At the request of the International Science Council, Prof. Webster contributed to a policy brief to the President of the UN General Assembly on global sea level rise, just in time for the UNFCCC COP 28. Her contribution can be seen especially in the language about developing context-specific solutions and avoiding false panaceas.

The journal Global Environmental Politics now has a YouTube Channel highlighting articles from recent issues and providing insights from editors. View the inaugural video (hosted by Prof. Webster, and co-editors Henrik Selin and Susan Park):
October, 2023: The Chesapeake Governance Report (Webster 2022) was quoted in this article by Karl Blankenship in the Bay Journal: Farmers Question whether Chesapeake Bay model reflects reality

Webster, D.G. 2023. Fixing Global Fisheries: Reconciling Domestic Incentives and International Commitments. Mercatus Center.

Prof. Webster is featured in the open access textbook, Fish, Fishing, and Conservation (Orth 2023)
