To You All,
The unexpected sadness that has enveloped our community this term is a testament to the importance and impact of the recent and past lives lost that we continue to grieve. In recent weeks, I have witnessed and participated in so many experiences of students, staff, and faculty, coming together. Through those experiences, I am reminded of the importance of connection in times of hardship and in times of joy. For that reason, our SWC theme of “Fall into Connection” could not be more appropriate and I am grateful to introduce Armita’s student perspective on the topic. Enjoy her post below!
Caitlin, Director of the SWC
Dear Dartmouth,
Happy 22F!
The weather is cooling down, the leaves are starting to change, and we have a whole new class of ‘26s on campus. Whether this is your first term at Dartmouth or your last fall here, connection seems to be the big theme.
This month at the Student Wellness Center, we are exploring the theme of Falling into Connection. “Connection,” like most SWC themes, means something different to everyone. You may want to reconnect with an area of campus you’ve taken a step back from or be intentional about where you want to begin your connections in the first place. Reflecting on how you can Fall into Connection with place, people, and yourself is a great start! by
Grab a pen, paper, or the notes app on your phone and really think about the following:
Connecting with Place
Where we are – our physical location – is such an important factor in our sense of connection.
What is your favorite study spot on campus? Why do you like working there?
Where is your favorite place on campus to relax? What about that place makes you feel calm or rejuvenated?
If you don’t have an answer to either question, try going to 3 new spots on campus this term! For me, I love Sanborn, the Tower Room, and Rocky.
Connecting with People
It can take your entire Dartmouth experience to find the right people who understand you and with whom you get along. I don’t know anyone who found all of their best friends during their freshman fall and that is ok! Still, there is an opportunity every term to meet new people and reconnect with old friends. Ask yourself the following:
How are you going to reach out to one new person this term?
How will you reconnect with an old friend, whether from Dartmouth or home?
This can be something as simple as sending a text message or starting up a conversation while walking on the green. The biggest thing: don’t overthink it! You’re an awesome human being and everyone is looking forward to connecting with their community especially earlier in the term.
Connecting with Yourself
As much as we put effort into connecting with the people and places around us, we need to turn that attention towards ourselves in the same way. Connecting with ourselves, our values, and the activities we enjoy doing is just as important as reaching out to a friend.
Set up a weekly goal. Carve out one hour in your week where you are doing something for yourself. It can literally be anything: going on a walk, grabbing coffee, or simply doing nothing (that’s valid too!).
At the end of each week, ask yourself: What did I do this week to nourish my soul?
It can be big or small.
That’s it! Hopefully, you can use these questions as a jumping-off point for more reflection and connection. Checkout the following playlist for some fun fall vibes 🙂
Spotify Playlist – https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2COYoxitg3k3SqSks9lxCS
- Ho Hey by the Lumineers
- Budapest by George Ezra
- Bubble Gum by Clairo
- Everybody Wants to Rule The World by Tears for Fears
- Send me on my way by Rusted Roots
- Horses by Maggie Rogers
- Dear to Me by Electric Guest
- This Must be the Place by Sure Sure
- Mammal Talk by Prince of Eden
- Bloom by the Paper Kits
Until next time,
Armita Mirkarimi ’25