Pause. The Power of Quiet Reflection

Dear Dartmouth,

Summer term ’24 is finally here and, in the midst of this dizzying heat wave, it seems Mother Nature is the first to remind us that slowing down and laying back can offer essential benefits! In that spirit, we kick off our term reflecting on “pause” and the many ways we can exercise power and agency from something as simple as slowing down. Within pause lies the freedom to create space, to respond instead of react, and to reflect on the best directions for us going forward.

What we do in pause matters. Pause, or a simple break, can offer such benefits as:

Pause can look different based on how much time we can dedicate to it. Pause can show up in as little as a few seconds or minutes, or as long a day, a week, or more of intentional recess. Here are some ways to make the most of pause, no matter the length:

  • Only have a few minutes? Try this simple STOP practice to focus on activating our body’s ‘relaxation response’ by pausing and breathing. Or meet up with one of our therapy dogs for some puppy-inspired downtime.
  • Have 30 minutes to a few hours for dedicated rest? Check out our journaling prompts to guide your reflections on the past or ways to connect with longer-term goals. Or refresh by getting outside—take a walk around Occom Pond or visit nearby Pine Park.
  • Do you have an upcoming vacation, sabbatical, volunteer service, or other form of prolonged pause? Use that time to practice engaging in play, restoration, and relaxation. Research shows that taking an extended break (1-5 weeks) in an environment that feels removed from daily activities has restorative benefits, including improving attention and cognitive performance.

However pause looks like for you this summer, know that we regain control of any moment or period when we stop to reflect and move forward in a manner more aligned with our hopes, dreams, and values. Stick with us this summer as we explore the many ways to apply pause and reflection in our daily lives.

Take it easy, Dartmouth 🙂

Your friends at the Student Wellness Center

Collective Poem: Mindful Immersion in Nature

This poem was written by the attendees of the Mindful Immersion in Nature program on June 14th, 2024. The participants, hailing from all corners of the Dartmouth community, were asked to contribute one line of poetry reflecting on their experience immersing in a wild place on Dartmouth’s campus together.

Nature is presence, go out
Mosquitos in trees, and ants in grass
Tiny fairy house blood sucking mosquitos
Move you body, love you life, you are here now
Dance this Life
And so it begins, this becoming, this heart inducing love
Free, free oh so free to just be

The next Mindful Immersion in Nature event will take place July 12th. Hope to see you there!