What a glorious time to be in the Upper Valley – the temperatures are rising, the swimming holes and rivers are warming to a comfortable swimming level, and the earth is blooming in its full glory.  Everywhere you look, there is growth and life.  

While that expansion of life is visually happening above ground, the real work is happening at the ground level – within the soil and through the roots.  The soil requires nourishment in order for the roots to be secure and strong.  When the roots have safety and security within the soil they delve deep into, only then can true flourishing above ground take place. 

We, too, are part of this expansive ecosystem and although our foundation may be different than literal roots driving into the ground, we are similar in the way that the “soil” we live in and the “roots” that keep us grounded and secure must be tended to in order for us to thrive. 

With this in mind, we’ll be taking this summer term to focus on the theme of  “Reflecting on our Roots”.

This summer’s theme is all about slowing down and taking time to turn inward; to pause and courageously, yet kindly, explore all the aspects that make up YOU.  When we take time for self-study, we have the opportunity to appreciate the areas of our lives that are nourishing and energy-giving while also acknowledging areas that might either be depleting or that could use some intentional attention so that they work for us, rather than against us.  

We’ll be using our Roots of Wellbeing (seven dimensions of wellbeing) model, as a helpful guide through this process.  Each week we’ll invite you to reflect on a different “root of wellbeing” and determine which of your roots are thriving and life-giving and what areas may need some weeding and/or watering.  As much as the summer is a wonderful time for the earth to take root, thrive, and provide nourishment for us all, so too, is this a wonderful time for us all to reflect on the aspects of our lives that can help contribute to a life lived with vitality, balance, and yes, even, joy. 

Our hope for you this term is that along with joyfully connecting with the growth and life that surrounds us, that you also give yourself the space and time to turn inwards and offer yourself nourishment where it is most needed. 

Here is to the long days of summer, 

Your friends from the Student Wellness Center

Remember the SWC is here for you – If you need someone to talk to we provide one-on-one wellness check-ins.  If taking time for yourself in a group experience would be best,  join in with others during our mindfulness meditations or  yoga classes. 

We’ll also continue to offer our Brief Alcohol Screening and Intervention for College Students (BASICS) sessions to students who want to take a deeper dive into their wellbeing, our Sexual Violence Prevention Project (SVPP) trainings and offer other SWC resources and services.