Resources on the Web

Environmental Health and Toxicology

Children’s Environmental Health and Disease Prevention Research Center at Dartmouth The Center’s mission is to identify and address key emerging issues related to health impacts of early life environmental exposures.

Southern NH Area Health Education Center (AHEC) AHEC is a community-based organization currently serving Sullivan, Hillsborough, Merrimack, Strafford, Cheshire, and Rockingham counties. Their focus is on under-served communities and they provide education for students, practicing health professionals, and members of southern New Hampshire communities.

National Area Health Education Center (AHEC) The AHEC mission is to enhance access to quality health care, particularly primary and preventive care, by improving the supply and distribution of healthcare professionals via strategic partnerships with academic programs, communities, and professional organizations.

New England Pediatric Environmental Health Specialty Unit (PEHSU) The mission of the New England PEHSU is to provide education and consultation for families, health care professionals, communities and policy makers on environmental threats to children’s health.

ATSDR: Substance Index for ToxFAQs The Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) creates toxicological profiles on contaminants found at hazardous waste sites. Each profile has a summary page and answers to frequently asked questions.

MedlinePlus: Environmental Health Medline Health Information is a service of the National Library of Medicine and the National Institute of Health. This site offers a database on health topics, drug information, and other resources, including many links to information about toxic metals and environmental health.

U.S. EPA: Children’s Health Protection This site contains EPA links to information about potential environmental hazards for children.


National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences Superfund Research Program (SRP) The SRP provides practical, scientific solutions to protect health, the environment, and communities. As part of NIEHS, an Institute of the National Institutes of Health, SRP works to learn more about ways to protect the public from exposure to hazardous substances, such as industrial solvents, arsenic, lead, and mercury. These and other toxic substances are found in contaminated water, soil, and air at hazardous waste sites throughout the United States.

U.S. EPA: Superfund Quickfinder This is the EPA’s Superfund page, which provides links to every superfund site in the nation and contains all kinds of information about cleaning up the Nation’s hazardous wastes sites.

Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) ATSDR is based in Atlanta, Georgia, and is a federal public health agency of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. ATSDR protects communities from harmful health effects related to exposure to natural and man-made hazardous substances by responding to environmental health emergencies; investigating emerging environmental health threats; conducting research on the health impacts of hazardous waste sites; and building capabilities of and providing actionable guidance to state and local health partners.

Water Quality

Private Well Testing in New England This page provides contact information for the New England states’ private well testing programs and certified laboratories.

New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services This webpage provides information on New Hampshire drinking water and groundwater programs and services.

U.S. EPA: Drinking Water Regulations This site provides links to drinking water regulations on contaminants that are regulated under the Safe Drinking Water Act. It also has links to other valuable information related to drinking water. This website, produced by the National Groundwater Association (NGWA), provides general information on private wells and arsenic and arsenic treatment options. The NGWA also provides a Private Well Owner Hotline (855-420-9355) to have a conversation about water quality in general and discuss arsenic in drinking water.

Water Systems Council The Water Systems Council provides information by state to learn more about water testing resources where you live.

Environmental Education

NIEHS: Environmental Health Science Education The Environmental Health Science Education website provides educators, students and scientists with easy access to reliable tools, resources and classroom materials.

NIH’s Environmental Health Education Portal The purpose of this site is to connect children, parents and teachers to environmental health information.

U.S. EPA: Learn About Environmental Health Risks This site is a comprehensive guide for students on everything from facts on human health, conservation, and recycling, to environmental news updates, internships, and science activities.

EPA’s Teacher and Student Resources and Lesson Plans This site is designed for students and teachers; it contains an array of lesson plans, activities and ideas.

United States Geological Survey: Water Science School This site offers information on many aspects of water, along with pictures, data, and maps. The format is interactive and allows you to give opinions and test your water knowledge.

All About Arsenic This website focuses on “Data to Action: A Secondary School-Based Citizen Science Project to Address Arsenic Contamination of Well Water, ” and aims to engage students as citizen scientists and provide them with the tools and skills to test wells in their communities and analyze the data.

Community Tools

Well Water Community Action Toolkit This toolkit provides a step-by-step guide to help communities ensure the safety of private well water.

Be Well Informed Guide  Produced by the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services, Be Well Informed is designed to help you understand your water test results and, if your well water has commonly found pollutants in it, provide information about health concerns and water treatment choices.

Arsenic and You This website is designed to answer your questions about arsenic. It includes comprehensive information on arsenic in food, water and other sources,  to help you lower your exposure to this toxic metal and improve your family’s long-term health.

Mercury Fish Advisory APP Designed for the State of Vermont, this APP provides easy access to mercury levels in fish and which fish are safer to eat than others. Use it on mobile phones and tablets. Some information may not be relevant for out-of state residents.

NIEHS: Partnerships for Environmental Public Health The PEPH program brings focus and coordination to NIEHS extramural environmental public health activities. It facilitates interactions among NIEHS program staff and promotes greater connections among grantees. PEPH is a network that brings together scientists, community members, educators, health care providers, public health officials, and policy makers in the shared goal of advancing the impact of environmental public health research at local, regional, and national levels.

NACCHO Toolbox  A free, online collection of local public health tools produced by members of the public health community. The tools are materials and resources public health professionals and other external stakeholders can use to inform and improve their work in the promotion and advancement of public health objectives.

Healthy People 2020: Leading Environmental Quality Indicators The Leading Health Indicators are organized under 12 topics. Environmental Quality is one of the 12 topics.

National Park Service: Community Toolbox Index The National Park Service Rivers, Trails, and Conservation Assistance program (RTCA) empowers communities nationwide to protect their special places. The RTCA created this site to assist RTCA staff in providing technical assistance to communities so they can conserve rivers, preserve open space, and develop trails and greenways.