Written by Alleah Schweitzer, Wellbeing Program Coordinator, Student Wellness Center
He brought me a cup of tea before we began the interview. I was seated on a retro couch in a farmhouse in rural Washington, asking a farmer to tell me his story. I wanted to know why he embraced sustainable agriculture when the bumper stickers on his pick-up would appear to suggest otherwise. I had similar such experiences with this farming community for my graduate work. Each time, I was met with warmth, honesty, even gratitude.
Looking back, my project wasn’t just about categorizing the ideologies and mythologies the study population embraced. It also highlighted the power of curiosity and the role it can play in helping us connect across experience. I genuinely wanted to understand the positions of these farmers because I genuinely wanted to explore what belief systems could inspire more people to embrace a greener, more sustainable future for all. Seeking deeper truth for its own sake brought me closer to true understanding. It also made clear to me the value of active listening (giving someone your full attention, and withholding judgment with the intention to understand what the other person says).
Here are some ways to harness your own curiosity as a way to connect meaningfully across experiences:
- Begin by nurturing your own curiosity. Notice when your curiosity is piqued by a certain topic or perspective. Try giving yourself the permission to be intrigued and to follow that line of inquiry, wherever it leads. Do a deep-dive search on an issue that compels you.
- Seek out diverse experiences and practice being active listener. Join a club meeting, take a class, attend a HOP event or check out a Black Legacy Month event you wouldn’t otherwise. Observe any differences in experiences you encounter as opportunities for expanding your own perspective.
- Encourage others to share their personal story. Storytelling (paired with active listening) can offer cultural and emotional insights about someone’s personal experience. With an open and curious mindset, you might be surprised to learn that you share more in common than you think. Try this “Just Like Me” meditation to practice this mindset shift on your own.
Harnessing the power of curiosity can be a tool in our toolkit that helps us dig deeper into the realm of understanding. Especially when applied to our efforts to meaningfully connect with others, who might share experiences outside our own. I often wonder how enriched our lives and communities could be if we approached engaging with different experiences from a place of openness and a genuine willingness to learn.