Mycenaean Tholos Tombs and Early Mycenaean Settlements
[Updated February 2012]
- Colloquia, Symposia, and Festschriften
- Tholos Tombs, Tumuli, and Early Mycenaean Funerary Behavior
- Early Mycenaean Settlements
- Early Mycenaean Political, Economic, and Social Behavior
- Early Mycenaean Pottery
- Potters’ Marks and Pot-marking Systems
External Influences on the Greek Mainland in Early Mycenaean Times
Colloquia, Symposia, and Festschriften
F. Blakolmer, C. Reinholdt, J. Weilhartner, and G. Nightingale (eds.), Österreichische Forschungen zur Ägäischen Bronzezeit 2009 (Vienna 2011) .
H. Cavanagh, W. Cavanagh, and J. Roy (eds.), Honouring the Dead in the Peloponnese (Nottingham 2011).
A. Dakouri-Hild and S. Sherratt (eds.), AUTOCHTHON: Papers Presented to O. T. P. K. Dickinson on the Occasion of His Retirement [BAR-IS 1432] (Oxford 2005).
P. Darcque and J-C. Poursat (eds.), L'iconographie minoenne [BCH Supplement 11] (Paris 1985).
P. Darcque and R. Treuil (eds.), L'habitat égéen préhistorique [BCH Supplement 19] (Paris 1990).
D. Evely, I. S. Lemos, and S. Sherratt (eds.), Minotaur and Centaur: Studies in the Archaeology of Crete and Euboea Presented to Mervyn Popham [BAR-IS 638] (Oxford 1996).
K. P. Foster and R. Laffineur (eds.), METRON: Measuring the Aegean Bronze Age [Aegaeum 24] (Liège/Austin 2003).
O. H. Frey and H. Roth (eds.), Beiträge zur ägäischen Bronzezeit [Kleine Schriften aus dem Vorgeschichtlichen Seminar Marburg 11] (Marburg 1982).
R. Hägg and N. Marinatos (eds.), The Minoan Thalassocracy: Myth and Reality (Stockholm 1984).
R. Hägg and G. C. Nordquist (eds.), Celebrations of Death and Divinity in the Bronze Age Argolid (Stockholm 1990).
R. Laffineur (ed.), THANATOS. Les coutumes funéraires en Égée à l'âge du Bronze [Aegaeum 1] (Liège 1987).
R. Laffineur (ed.), Transition. Le monde égéen du Bronze moyen au Bronze récent [Aegaeum 3] (Liège 1989).
R. Laffineur (ed.), POLEMOS. Le contexte guerrier en Égée à l'Âge du Bronze [Aegaeum 19] (Liège/Austin 1999).
R. Laffineur and W-D. Niemeier, POLITEIA. Society and State in the Aegean Bronze Age [Aegaeum 12] (Liège/Austin 1995).
Tholos Tombs, Tumuli, and Early Mycenaean Funerary Behavior
V. Adrimi-Sismani and S. Alexandrou, “Mykenaïkos tholotos taphos sten these Kazanaki,” in A. Mazarakis-Ainian (ed.), Archaiologiko Ergo Thessalias kai Stereas Elladas 2 (Volos 2009) 133-149.
S. E. Alcock and J. F. Cherry, “‘No Greater Marvel’: A Bronze Age Classic at Orchomenos,” in J. I. Porter (ed.), The Classical Traditions of Greece and Rome (Princeton 2006) 69-86.
R. Avila, "Das Kuppelgrab von Volos-Kapakli," PZ 58(1983) 15-60.
E. Banou and L. Hitchcock, “The ‘Lord of Vapheio’: The Social Identity of the Dead and its Implications for Laconia in the Late Helladic II-IIIA Period,” in H. Cavanagh, W. Cavanagh, and J. Roy (eds.), Honouring the Dead in the Peloponnese (Nottingham 2011) 1-23.
P. Belli, "Architecture as Craftsmanship: LM III Tholoi and their Builders," in R. Laffineur and P. P. Betancourt (eds.), TEXNH: Craftsmen, Craftswomen and Craftsmanship in the Aegean Bronze Age [Aegaeum 16] (Liège/Austin 1997) 251-255.
P. Belli, “On Measuring Tholoi in the Aegean Bronze Age,” in K. P. Foster and R. Laffineur (eds.), METRON: Measuring the Aegean Bronze Age [Aegaeum 24] (Liège/Austin 2003) 403-409.
J. Bennet and I. Galanakis, “Parallels and Contrasts: Early Mycenaean Mortuary Traditions in Messenia and Laconia,” in A. Dakouri-Hild and S. Sherratt (eds.), AUTOCHTHON: Papers Presented to O. T. P. K. Dickinson on the Occasion of His Retirement [BAR-IS 1432] (Oxford 2005) 144-155.
C. W. Blegen, "An Early Tholos Tomb in Western Messenia," Hesperia 23(1954) 158-162.
E. F. Bloedow, "Human and Environmental Interaction in the Emergence and Decline of Mycenaean State and Society," in R. Laffineur and W-D. Niemeier, POLITEIA. Society and State in the Aegean Bronze Age [Aegaeum 12] (Liège/Austin 1995) II: 639-648.
J. Boessneck and A. von den Driesch, "Die zoologische Dokumentation der Reste von vier Pferden und einem Hund aus einem mykenischen Schachtgrab in Kokla bei Argos (Peloponnes)," Spixiana 7:3 (1984) 327-333.
M. J. Boyd, Middle Helladic and Early Mycenaean Mortuary Practices in the Southern and Western Peloponnese [BAR-IS 1009] (Oxford 2002).
R. Bridges, "The Mycenaean Tomb at Kolophon," Hesperia 43(1974) 264-266.
W. G. Cavanagh, "Development of the Mycenaean State in Laconia: Evidence from the Laconia Survey," in R. Laffineur and W-D. Niemeier, POLITEIA. Society and State in the Aegean Bronze Age [Aegaeum 12] (Liège/Austin 1995) I: 81-88.
W. G. Cavanagh and R. R. Laxton, "The Structural Mechanics of the Mycenaean Tholos Tomb," BSA 76(1981) 109-140.
W. G. Cavanagh and R. R. Laxton, "Corbelled Vaulting in the Late Minoan Tholos Tombs of Crete," BSA 77(1982) 65-77.
W. G. Cavanagh and R. R. Laxton, "Problem Solving and the Architecture of Tholos Tombs," in E. B. French and K. A. Wardle (eds.), Problems in Greek Prehistory (Bristol 1988) 385-395.
W. Cavanagh and C. Mee, A Private Place: Death in Prehistoric Greece [SIMA 125] (Jonsered 1998) 41-60.
W. Cavanagh and C. Mee, "Building the Treasury of Atreus," in P. P. Betancourt, V. Karageorghis, R. Laffineur, and W.-D. Niemeier (eds.), MELETEMATA: Studies in Aegean Archaeology Presented to Malcolm H. Wiener as He Enters His 65th Year [Aegaeum 20] (Liège/Austin 1999) 93-102.
M. Cultraro, “Il tipo di tomba ipogeica a grotticella artificiale in ambito egeo: Alcune osservazioni,” in L’ipogeismo nel Mediterraneo (Sassari 2000) 473-499.
F. Dakoronia, Marmara: Ta ypomykenaïka nekrotapheia ton tymbon (Athens 1987).
P. Darcque, "Les tholoi et l'organization socio-politique du monde mycénien," in R. Laffineur (ed.), THANATOS. Les coutumes funéraires en Égée à l'âge du Bronze [Aegaeum 1] (Liège 1987) 185-205.
S. Deger-Jalkotzy, "Mykenische Herrschaftsformen ohne Paläste und die griechische Polis," in R. Laffineur and W-D. Niemeier, POLITEIA. Society and State in the Aegean Bronze Age [Aegaeum 12] (Liège/Austin 1995) II: 367-377.
K. Demakopoulou, "The Burial Ritual in the Tholos Tomb at Kokla, Argolis," in R. Hägg and G. C. Nordquist (eds.), Celebrations of Death and Divinity in the Bronze Age Argolid (Stockholm 1990) 113-123.
O. T. P. K. Dickinson, The Origins of Mycenaean Civilization [SIMA 49] (Göteborg 1977).
O. T. P. K. Dickinson, "Cist Graves and Chamber Tombs," BSA 78(1983) 55-67.
C. Dobiat, "Zu den Massverhältnissen in mykenischen Tholosgräbern," in O. H. Frey and H. Roth (eds.), Beiträge zur ägäischen Bronzezeit [Kleine Schriften aus dem Vorgeschichtlichen Seminar Marburg 11] (Marburg 1982) 1-12.
W. Dörpfeld, "Alt-Pylos I," AM 23(1908) 295-317.
S. E. Ellis, R. A. Higgins, and R. Hope-Simpson, "The Facade of the Treasury of Atreus at Mycenae," BSA 63(1968) 331-336.
A. J. Evans, The Shaft Graves and Bee-Hive Tombs of Mycenae and their Interrelation (London 1929).
R. D. Fitzsimons, “Monumental Architecture and the Construction of the Mycenaean State,” in N. Terrenato and D. C. Haggis (eds.), State Formation in Italy and Greece: Questioning the Neoevolutionist Paradigm (Oxford 2011) 75-118.
B. S. Frizell, "The Tholos Tomb at Berbati," Opuscula Atheniensia 15(1984) 25-44.
B. S. Frizell, “Monumental Building at Mycenae: Its Function and Audience,” Opuscula Atheniensia 22-23(1997-98) 103-116.
B. S. Frizell, “Giants or Geniuses? Monumental Building at Mycenae,” Current Swedish Archaeology 6(1998) 167-184.
B. S. Frizell, “The Rhetoric of Building Construction,” in G. Malm (ed.), Toward an Archaeology of Buildings: Contexts and Concepts [BAR-IS 1186] (Oxford 2003) 15-30.
B. S. Frizell and R. Santillo, "The Construction and Structural Behavior of the Mycenaean Tholos Tomb," Opuscula Atheniensia 15(1984) 45-52.
B. S. Frizell and R. Santillo, "The Mycenaean Tholos - A False Cupola?," in E. B. French and K. A. Wardle (eds.), Problems in Greek Prehistory (Bristol 1988) 443-446.
R. Hägg and F. Sieurin, "On the Origin of the Wooden Coffin in Late Bronze Age Greece," BSA 77(1982) 177-186.
M. S. F. Hood, "Mycenae, 1939-1952. Part IV. The Epano Phournos Tholos Tomb," BSA 48(1953) 69- .
M. S. F. Hood, "Tholos Tombs of the Aegean," Antiquity 34(1960) 166-176.
K. Kalogeropoulos, Die frühmykenischen Grabfunde von Analipsis (Südostliches Arkadien) mit einem Beitrag zu den Palatialen Amphoren des griechischen Festlandes [Archaiologike Etaireia Athenon 175] (Athens 1998).
K. Kalogeropoulos, “The Social and Religious Significance of Palatial Jars as Grave Offerings,” in H. Cavanagh, W. Cavanagh, and J. Roy (eds.), Honouring the Dead in the Peloponnese (Nottingham 2011) 207-236.
A. Kanta, "Late Bronze Age Tholos Tombs, Origin and Evolution. The Missing Links," in J. Driessen and A. Farnoux (eds.), La Crète mycénienne [BCH Supplement 30] (Paris 1997) 229-247.
T. Karachalios, "Tholotos taphos en Kalyviois (Pellanes), AD 10(1926) Parartema 41-44.
A. Karytinos, "Sealstones in Cemeteries: A Display of Social Status?," in K. Branigan (ed.), Cemetery and Society in the Aegean Bronze Age [Sheffield Studies in Aegean Archaeology 1] (Sheffield 1998) 78-86.
D. Kaza-Papageorgiou, "An Early Mycenaean Cist Grave from Argos," AM 100(1985) 1-21.
I. Kilian-Dirlmeier, "Das Kuppelgrab von Vapheio (Lakonien): Die Beigabenausstattung in der Steinkiste: Untersuchungen zur Sozialstruktur in späthelladischer Zeit" JRGZM 34(1987) 197-212.
E. Konsolaki-Yiannopoulou, “E Magoula ston Galata tes Troizenias: Ena neo ME-YE kentro ston Saroniko,” in E. Konsolaki-Yiannopoulou (ed.), Argosaronikos: Praktika 1ou Diethnous Synedriou Istorias kai Archaiologias tou Argosaronikou (Athens 2003) A: 159-228.
L. Kontorli-Papadopoulou, "Mycenaean Tholos Tombs: Some Thoughts on Burial Customs and Rites," in C. Morris (ed.), KLADOS: Essays in Honour of J. N. Coldstream [BICS Supplement 63] (London 1995) 111-122.
G. S. Korres, "Tymboi, tholoi, kai taphikoi kykloi tes Messenias," in Proceedings of the First International Conference of Peloponnesian Studies 2 (Athens 1976) 337-369.
G. S. Korres, "Burial Customs in Tholos 2 at Routsi (Myrsinochori)," in P. Oliva and A. Frolikova (eds.), Concilium Eirene XVI (Prague 1983) III: 91-97.
K. Kourouniotes, "Pylou Messeniakes tholotos taphos," AE (1914) 99- .
K. Kourouniotes, “Peri tou tholotou taphou Osmanaga Pylou,” PAE (1925-26) 140-141.
E. Krigas, E proïstorike Analipsis Arkadias (Ph.D. dissertation, University of Athens 1983).
J. Lebegyev, “Phases of Childhood in Early Mycenaean Greece,” Childhood in the Past 2(2009) 15-32.
G. Lolling, Das Kuppelgrab bei Menidi (Athens 1880).
H. G. Lolling and P. Wolters, “Das Kuppelgrab bei Dimini,” AM 11(1886) 435-443.
Y. Lolos, "The Tholos Tomb at Koryphasion: Evidence for the Transition from Middle to Late Helladic in Messenia," in R. Laffineur (ed.), Transition. Le monde égéen du Bronze moyen au Bronze récent [Aegaeum 3] (Liège 1989) 171-175.
J. Maran, "Zur Zeitstellung der Grabhügel von Marmara," Archäologisches Korrespondenzblatt 18(1988) 341-355.
C. Marabea, “The Tholos Tomb at Kambos, Avia: Excavation by Christos Tsountas, 1891,” in H. Cavanagh, W. Cavanagh, and J. Roy (eds.), Honouring the Dead in the Peloponnese (Nottingham 2011) 427-440.
S. Marinatos, "Excavations near Pylos, 1956," Antiquity 31(1957) 97-100.
D. J. Mason, “The Location of the Treasury of Atreus,” OJA 26(2007) 35-52.
C. B. Mee and W. G. Cavanagh, "Mycenaean Tombs as Evidence for Social and Political Organization," OJA 3(1984) 45-64.
K. Müller, "Alt-Pylos II. Die Funde aus den Kuppelgräbern von Kakovatos," AM 34(1909) 269-328.
K. Müller, "Das Kuppelgrab von Tiryns," Tiryns VIII (Mainz 1975) 1-6.
S. Müller, Les tombes mycéniennes de Médéon de Phocide: architecture et mobilier (Ph.D. dissertation, University of Lyon II 1995).
G. E. Mylonas, Mycenae and the Mycenaean Age (Princeton 1966) 119-135.
G. Nordquist and A. Ingvarsson-Sundström, “Live Hard, Die Young: Middle and Early Late Helladic Mortuary Remains of Children from the Argolid in Social Context,” in A. Dakouri-Hild and S. Sherratt (eds.), AUTOCHTHON: Papers Presented to O. T. P. K. Dickinson on the Occasion of His Retirement [BAR-IS 1432] (Oxford 2005) 156-174.
N. Papadimitriou, “’Passing Away’ or ‘Passing Through’? Changing Funerary Attitudes in the Peloponnese at the MBA/LBA Transition,” in H. Cavanagh, W. Cavanagh, and J. Roy (eds.), Honouring the Dead in the Peloponnese (Nottingham 2011) 467-492.
T. I. Papadopoulos, "Das mykenische Kuppelgrab von Kiperi bei Parga (Epirus)," AM 96(1981) 7-24.
M-Ph. Papakonstantinou, "Early Mycenaean Tumuli at Glypha in Phthiotis (Ancient Antron)," BICS 41(1996) 137-138.
L. Papazoglou-Manioudaki, “Dishonouring the Dead: The Plundering of Tholos Tombs in the Early Palatial Period and the Case of the Tholos Tomb at Mygdalia Hill (Petroto) in Achaea,” in H. Cavanagh, W. Cavanagh, and J. Roy (eds.), Honouring the Dead in the Peloponnese (Nottingham 2011) 501-520.
O. Pelon, Tholoi, tumuli et cercles funéraires (Paris 1976).
O. Pelon, "Jean Servais et l'architecture funéraire de Thorikos," Bulletin de liaison de la Société des Amis de la Bibliothèque Salomon Reinach 4(1986) 9-17.
O. Pelon, "Les tombes à tholos de l'Argolide: architecture et rituel funéraire," in R. Hägg and G. C. Nordquist (eds.), Celebrations of Death and Divinity in the Bronze Age Argolid (Stockholm 1990) 107-112.
O. Pelon, "Les tombes circulaires dans l'Égée de l'âge du Bronze: état des recherches sur les tombes à tholos," Topoi 8(1998) 95-158.
A. W. Persson, The Royal Tombs at Dendra near Midea (Lund 1931).
V. P. Petrakis, “Diversity in Form and Practice in Middle Helladic and Early Mycenaean Elaborate Tombs: An Approach to Changing Prestige Expression in Changing Times,” in A. Philippa-Touchais, G. Touchais, S. Voutsaki, and J. Wright (eds.), MESOHELLADIKA: The Greek Mainland in the Middle Bronze Age [BCH Supplement 52] (Paris 2010) 403-416.
L. Phialon, “Funerary Practices in Central Greece from the Middle Helladic into the Early Mycenaean Period,” in A. Philippa-Touchais, G. Touchais, S. Voutsaki, and J. Wright (eds.), MESOHELLADIKA: The Greek Mainland in the Middle Bronze Age [BCH Supplement 52] (Paris 2010) 397-402.
L. Phialon, L’émergence de la civilisation mycénienne en Grèce centrale [Aegaeum 32] (Liège/Austin 2011).
I. Pini, Beiträge zur minoischen Gräberkunde (Wiesbaden 1968).
M. Pomadère, “De l’indifférenciation à la discrimination spatiale des sepultures? Variété des comportements à l’égard des enfants morts pendant l’HM-HR I,” in A. Philippa-Touchais, G. Touchais, S. Voutsaki, and J. Wright (eds.), MESOHELLADIKA: The Greek Mainland in the Middle Bronze Age [BCH Supplement 52] (Paris 2010) 417-429.
E. Protonotariou-Deïlaki, "Tholotos taphos Kazarmas," AAA 1(1968) 236-238.
E. Protonotariou-Deïlaki, "Tholotos taphos Kazarmas," AAA 2(1969) 3-.6
J. Servais, "La tholos circulaire," Thorikos 1968 (Brussels 1971) 21-102.
J. Servais, "Les fouilles sur le haut du Velatouri," Thorikos V, 1968 (Gent 1971) 17- .
J. and B. Servais-Soyez, "La tholos 'oblongue' (Tombe IV) et le tumulus (Tombe V) sur le Vélatouri," in Thorikos VIII, 1972-1976 (Gent 1984) 14-67.
N. Sgouritsa, “Remarks on the Use of Plaster in Tholos Tombs at Mycenae: Hypotheses on the Origin of the Painted Decoration of Tombs in Mainland Greece,” in H. Cavanagh, W. Cavanagh, and J. Roy (eds.), Honouring the Dead in the Peloponnese (Nottingham 2011) 737-754.
T. G. Spyropoulos, "Pellana: the Administrative Center of Prehistoric Laconia," in W. G. Cavanagh and S. E. C. Walker (eds.), Sparta in Laconia [BSA Studies 4] (London 1998) 28-38.
P. Themelis, "Ysteroelladikos tymbos Makrysion," AAA 1(1968) 126-127.
F. Thiersch, "Die Tholos des Atreus zu Mykenae," AM 4(1879) 177-182.
C. Tsountas, "Erevna en te Lakonike kai o taphos tou Vapheiou," AE (1889) 129-172.
M. N. Valmin, "Two Tholos Tombs at Bodia in the Eastern Part of Triphylia," BLund (1926-27) 53-89.
M. N. Valmin, The Swedish Messenia Expedition (Lund 1938).
S. Voutsaki, "Social and Political Processes in the Mycenaean Argolid: The Evidence from Mortuary Practices," in R. Laffineur and W-D. Niemeier, POLITEIA. Society and State in the Aegean Bronze Age [Aegaeum 12] (Liège/Austin 1995) I: 55-66.
S. Voutsaki, "Mortuary Evidence, Symbolic Meanings and Social Change: A Comparison between Messenia and the Argolid in the Mycenaean Period," in K. Branigan (ed.), Cemetery and Society in the Aegean Bronze Age [Sheffield Studies in Aegean Archaeology 1] (Sheffield 1998) 41-58.
S. Voutsaki, “Mortuary Display, Prestige and Identity in the Shaft Grave Era,” in I. Kilian-Dirlmeier and M. Egg (eds.), Eliten in der Bronzezeit: Ergebnisse zweier Colloquien in Mainz und Athen (Mainz 1999) 103-117.
A. J. B. Wace, "Excavations at Mycenae. IX. The Tholos Tombs," BSA 25(1921-23) 283-402.
A. J. B. Wace, "Notes on the Construction of the Tomb of Clytemnestra," BSA 50(1955) .
H. Whittaker, “Religious Symbolism and the Use of Gold in Burial Contexts in the Late Middle Helladic and Early Mycenaean Periods,” SMEA 48(2006) 283-289.
N. Wilkie, "Burial Customs at Nichoria: The MME Tholos," in R. Laffineur (ed.), THANATOS. Les coutumes
funéraires en Égée à l'âge du Bronze [Aegaeum 1] (Liège 1987) 127-136.
J. C. Wright, "Death and Power at Mycenae: Changing Symbols in Mortuary Practice," in R. Laffineur (ed.), THANATOS. Les coutumes funéraires en Égée à l'âge du Bronze [Aegaeum 1] (Liège 1987) 171-184.
J. C. Wright, "Thugs or Heroes? The Early Mycenaeans and their Graves of Gold," in R. H. Howland (ed.), Mycenaean Treasures of the Aegean Bronze Age Repatriated (Washington D.C. 1997) 5-17.
N. Yalouris, "Mykenaïkos tymbos Samikou," AD 20A(1965) 6- .
J. G. Younger, "The Elgin Plaques from the Treasury of Atreus: Evidence for a New Reconstruction of the Facade," in Kolloquium zur Ägäischen Vorgeschichte, Mannheim 20-22.2.1986 [Schriften des deutschen Archäologen-Verbandes 9] (Mannheim 1987) 138-150.
M. Zavadil, "Tholos, Tumulus, oder Gräberrund? Überlegungen zu einigen Grabmälern der Westpeloponnes," in F. Blakolmer (ed.), Österreichische Forschungen zur Ägäischen Bronzezeit 1998 [Wiener Forschungen zur Archäologie 3] (Vienna 2000) 119-134.
Early Mycenaean Settlements
H. W. Catling, "Excavations at the Menelaion, Sparta, 1973-1976," JHS-AR 23(1977) 24-42.
H. W. Catling, "Excavations and Study at the Menelaion, Sparta 1978-1981," Lakonikai Spoudai 6(1982) 28-43.
H. W. Catling, "Study at the Menelaion, 1982-1983," Lakonikai Spoudai 7(1983) 23-31.
H. W. Catling, Sparta: Menelaion I: The Bronze Age [BSA Supplementary Volume 45] (London 2009).
S. Dietz, Asine II,1: Results of the Excavations East of the Acropolis 1970-1974: General Stratigraphical Analysis and Architectural Remains (Stockholm 1982).
S. Dietz and I. Moschos (eds.), Chalkis Aitolias I: The Prehistoric Periods [Monographs of the Danish Institute at Athens 7] (Aarhus 2006).
E. French and K. Shelton, “Early Palatial Mycenae,” in A. Dakouri-Hild and S. Sherratt (eds.), AUTOCHTHON: Papers Presented to O. T. P. K. Dickinson on the Occasion of His Retirement [BAR-IS 1432] (Oxford 2005) 175-184.
W. Gauss, "Neue Forschungen zur prähistorischen Akropolis von Athen," in F. Blakolmer (ed.), Österreichische Forschungen zur Ägäischen Bronzezeit 1998 [Wiener Forschungen zur Archäologie 3] (Vienna 2000) 167-189.
W. Gauss, “Ägina Kolonna in frühmykenischer Zeit,” in E. Alram-Stern and G. Nightingale (eds.), KEIMELION: Eliten und elitärer Konsum von der mykenischen Palastzeit bis zur homerischen (Vienna 2007) 163-172.
H. Lauter, Kiapha Thiti. Ergebnisse der Ausgrabungen II,1: Die bronzezeitliche Architektur [Marburger Winckelmann-Programm 1995] (Marburg 1996).
G. Mylonas, "Proïstorike Eleusis," in K. Kourouniotis, Eleusiniaka (Athens 1932).
K. Nikolentzos, “Kakovatos. Enas emborikos stathmos eisagoges elektrou ston proïmo mykenaïko kosmo,” in A. Vlachopoulos and K. Birtacha (eds.), ARGONAUTIS: Timetikos tomos yia ton Kathegete Christo G. Douma apo tous mathetes tou sto Panepistimio Athenon (1980-2000) (Athens 2003) 619-631.
K. A. Rhomaios, "Ek tou proïstorikou Thermou," AD 1(1915) 225- .
K. A. Rhomaios, "Ereunai en Thermo," AD 2(1916) 179- .
E. Sapouna-Sakellaraki, "Glypha e Blycha Boiotias: E mykenaïke Aulida?" AAA 20(1987) 191-210.
W. D. Taylour and R. Janko (eds.), Ayios Stephanos: Excavations at a Bronze Age and Medieval Settlement in Southern Laconia [BSA Supplementary Volume 44] (London 2008).
J. C. Wright, "An Early Mycenaean Hamlet on Tsoungiza at Ancient Nemea," in P. Darcque and R. Treuil (eds.), L'habitat égéen préhistorique [BCH Supplement 19] (Paris 1990) 347-357.
J. C. Wright, J. F. Cherry, J. L. Davis, E. Mantzourani, S. B. Sutton, and R. F. Sutton, Jr., "The Nemea Valley Archaeological Project, 1984-1987," Hesperia 59(1990) 579-659.
J. C. Wright, “Comparative Settlement Patterns during the Bronze Age in the Northeastern Peloponnesos, Greece,” in S. E. Alcock and J. F. Cherry (eds.), Side-by-Side Survey: Comparative Regional Studies in the Mediterranean World (Oxford 2004) 114-131.
E. Zabbou, “Evremata tes mesoelladikes kai tes proïmes mykenaïkes epoches apo te Sparte kai te Lakonia,” in A. Philippa-Touchais, G. Touchais, S. Voutsaki, and J. Wright (eds.), MESOHELLADIKA: The Greek Mainland in the Middle Bronze Age [BCH Supplement 52] (Paris 2010) 87-99.
Early Mycenaean Political, Economic, and Social Behavior
P. Acheson, "The Role of Force in the Development of Early Mycenaean Polities," in R. Laffineur (ed.), POLEMOS. Le contexte guerrier en Égée à l'Âge du Bronze [Aegaeum 19] (Liège/Austin 1999) 97-104.
R. Barber, "Hostile Mycenaeans in the Cyclades?," in R. Laffineur (ed.), POLEMOS. Le contexte guerrier en Égée à l'Âge du Bronze [Aegaeum 19] (Liège/Austin 1999) 133-139.
J. Bennet, “Iconographies of Value: Words, People and Things in the Late Bronze Age Aegean,“ in J. C. Barrett and P. Halstead (eds.), The Emergence of Civilisation Revisited [Sheffield Studies in Aegean Archaeology 6] (Oxford 2004) 90-106.
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External Influences on the Greek Mainland in Early Mycenaean Times
[see also Lesson 22: Aspects of Mycenaean Trade under “Aegean Contacts with the Balkans and with Eastern and northern Europe”, “Aegean Contacts with the Central and Western Mediterranean”, “Aegean Contacts in and with the Eastern Mediterranean”, and “Aegean Peoples and the Egyptians”]
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