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Lesson 14: Bibliography

Late Minoan Painting and Other Representational Art: Pottery, Frescoes, Steatite Vases, Ivories, and Bronzes

[Updated April 2012]

  1. Colloquia, Symposia, and Festschriften
  2. General Art History and Iconography
  3. Figurines
  4. Frescoes
  5. Pottery: General
  6. Pottery: Neopalatial [MM III-LM I]
  7. Pottery: Monopalatial [LM II-IIIA1]
  8. Pottery: Final Palatial [LM IIIA2-IIIB Early]
  9. Pottery: Post-palatial [LM IIIB Late-IIIC]
  10. Pottery: Physico-chemical Provenience Analyses
  11. Pottery: Residue Analyses
  12. Pottery: Production Facilities and Technology
  13. Pottery: Studies of Specific Shapes, Decorative Motifs, or Vasepainting Styles
  14. Pottery: Transport Vessels: Stirrup Jars and Amphoras
  15. Pottery: Cooking Vessels, Lamps, and Miscellaneous “Coarse Wares”
  16. Pottery: Bulk Storage Containers: Pithoi
  17. Terracotta and Stone Larnakes and Wooden Coffins
  18. Seals, Signets, and Sealings
  19. Stone and Shell Artifacts and the Sources of the Raw Materials
  20. Ivories and Furniture
  21. Weaponry and Warriors
  22. Metalwork Other than in the Forms of Figurines, Jewelry, Signet Rings, Tools, and Weapons
  23. Faience
  24. Jewelry
  25. Textiles, Dyes, and Costume
  26. Music
  27. Cuisine
  28. Games and Toys
  29. Miscellaneous Small Finds
  30. Miscellaneous Organic Substances
  31. Tools
  32. Crafts and Industries
  33. Collections of Minoan Antiquities


Colloquia, Symposia, and Festschriften

R. Aslan, S. Blum, G. Kastl, and D. Thumm (eds.), Mauerschau: Festschrift für Manfred Korfmann  I  (Remshalden-Grunbach 2002).

P. P. Betancourt and S. C. Ferrence (eds). Metallurgy: Understanding How, Learning Why. Studies in Honor of James D. Muhly [Prehistory Monographs 29] (Philadelphia 2011).

P. P. Betancourt, V. Karageorghis, R. Laffineur, and W.-D. Niemeier (eds.), MELETEMATA: Studies in Aegean Archaeology Presented to Malcolm H. Wiener as He Enters His 65th Year [Aegaeum 20] (Liège/Austin 1999).

P. P. Betancourt, M. C. Nelson, and H. Williams (eds.), Krinoi kai Limenes: Studies in Honor of Joseph and Maria Shaw (Philadelphia 2007).

P. P. Betancourt and S. C. Ferrence (eds.), Metallurgy: Understanding How, Learning Why. Studies in Honor of James D. Muhly (Philadelphia 2011).

F. Blakolmer (ed.), Österreichische Forschungen zur ägäischen Bronzezeit 1998 (Vienna 2000).

S. Böhm and K.-V. von Eickstedt (eds.), ITHAKE: Festschrift für Jörg Schäfer zum 75. Geburtstag am 25. April 2001 (Würzburg 2001).

I. Boehm and S. Müller Celka (eds.), Espace civil, espace religieux en Égée durant la période mycénienne. Approches épigraphique, linguistique et archéologique (Lyon 2010).

J. Bourriau and J. Phillips (eds.), Invention and Innovation: The Social Context of Change 2: Egypt, the Aegean and the Near East 1650-1150 B.C. (Oxford 2004).

I. Bradfer, B. Detournay, and R. Laffineur (eds.), KRES TECHNITES: L’artisan crétois: Recueil d’articles en l’honneur de Jean-Claude Poursat, publié à l’occasion des 40 ans de la découverte du Quartier Mu [Aegaeum 26] (Liège/Austin 2005).

T. M. Brogan and E. Hallager (eds.), LM IB Pottery: Relative Chronology and Regional Differences [Monographs of the Danish Institute at Athens 11] (Athens 2011).

G. Cadogan, E. Hatzaki, and A. Vasilakis (eds.), Knossos: Palace, City, State [BSA Studies 12] (Athens 2004).

F. Carinci, N. Cucuzza, P. Militello, and O. Palio (eds.), KRETES MINOIDOS: Tradizione e identità minoica tra produzione artigianale, pratiche cerimoniali e memoria del passato. Studi offerti a Vincenzo La Rosa per il Suo 70o compleanno (Padova 2012).

Centre Gustave Glotz, Aux origines de l'hellénisme: Hommage à Henri van Effenterre (Paris 1984).

A. Chapin (ed.), CHARIS: Essays in Honor of Sara A. Immerwahr [Hesperia Supplement 33] (Princeton 2004).

E. H. Cline and D. Harris-Cline (eds.), The Aegean and the Orient in the Second Millennium [Aegaeum 18] (Liège/Austin 1998).

A. Cohen and J. B. Rutter (eds.), Constructions of Childhood in Ancient Greece and Italy [Hesperia Supplement 41] (Princeton 2007).

A. Dakouri-Hild and S. Sherratt (eds.), AUTOCHTHON: Papers Presented to O. T. P. K. Dickinson on the Occasion of His Retirement [BAR-IS 1432] (Oxford 2005).

P. Darcque and J-C. Poursat (eds.), L'iconographie minoenne [BCH Supplement 11] (Paris 1985).

P. Darcque and R. Treuil (eds.), L'habitat égéen préhistorique [BCH Supplement 19] (Paris 1990).

L. P. Day, M. S. Mook, and J. D. Muhly (eds.), Crete Beyond the Palaces: Proceedings of the Crete 2000 Conference (Philadelphia 2004).

J. Driessen and A. Farnoux (eds.), La Crète mycénienne [BCH Supplement 30] (Paris 1997).

D. Evely, I. S. Lemos, and S. Sherratt (eds.), Minotaur and Centaur: Studies in the Archaeology of Crete and Euboea Presented to Mervyn Popham [BAR-IS 638] (Oxford 1996).

J. L. Fitton (ed.), Ivory in Greece and the Eastern Mediterranean from the Bronze Age to the Hellenistic Period (London 1992).

K. P. Foster and R. Laffineur (eds.), METRON: Measuring the Aegean Bronze Age [Aegaeum 24] (Liège/Austin 2003).

E. B. French and K. A. Wardle (eds.), Problems in Greek Prehistory (Bristol 1988).

O. H. Frey and H. Roth (eds.), Beiträge zur ägäischen Bronzezeit [Kleine Schriften aus dem Vorgeschichtlichen Seminar Marburg 11] (Marburg 1982).

I. Galanaki, H. Tomas, Y. Galanakis, and R. Laffineur (eds.), Between the Aegean and Baltic Seas: Prehistory across Borders [Aegaeum 27] (Liège/Austin 2007).

W. Gauss, M. Lindblom, R. A. K. Smith, and J. C. Wright (eds.), Our Cups Are Full: Pottery and Society in the Aegean Bronze Age: Papers Presented to Jeremy B. Rutter on the Occasion of His 65th Birthday (Oxford 2011).

C. Gillis and M.-L. B. Nosch (eds.), Ancient Textiles: Production, Craft and Society [Ancient Textile Series 1] (Oxford  2003).

C. Gillis, C. Risberg, and B. Sjöberg (eds.), Trade and Production in Premonetary Greece: Aspects of Trade [SIMA Pocket-book 134] (Jonsered 1995).

C. Gillis, C. Risberg, and B. Sjöberg (eds.), Trade and Production in Premonetary Greece: Production and the Craftsman [SIMA Pocket-book 143] (Jonsered 1997) .

R. Hägg (ed.), The Function of the 'Minoan Villa' (Stockholm 1997).

E. and B. P. Hallager (eds.), Late Minoan III Pottery: Chronology and Terminology [Monographs of the Danish Institute at Athens 1] (Aarhus 1997).

Y. Hamilakis (ed.), Labyrinth Revisited: Rethinking Minoan Archaeology (Oxford 2002).

L. A. Hitchcock, R. Laffineur, and J. Crowley (eds.), DAIS: The Aegean Feast [Aegaeum 29] (Liège/Austin 2008).

A. Karetsou (ed.), Krete - Aigyptos. Politismikoi desmoi trion chilietion. Meletes (Athens 2000).

A. Karetsou,  M. Andreadaki-Vlasaki, and N. Papadakis (eds.), Krete - Aigyptos. Politismikoi desmoi trion chilietion. Katalogos (Athens 2000).

V. Kilikoglou, A. Hein, and Y. Maniatis (eds.), Modern Trends in Scientific Studies on Ancient Ceramics [BAR-IS 1011] (Oxford 2002).

K. Kopaka (ed.), FYLO. Engendering Prehistoric ‘Stratigraphies’ in the Aegean and the Mediterranean [Aegaeum 30] (Liège/Austin 2009).

O. Krzsyzkowska (ed.), Cretan Offerings: Studies in Honour of Peter Warren [BSA Studies 18] (London 2010).

O. Krzsyzkowska and L. Nixon (eds.), Minoan Society (Bristol 1983).

R. Laffineur (ed.), Transition. Le monde égéen du Bronze moyen au Bronze récent [Aegaeum 3] (Liège 1989).

R. Laffineur (ed.), POLEMOS. Le contexte guerrier en Égée à l'Âge du Bronze [Aegaeum 19] (Liège/Austin 1999) .

R. Laffineur and L. Basch (eds.), THALASSA. L'Égée préhistorique et la mer [Aegaeum 7] (Liège 1991).

R. Laffineur and P. P. Betancourt (eds.), TEXNH: Craftsmen, Craftswomen and Craftsmanship in the Aegean Bronze Age [Aegaeum 16] (Liège/Austin 1997).

R. Laffineur and J. L. Crowley (eds.), EIKON: Aegean Bronze Age Iconography: Shaping a Methodology [Aegaeum 8](Liège 1992).

R. Laffineur and E. Greco (eds.), EMPORIA. Aegeans in the Central and Eastern Mediterranean [Aegaeum 25] (Liège/Austin 2005).

R. Laffineur and R. Hägg, POTNIA. Deities and Religion in the Aegean Bronze Age [Aegaeum 22] (Liège/Austin 2001).

R. Laffineur and W-D. Niemeier (eds.), POLITEIA: Society and State in the Aegean Bronze Age [Aegaeum 12] (Liège/Austin 1995).

F. Lang, C. Reinholdt, and J. Weilhartner (eds.), STEPHANOS ARISTEIOS. Archäologische Forschungen zwischen Nil und Istros: Festschrift für Stefan Hiller zum 65. Geburtstag (Vienna 2007).

V. La Rosa, D. Palermo, and L. Vagnetti (eds.), EPI PONTON PLAZOMENOI: Simposio italiano di Studi Egei dedicato a Luigi Bernabò Brea e Giovanni Pugliese Carratelli (Rome 1999).

L. Morgan (ed.), Aegean Wall Paintings: A Tribute to Mark Cameron [BSA Studies 13] (London 2005).

C. Morris (ed.), KLADOS: Essays in Honour of J. N. Coldstream [BICS Supplement 63] (London 1995).

W. Müller (ed.), Fragen und Probleme der bronzezeitlichen ägäischen Glyptik [CMS Beiheft 3] (Berlin 1989).

W. Müller (ed.), Sceaux Minoens et Mycéniens [CMS Beiheft 5] (Berlin 1995).

W. Müller (ed.), Minoisch-mykenische Glyptik: Stil, Ikonographie, Funktion [CMS Beiheft 6] (Berlin 2000).

W. Müller (ed.),  Die Bedeutung der minoischen und mykenischen Glyptik [CMS Beiheft 8] (Mainz 2010).

W-D. Niemeier (ed.), Studien zur minoischen und helladischen Glyptik: Beiträge zum 2. Marburger Siegel-Symposium, 26.-30. September 1978 [CMS Beiheft 1] (Berlin 1981).

T. G. Palaima (ed.), Aegean Seals, Sealings, and Administration [Aegaeum 5] (Liège 1990).

D. J. Pullen (ed.), Political Economies of the Aegean Bronze Age (Oxford 2010).

P. Rehak (ed.), The Role of the Ruler in the Prehistoric Aegean [Aegaeum 11] (Liège/Austin 1995).

L. Rocchetti (ed.), Sybrita. La valle di Amari fra Bronzo e Ferro [Incunabula Graeca 96] (Rome 1994).

N. Ch. Stambolides and A. Karetsou, Anatolike Mesogeios: Kypros - Dodekanesa - Krete, 16os - 6os ai. p. Ch. (Heraklion 1998).

I Tzachili (ed.), Aegean Metallurgy in the Bronze Age (Athens 2008).

A. Vlachopoulos and K. Birtacha (eds.), ARGONAUTIS: Timetikos tomos yia ton Kathegete Christo G. Douma apo tous mathetes tou sto Panepistimio Athenon (1980-2000) (Athens 2003).

M. Andreadaki-Vlazaki, G. Rethemiotakis, and N. Dimopoulou-Rethemiotaki (eds.), From the Land of the Labyrinth, 3000-1100 B.C.: Essays (New York 2008).

M. H. Wiener, J. L. Warner, J. Polonsky, and E. E Hayes (eds.), Pottery and Society: The Impact of Recent Studies in Minoan Pottery [Gold Medal Colloquium in Honor of Philip P. Betancourt](Boston 2006).

C. and P. Zerner and J. Winder (eds.), Wace and Blegen: Pottery as Evidence for Trade in the Aegean Bronze Age 1939-1989 (Amsterdam 1993).

Antichità Cretesi. Studi in onore di Doro Levi I-II (Catania 1973,1974).

EILAPINE. Tomos timetikos gia ton kathegete Nikolao Platona (Heraklion 1987).

I Cento Anni dello Scavo di Festòs [Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei; Atti dei Convegni Lincei 173] (Rome 2001)

Philia Epe eis Georgion E. Mylonan A’–D’ (Athens 1986, 1987, 1989, 1990).

STELE. Tomos eis mnemen Nikolaou Kontoleontos (Athens 1978).


General Art History and Iconography  [for Bull-jumping, see under Lesson #15 (Minoan Religion)]

B. Alberti, Archaeology and Maxculinity in Late Bronze Age Knossos (Ph.D. dissertation, University of Southampton 1997).

B. Alberti, “Gender and the Figurative Art of Late Bronze Age Knossos,” in Y. Hamilakis (ed.), Labyrinth Revisited: Rethinking Minoan Archaeology (Oxford 2002) 98-117.

S. Alexiou, "Neue Wagendarstellungen aus Kreta," AA (1964) 785-804.

S. Amigues, "Le crocus et le safran sur un fresque de Théra," RA 2(1988) 227-242.

M. Ballintijn, "Lions Depicted on Aegean Seals. How Realistic Are They?," in W. Müller (ed.), Sceaux Minoens et Mycéniens [CMS Beiheft 5] (Berlin 1995) 23-37.

C. Baurain, "Les génies à carapace," Archeologia 211(1986) 39-44.

C. Baurain, "Recherche sur l'iconographie créto-mycénienne du lion iliadique," in J. Servais, T. Hackens, and B. Servais-Soyez (eds.), Stemmata: Mélanges de philologie, d'histoire, et d'archéologie grecque offerts à Jules LaBarbe  [L'Antiquité Classique Supplement] (Liège 1987)          .

I. Berg, "Aegean Bronze Age Seascapes – a Case Study in Maritime Movement, Contact and Interaction," in S. Antoniadou and A. Pace (eds.), Mediterranean Crossroads (Athens 2007) 387-415.

P. P. Betancourt, Introduction to Aegean Art (Philadelphia 2007).

F. Blakolmer, “Colour in the Aegean Bronze Age: From Monochromy to Polychromy,” in L. Cleland and K. Stears (eds.), Colour in the Ancient Mediterranean World [BAR-IS 1267] (Oxford 2004) 61-67.

F. Blakolmer, “Vom Wandrelief in die Kleinkunst. Transformationen des Stierbildes in der minoisch-mykenischen Bildkunst,” in F. Lang, C. Reinholdt, and J. Weilhartner (eds.), STEPHANOS ARISTEIOS. Archäologische Forschungen zwischen Nil und Istros: Festschrift für Stefan Hiller zum 65. Geburtstag (Vienna 2007) 31-47.

F. Blakolmer, “Minoisch-mykenische ‘Prozessionsfresken’: Überlegungen zu den dargestellten und den nicht dargestellten Gaben,” in E. Alram-Stern and G. Nightingale (eds.), KEIMELION: Eliten und elitärer Konsum von der mykenischen Palastzeit bis zur homerischen (Vienna 2007) 41-57.

F. Blakolmer, “Processions in Aegean Iconography II: Who Are the Participants?,” in L. A. Hitchcock, R. Laffineur, and J. Crowley (eds.), DAIS: The Aegean Feast [Aegaeum 29] (Liège/Austin 2008) 257-268.

F. Blakolmer, “Ethnizität und Identität in der minoisch-mykenischen Ikonographie,” Anodos. Studies of the Ancient World 10(2010) 29-40.

E. F. Bloedow, "On Lions in Mycenaean and Minoan Culture," in R. Laffineur and J. L. Crowley (eds.), EIKON: Aegean Bronze Age Iconography: Shaping a Methodology [Aegaeum 8] (Liège 1992) 295-305.

E. F. Bloedow, "Löwenjagd im spätbronzezeitlichen Griechenland," Altertum 38(1993) 241-250.

E. Bloedow, “The Significance of the Goat in Minoan Culture,” PZ 78(2003) 1-59.

M. Borda, Arte Cretese-Micenea nel Museo Pigorini di Roma (Rome 1946).

C. Boulotis, "Villes et palais dans l'art égéen du IIe millénaire av. J.-C.," in P. Darcque and R. Treuil (eds.), L'habitat égéen préhistorique [BCH Supplement 19] (Paris 1990) 421-459.

I. Bradfer, “Nautile ou argonaute? Remarques sur un motif égéen,” RA (1998) 107-118.

E. Brandt, Grüss und Gebet. Eine Studie zu Gebärden in der minoisch-mykenischen und frühgriechischen Kunst (Waldsassen 1965).

K. Branigan, "Craft Specialization in Minoan Crete," in O. Krzsyzkowska and L. Nixon (eds.), Minoan Society (Bristol 1983) 23-32.

S. L. Budin, Images of Woman and Child from the Bronze Age: Reconsidering Fertility, Maternity, and Gender in the Ancient World (Cambridge 2011).

D. Cameron, "The Minoan Horns of Consecration," in J. Marler (ed.), From the Realm of the Ancestors: An Anthology in Honor of Marija Gimbutas (Manchester 1997) 508-518.

C. D. Cain, The Question of Narrative in Aegean Bronze Age Art (Ph. D. dissertation, University of Toronto 1997).

C. D. Cain, "Dancing in the Dark: Deconstructing a Narrative of Epiphany on the Isopata Ring," AJA 105(2001) 27-49.

I. Cerceau, "Les représentations vegetales dans l'art égéen: Problèmes d'identification," in P. Darcque and J-C. Poursat (eds.), L'iconographie minoenne [BCH Supplement 11] (Paris 1985) 181-184.

A. P. Chapin, Perspective in Minoan Pictorial Art (M.A. thesis, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 1988).

A. P. Chapin, Landscape and Space in Aegean Bronze Age Art (Ph.D. dissertation, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 1995).

A. P. Chapin, “Constructions of Male Youth and Gender in Aegean Art: The Evidence from Late Bronze Age Crete and Thera,” in K. Kopaka (ed.), FYLO. Engendering Prehistoric ‘Stratigraphies’ in the Aegean and the Mediterranean [Aegaeum 30] (Liège/Austin 2009) 175-182.

E. H. Cline, "Monkey Business in the Bronze Age Aegean," BSA 86(1991) 29-42.

T. Corsten, “Zu den sogenannten Schwebenden Gottheiten,” in E. Thomas (ed.), Forschungen zur ägäischen Vorgeschichte: Das Ende der mykenischen Welt (Köln 1987) 193-200.

J. L. Crowley, The Aegean and the East. An Investigation into the Transference of Artistic Motifs between the Aegean, Egypt and the Near East in the Bronze Age [SIMA Pocket-book 51] (Jonsered 1989).

J. Crowley, "The Icon Imperative: Rules of Composition in Aegean Art," in R. Laffineur and J. L. Crowley (eds.), EIKON: Aegean Bronze Age Iconography: Shaping a Methodology [Aegaeum 8](Liège 1992) 23-36.

J. L. Crowley, "Images of Power in the Bronze Age Aegean," in R. Laffineur and W-D. Niemeier (eds.), POLITEIA: Society and State in the Aegean Bronze Age [Aegaeum 12] (Liège/Austin 1995) II: 475-491.

J. L. Crowley, "Geometry in Aegean Design," in R. Laffineur and P. P. Betancourt (eds.), TEXNH: Craftsmen, Craftswomen and Craftsmanship in the Aegean Bronze Age [Aegaeum 16] (Liège/Austin 1997) 81-92.

M. Cultraro, L’annello di Minosse. Archeologia della regalità nell’Egeo minoico (Milano 2001).

K. Czernohaus, Delphindarstellungen von der minoischen bis zur geometrischen Zeit [SIMA Pocket-book 66] (Göteborg 1998).

A. L. D'Agata, "Late Minoan Crete and Horns of Consecration: A Symbol in Action," in R. Laffineur and J. L. Crowley (eds.), EIKON: Aegean Bronze Age Iconography: Shaping a Methodology [Aegaeum 8] (Liège 1992) 247-256.

E. N. Davis, "Art and Politics in the Aegean: The Missing Ruler," in P. Rehak (ed.), The Role of the Ruler in the Prehistoric Aegean [Aegaeum 11] (Liège/Austin 1995) 11-20.

J. Day, An Exploration of the Social Roles of Plants in the Bronze Age Aegean (Ph.D. dissertation, Trinity College Dublin 2007).

J. Day, “Crocuses in Context: A Diachronic Survey of the Crocus Motif in the Aegean Bronze Age,” Hesperia 80(2011) 337-379.

J. Dempsey, Calendar House: Secrets of Time, Life and Power in Ancient Crete’s Great Year (2008). [available in pdf form from author at]

N. Dimopoulou, “A Gold Discoid from Poros, Herakleion: The Guard Dog and the Garden,“ in O. Krzsyzkowska (ed.), Cretan Offerings: Studies in Honour of Peter Warren [BSA Studies 18] (London 2010) 89-100.

I. Douskos, "The Crocuses of Santorini," TAW II.2(1980) 142-146.

G. Drappier and C. Langohr, “Iconographie du pouvoir en Crète minoenne. Vers la mise au point d’un méthodologie,” in Y. Perrin (ed.), Iconographie impériale, iconographie royale, iconographie des elites dans le monde gréco-romain (Saint-Étienne 2004) 19-47.

D. Evely, "Minoan Craftsmen: Problems of Recognition and Definition," in E. B. French and K. A. Wardle (eds.), Problems in Greek Prehistory (Bristol 1988) 397-415.

D. Evely, "The Neo-Palatial Minoan Warrior: Fact or Fiction," in D. Evely, I. S. Lemos, and S. Sherratt (eds.), Minotaur and Centaur: Studies in the Archaeology of Crete and Euboea Presented to Mervyn Popham [BAR-IS 638] (Oxford 1996) 59-69.

S. C. Ferrence, “Is There Iconography of the Minoan Feast?,” in L. A. Hitchcock, R. Laffineur, and J. Crowley (eds.), DAIS: The Aegean Feast [Aegaeum 29] (Liège/Austin 2008) 269-275.

K. P. Foster, "Visage and Likeness in Minoan Art," in R. Laffineur and P. P. Betancourt (eds.), TEXNH: Craftsmen, Craftswomen and Craftsmanship in the Aegean Bronze Age [Aegaeum 16] (Liège/Austin 1997) 127-140.

K. P. Foster, “A Taste for the Exotic,” in L. A. Hitchcock, R. Laffineur, and J. Crowley (eds.), DAIS: The Aegean Feast [Aegaeum 29] (Liège/Austin 2008) 327-338.

H. Frankfort, "Some Notes on the Cretan Griffin," BSA 37(1936-37) 106-122.

M. L. Fri, The Double Axe in Minoan Crete: A Functional Analysis of Production and Use (Ph.D. dissertation, Stockholm University 2007).

K. Galanakis, Minoan Glyptic: Typology, Deposits and Iconography from the Early Minoan Period to the Late Minoan IB Destruction in Crete [BAR-IS 1442] (Oxford 2005).

C. Gates, "Why Are There No Scenes of Warfare in Minoan Art?," in R. Laffineur (ed.), POLEMOS. Le contexte guerrier en Égée à l'Âge du Bronze [Aegaeum 19] (Liège/Austin 1999) 277-283.

S. C. German, Performance and the Art of the Aegean Bronze Age (Ph.D. dissertation, Columbia University 1999).

S. C. German, “The Politics of Dancing: A Reconsideration of the Motif of Dancing in Bronze Age Greece,” in P. P. Betancourt, V. Karageorghis, R. Laffineur, and W.-D. Niemeier (eds.), MELETEMATA: Studies in Aegean Archaeology Presented to Malcolm H. Wiener as He Enters His 65th Year [Aegaeum 20] (Liège/Austin 1999) 279-282.

S. C. German, "The Human Form in the Late Bronze Age Aegean," in A. E. Rautman (ed.), Reading the Body: Representations and Remains in the Archaeological Record (Philadelphia 2000) 95-123.

S. C. German, Performance, Power and the Art of the Aegean Bronze Age [BAR-IS 1347] (Oxford 2005).

M. A. V. Gill, "The Minoan 'Genius'," AM 79(1964) 1-21.

M. A. V. Gill, "Some Observations on Representations of Marine Animals in Minoan Art, and their Identification," in P. Darcque and J-C. Poursat (eds.), L'iconographie minoenne [BCH Supplement 11] (Paris 1985) 63-81.

C. Gillis, “The Use of Color in the Aegean Bronze Age,” in L. Cleland and K. Stears (eds.), Colour in the Ancient Mediterranean World [BAR-IS 1267] (Oxford 2004) 56-60.

C. Greenlaw, "How Monkeys Evolved in Egyptian and Minoan Art and Culture,” in C. Briault, J. Green, A. Kaldelis, and A. Stellatou (eds.), SOMA 2003: Symposium on Mediterranean Archaeology [BAR Internatkional Series 1391] (Oxford 2005) 71-73.

H. A. Groenewegen-Frankfort, Arrest and Movement. An Essay on Space and Time in the Representational Art of the Ancient Near East (London 1951).

B. P. and E. Hallager, "The Knossian Bull - Political Propaganda in Neopalatial Crete?," in R. Laffineur and W-D. Niemeier (eds.), POLITEIA: Society and State in the Aegean Bronze Age [Aegaeum 12] (Liège/Austin 1995) II: 547-556.

M. Haysom, “The Double-Axe: A Contextual Approach to the Understanding of a Cretan Symbol in the Neopalatial Period,” OJA 29(2010) 35-55.

C. F. Herberger, The Thread of Ariadne: The Labyrinth of the Calendar of Minos (New York 1972).

C. F. Herberger, The Riddle of the Sphinx: Calendric Symbolism in Myth and Icon (New York 1979).

S. Hiller, "Scenes of Warfare and Combat in the Arts of Aegean Late Bronze Age. Reflections on Typology and Development," in R. Laffineur (ed.), POLEMOS. Le contexte guerrier en Égée à l'Âge du Bronze [Aegaeum 19] (Liège/Austin 1999) 319-330.

S. Hiller, "Papyrus und Rosette. Zu einer Motivverbindung in der spätbronzezeitlichen ägäischen Malkunst," in F. Blakolmer (ed.), Österreichische Forschungen zur ägäischen Bronzezeit 1998 (Vienna 2000) 97-104.

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Pottery: General

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Pottery: Neopalatial [MM III-LM I]

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E. Hatzaki, “Ceramic Groups of Early Neopalatial Knossos in the Context of Crete and the South Aegean,” in F. Felten, W. Gauss, and R. Smetana (eds.), Middle Helladic Pottery and Synchronisms [Agina-Kolonna Forschungen und Ergebnisse I] (Vienna 2007) 273-294.

E. Hatzaki, “Neopalatial (MM IIIB – LM IB): KS 178, Gypsades Well (Upper Deposit), and SEX North House Groups,” in N. Momigliano (ed.), Knossos Pottery Handbook: Neolithic and Bronze Age (Minoan) [BSA Studies 14] (London 2007) 151-196.

S. Hemingway, J. A. MacGillivray, and L. H. Sackett, “The LM IB Renaissance at Postdiluvian Pre-Mycenaean Palaikastro,” in T. M. Brogan and E. Hallager (eds.), LM IB Pottery: Relative Chronology and Regional Differences [Monographs of the Danish Institute at Athens 11] (Athens 2011) 513-530.

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D. G. Hogarth, “Bronze Age Vases from Zakro,” JHS 22(1902) 332-338.

S. Hood, “Sir Arthur Evans Vindicated: A Remarkable Discovery of Late Minoan IB Vases from Beside the Royal Road at Knossos,” Illustrated London News 240 (17 February 1962) 259-261.

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A. Kanta, “A West Cretan Response (Nerokourou) to Lefteris Platon and the LM IB Pottery from Zakros,” in T. M. Brogan and E. Hallager (eds.), LM IB Pottery: Relative Chronology and Regional Differences [Monographs of the Danish Institute at Athens 11] (Athens 2011) 613-622.

C. Knappett, “Time, Place and Practice in the East Mesara: The Case of Skinias. A Response to Stella Mandalaki,” in T. M. Brogan and E. Hallager (eds.), LM IB Pottery: Relative Chronology and Regional Differences [Monographs of the Danish Institute at Athens 11] (Athens 2011) 393-396.

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I. Tournavitou, "Minoïko iero korifes sta Kythera: e kerameike," Pepragmena tou H’ Diethnous Kretologikou Synedriou (Heraklion 2000) 297-316.

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Pottery: Monopalatial [LM II-IIIA1]

M. Andreadaki-Vlasaki and E. Papadopoulou, "LM IIIA:1 Pottery from Khamalevri, Rethymnon," in E. and B. P. Hallager (eds.), Late Minoan III Pottery: Chronology and Terminology [Monographs of the Danish Institute at Athens 1] (Aarhus 1997) 111-151.

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T. M. Brogan, R. A. K. Smith, and J. S. Soles, “Mycenaeans at Mochlos? Exploring Culture and Identity in the Late Minoan IB to IIIA1 Transition,” Aegean Archaeology 6(2002) 89-118.

J. H. Crouwel and C. E. Morris, "Pictorial Pottery of Late Minoan II-IIIA2 Early from Knossos," BSA 90(1995) 157-182.

A.-L. D'Agata, "Hidden Wars: Minoans and Mycenaeans at Haghia Triada in the LM III Period. The Evidence from Pottery," in R. Laffineur (ed.), POLEMOS. Le contexte guerrier en Égée à l'Âge du Bronze [Aegaeum 19] (Liège/Austin 1999) 47-55.

A. Farnoux, "Quartier Gamma at Malia Reconsidered," in E. and B. P. Hallager (eds.), Late Minoan III Pottery: Chronology and Terminology [Monographs of the Danish Institute at Athens 1] (Aarhus 1997) 259-272.

B. P. Hallager, "Terminology - The Late Minoan Goblet, Kylix and Footed Cup," in E. and B. P. Hallager (eds.), Late Minoan III Pottery: Chronology and Terminology [Monographs of the Danish Institute at Athens 1] (Aarhus 1997) 15-47.

E. Hatzaki, “Final Palatial (LM II – IIIA2) aned Postpalatial (LM IIIB – LM IIIC Early): MUM South Sector, Long Corridor Cists, MUM Pits (8, 10-11), Makritikhos ‘Kitchen’, MUM North Platform Pits, and SEX Southern Half Groups,” in N. Momigliano (ed.), Knossos Pottery Handbook: Neolithic and Bronze Age (Minoan) [BSA Studies 14] (London 2007) 197-251.

E. Hatzaki, “From LM IB Marine Style to LM II Marine Motifs. Stratigraphy, Chronology and the Social Context of a Ceramic Transformation: A Response to Maria Andreadaki-Vlazaki,” in T. M. Brogan and E. Hallager (eds.), LM IB Pottery: Relative Chronology and Regional Differences [Monographs of the Danish Institute at Athens 11] (Athens 2011) 75-87.

S. Hiller, “Spätminoische Pyxiden aus SM II/IIIA:1 und die Fresken aus dem Palast von Amenophis III in Malkata (Theben West),” in E. Czerny, I. Hein, H. Hunger, D. Melman, and A. Schwab (eds.), Timelines: Studies in Honour of Manfred Bietak (Leuven 2006) II: 149-165.

J. A. MacGillivray, "Late Minoan II and III Pottery and Chronology at Palaikastro: An Introduction," in E. and B. P. Hallager (eds.), Late Minoan III Pottery: Chronology and Terminology [Monographs of the Danish Institute at Athens 1] (Aarhus 1997) 193-202.

J. A. MacGillivray, L. H. Sackett, and J. M. Driessen (eds.), Palaikastro: Two Late Minoan Wells [BSA Supplementary Volume 43] (London 2007).

P. A. Mountjoy, "The Ephyraean Goblet Reviewed," BSA 78(1983) 265-271.

W-D. Niemeier, "Towards a New Definition of Late Minoan II," AJA 83(1979) 212-214.

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M. R. Popham, "Late Minoan Pottery. A Summary," BSA 62(1967) 337-351.

M. R. Popham, "The Late Minoan Goblet and Kylix," BSA 64(1969) 299-304.

M. R. Popham, The Minoan Unexplored Mansion at Knossos [BSA Supplementary Volume 17] (Oxford 1984).

N. Prokopiou, "Late Minoan III Pottery from the Greek-Italian Excavations at Sybritos-Amariou," in E. and B. P. Hallager (eds.), Late Minoan III Pottery: Chronology and Terminology [Monographs of the Danish Institute at Athens 1] (Aarhus 1997) 371-394.

G. Rethemiotakis, "Late Minoan III Pottery from Kastelli Pediada," in E. and B. P. Hallager (eds.), Late Minoan III Pottery: Chronology and Terminology [Monographs of the Danish Institute at Athens 1] (Aarhus 1997) 305-326.

J. B. Rutter, “Neopalatial and Later Minoan Pottery,” in J. W. and M. C. Shaw (eds.), Kommos V: The Monumental Minoan Buildings at Kommos (Princeton 2006) 377-630.

R. A. K. Smith, The Tombs of Mochlos and Myrsini:  Pottery and Cultural Regionalism in Late Minoan III Crete (Ph.D. dissertation, Bryn Mawr College 2002).

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L. V. Watrous, “New Pottery from the Psychro Cave and its Implications for Minoan Crete,” BSA 99(2004) 129-147.


Pottery: Final Palatial [LM IIIA2-IIIB Early]

P. P. Betancourt, E. S. Banou, and C. R. Floyd, "Provincial LM III at Pseira, Crete," in E. and B. P. Hallager (eds.), Late Minoan III Pottery: Chronology and Terminology [Monographs of the Danish Institute at Athens 1] (Aarhus 1997) 57-76.

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A.-L. D'Agata, "Hidden Wars: Minoans and Mycenaeans at Haghia Triada in the LM III Period. The Evidence from Pottery," in R. Laffineur (ed.), POLEMOS. Le contexte guerrier en Égée à l'Âge du Bronze [Aegaeum 19] (Liège/Austin 1999) 47-55.

A. Farnoux, "Quartier Gamma at Malia Reconsidered," in E. and B. P. Hallager (eds.), Late Minoan III Pottery: Chronology and Terminology [Monographs of the Danish Institute at Athens 1] (Aarhus 1997) 259-272.

B. P. Hallager, "Terminology - The Late Minoan Goblet, Kylix and Footed Cup," in E. and B. P. Hallager (eds.), Late Minoan III Pottery: Chronology and Terminology [Monographs of the Danish Institute at Athens 1] (Aarhus 1997) 15-47.

E. Hallager, "A Note on a Lost Stirrup Jar from Knossos," in O. Krzsyzkowska (ed.), Cretan Offerings: Studies in Honour of Peter Warren [BSA Studies 18] (London 2010) 157-160.

E. Hatzaki, “Final Palatial (LM II – IIIA2) aned Postpalatial (LM IIIB – LM IIIC Early): MUM South Sector, Long Corridor Cists, MUM Pits (8, 10-11), Makritikhos ‘Kitchen’, MUM North Platform Pits, and SEX Southern Half Groups,” in N. Momigliano (ed.), Knossos Pottery Handbook: Neolithic and Bronze Age (Minoan) [BSA Studies 14] (London 2007) 197-251.

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A. Kanta, "LM IIIB and LM IIIC Pottery Phases. Some Problems of Definition," in E. and B. P. Hallager (eds.), Late Minoan III Pottery: Chronology and Terminology [Monographs of the Danish Institute at Athens 1] (Aarhus 1997) 83-101.

C. Langohr, “La céramique MM IIIB – MR IIIB de Sissi. Quelques depots et ensembles notoires,” Aegis 4(2011) 175-192.

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S. Privitera, “I due pithoi globulari di Haghia Triada e la cronologia della ‘Casa dei Vani aggiunti progressivamente’,” Creta Antica 2(2001) 141-147.

N. Prokopiou, "Late Minoan III Pottery from the Greek-Italian Excavations at Sybritos-Amariou," in E. and B. P. Hallager (eds.), Late Minoan III Pottery: Chronology and Terminology [Monographs of the Danish Institute at Athens 1] (Aarhus 1997) 371-394.

G. Rethemiotakis, "Late Minoan III Pottery from Kastelli Pediada," in E. and B. P. Hallager (eds.), Late Minoan III Pottery: Chronology and Terminology [Monographs of the Danish Institute at Athens 1] (Aarhus 1997) 305-326.

J. B. Rutter, “Neopalatial and Later Minoan Pottery,” in J. W. and M. C. Shaw (eds.), Kommos V: The Monumental Minoan Buildings at Kommos (Princeton 2006) 377-630.

R. A. K. Smith, The Tombs of Mochlos and Myrsini:  Pottery and Cultural Regionalism in Late Minoan III Crete (Ph.D. dissertation, Bryn Mawr College 2002).

R. A. K. Smith, Mochlos IIB: Period IV. The Mycenean Settlement and Cemetery. The Pottery [Prehistory Monographs 27] (Philadelphia 2010).

M. Tsipopoulou, "Late Minoan III Reoccupation in the Area of the Palatial Building at Petras, Siteia," in E. and B. P. Hallager (eds.), Late Minoan III Pottery: Chronology and Terminology [Monographs of the Danish Institute at Athens 1] (Aarhus 1997) 209-252.

P. M. Warren, "Late Minoan III Pottery from the City of Knossos: Stratigraphical Museum Extension Site," in E. and B. P. Hallager (eds.), Late Minoan III Pottery: Chronology and Terminology [Monographs of the Danish Institute at Athens 1] (Aarhus 1997) 157-184.

L. V. Watrous, Kommos III: The Late Bronze Age Pottery (Princeton 1992).

L. V. Watrous, “New Pottery from the Psychro Cave and its Implications for Minoan Crete,” BSA 99(2004) 129-147.


Pottery: Post-palatial [LM IIIB Late-IIIC]

E. Borgna, "Central Crete and the Mycenaeans at the Close of the Late Bronze Age: The Evidence of the 'Acropoli Mediana' at Phaistos," in E periphereia tou mykenaïkou kosmou [A' Diethnes Diepistemoniko Symposio, Lamia 1994] (Lamia 1999) 353-370.

E. Borgna, "Some Observations on Deep Bowls and Kraters from the 'Acropoli mediana' at Phaistos," in E. and B. P. Hallager (eds.), Late Minoan III Pottery: Chronology and Terminology [Monographs of the Danish Institute at Athens 1] (Aarhus 1997) 273-298.

E. Borgna, "Kitchen-Ware from LM IIIC Phaistos. Cooking Traditions and Ritual Activities in LBA Cretan Societies," SMEA 39(1997) 189-218.

E. Borgna, "Il periodo Tardo Minoico IIIB-C : La Casa ad Ovest del Piazzale I," in I Cento Anni dello Scavo di Festòs [Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei: Atti dei Convegni Lincei 173] (Rome 2001) 273-298.

E. Borgna, Il complesso di ceramica Tardo Minoico III dell'Acropoli Mediana di Festòs [Studi di Archeologia Cretese 3] (Padova 2003).

A. L. D'Agata, "The Shrines in the Piazzale dei Sacelli at Ayia Triada (Crete). The Late Minoan IIIC and Sub-Minoan Material: A Summary," in J. Driessen and A. Farnoux (eds.), La Crète mycénienne [BCH Supplement 30] (Paris 1997) 85-100.

B. P. Hallager, "A Warrior and an Unkown Chariot Type on a LM IIIB:2 Krater in Khania," in R. Laffineur (ed.), POLEMOS. Le contexte guerrier en Égée à l'Âge du Bronze [Aegaeum 19] (Liège/Austin 1999) 449-453.

E. Hatzaki, “Final Palatial (LM II – IIIA2) aned Postpalatial (LM IIIB – LM IIIC Early): MUM South Sector, Long Corridor Cists, MUM Pits (8, 10-11), Makritikhos ‘Kitchen’, MUM North Platform Pits, and SEX Southern Half Groups,” in N. Momigliano (ed.), Knossos Pottery Handbook: Neolithic and Bronze Age (Minoan) [BSA Studies 14] (London 2007) 197-251.

A. Kanta, The Late Minoan III Period in Crete. A Survey of Sites, Pottery and their Distribution [SIMA 58] (Göteborg 1980).

A. Kanta, "LM IIIB and LM IIIC Pottery Phases. Some Problems of Definition," in E. and B. P. Hallager (eds.), Late Minoan III Pottery: Chronology and Terminology [Monographs of the Danish Institute at Athens 1] (Aarhus 1997) 83-101.

M. Mook and W. D. E. Coulson, "Late Minoan IIIC Pottery from the Kastro at Kavousi," in E. and B. P. Hallager (eds.), Late Minoan III Pottery: Chronology and Terminology [Monographs of the Danish Institute at Athens 1] (Aarhus 1997) 337-365.

M. R. Popham, "Late Minoan Pottery. A Summary," BSA 62(1967) 337-351.

M. R. Popham, "The Late Minoan Goblet and Kylix," BSA 64(1969) 299-304.

M. R. Popham, The Minoan Unexplored Mansion at Knossos [BSA Supplementary Volume 17] (Oxford 1984).

N. Prokopiou, "Late Minoan III Pottery from the Greek-Italian Excavations at Sybritos-Amariou," in E. and B. P. Hallager (eds.), Late Minoan III Pottery: Chronology and Terminology [Monographs of the Danish Institute at Athens 1] (Aarhus 1997) 371-394.

G. Rethemiotakis, "Late Minoan III Pottery from Kastelli Pediada," in E. and B. P. Hallager (eds.), Late Minoan III Pottery: Chronology and Terminology [Monographs of the Danish Institute at Athens 1] (Aarhus 1997) 305-326.

M. Tsipopoulou, “Halasmenos, Destroyed but Not Invisible: New Insights on the LM IIIC Period in the Isthmus of Ierapetra. First Presentation of the Pottery from the 1992-1997 Campaigns,” in L. P. Day, M. S. Mook, and J. D. Muhly (eds.), Crete Beyond the Palaces: Proceedings of the Crete 2000 Conference (Philadelphia 2004) 103-123.

P. M. Warren, "Late Minoan III Pottery from the City of Knossos: Stratigraphical Museum Extension Site," in E. and B. P. Hallager (eds.), Late Minoan III Pottery: Chronology and Terminology [Monographs of the Danish Institute at Athens 1] (Aarhus 1997) 157-184.

L. V. Watrous, Kommos III: The Late Bronze Age Pottery (Princeton 1992).

L. V. Watrous, “New Pottery from the Psychro Cave and its Implications for Minoan Crete,” BSA 99(2004) 129-147.


Pottery: Physico-chemical Provenience Analyses

C. M. Belfiore, P. Mazzoleni, O. Palio, and A. Pezzino, “Studio petro-chimico di ceramiche

tardo minoiche dall’edificio di Haghia Photinì (Festòs),” in F. Carinci, N. Cucuzza, P. Militello, and O. Palio (eds.), KRETES MINOIDOS: Tradizione e identità minoica tra produzione artigianale, pratiche cerimoniali e memoria del passato. Studi offerti a Vincenzo La Rosa per il Suo 70o compleanno (Padova 2012) 127-138.

J. Buxeda i Garrigos, V. Kilikoglou, and P. M. Day, "Chemical and Mineralogical Alteration of Ceramics from a Late Bronze Age Kiln at Kommos, Crete: the Effect on the Formation of a Reference Group," Archaeometry 43(2001) 349-371.

P. M. Day, A Petrographic Approach to the Study of Pottery in Neopalatial East Crete (Ph. D. dissertation, Cambridge University 1991).

P. M. Day, "Pottery Production and Consumption in the Sitia Bay Area during the New Palace Period," in M. Tsipopoulou and L. Vagnetti (eds.), Achladia: scavi e ricerche della Missione Greco-Italiana in Creta Orientale [1991-1993] (Rome 1995) 149-176.

P. M. Day, "Ceramic Exchange between Towns and Outlying Settlements in Neopalatial East Crete," in R. Hägg (ed.), The Function of the 'Minoan Villa' (Stockholm 1997) 219-228.

P. M. Day, L. Joyner, and M. Relaki, “A Petrographic Analysis of the Neopalatial Pottery,” in K. A. Barnard and T. M. Brogan, Mochlos I: Period III. Neopalatial Dettlement on the Coast: The Artisans’ Quarter and the Farmhouse at Chalinomouri: IB: The Neopalatial Pottery (Philadelphia 2003) 13-32.

P. M. Day, E. Kiriatzi, A. Tsolakidou, and V. Kilikoglou, "Group Therapy in Crete: a Comparison between Analyses by NAA and Thin Section Petrography of Early Minoan Pottery," JAS 26 (1999) 1025-1036.

A. Hein, P. M. Day, P. S. Quinn, and V. Kilikoglou, “The Geochemical Diversity of Neogene Clay Deposits in Crete and its Implications for Provenance Studies of Minoan Pottery,” Archaeometry 46(2004) 357-384.

A. Hein, P. M. Day, M. A. Cau Ontiveros, and V. Kilikoglou, “Red Clays from Central and Eastern Crete: Geochemical and Mineralogical Properties in View of Provenance Studies on Ancient Ceramics,” Applied Clay Science 24(2004) 245-255.

J. Hilditch, Reconstructing Technological Choice, Social Practice and Networks of Exchange from a Ceramic Perspective in the Middle Bronze Age Cyclades (Ph.D. dissertation, University of Exeter 2009)  [].

E. Kiriatzi, “Sherds, Fabrics and Clay Sources: Reconstructing the Ceramic Landscapes of Prehistoric Kythera,” in K. P. Foster and R. Laffineur (eds.), METRON: Measuring the Aegean Bronze Age [Aegaeum 24] (Liège/Austin 2003) 123-130.

C. Knappett, D. Pirrie, M. R. Power, I. Nikolakopoulou, J. Hilditch, and G. K. Rollinson, “Mineralogical Analysis and Provenancing of Ancient Ceramics Using Automated SEM-EDS Analysis (QEMSCAN): A Pilot Study on LB I Pottery from Akrotiri, Thera,” JAS 38(2011) 219-232.

P. A. Mountjoy, R. E. Jones, and J. F. Cherry, "Provenance Studies of the LM IB/LH IIA Marine Style," BSA 73(1978) 143-171.

P. A. Mountjoy and M. J. Ponting, "The Minoan Thalassocracy Reconsidered: Provenance Studies of LH IIA/LM IB Pottery from Phylakopi, Ay. Irini and Athens," BSA 95(2000) 141-184.

J. A. Riley, "The Contribution of Ceramic Petrology to Our Understanding of Minoan Society," in O. Krzyszkowska and L. Nixon (eds.), Minoan Society (Bristol 1983) 283-292.

T. Whitelaw, P. M. Day, E. Kiriatzi, V. Kilikoglou, and D. E. Wilson, "Ceramic Traditions at EM IIB Myrtos, Fournou Korifi," in R. Laffineur and P. P. Betancourt (eds.), TEXNH: Craftsmen, Craftswomen and Craftsmanship in the Aegean Bronze Age [Aegaeum 16] (Liège/Austin 1997) 265- .


Pottery: Residue Analyses

T. M. Brogan and A. J. Koh, “Feasting at Mochlos? New Evidence for Wine Production, Storage and Consumption from a Bronze Age Harbor Town on Crete?,” in L. A. Hitchcock, R. Laffineur, and J. Crowley (eds.), DAIS: The Aegean Feast [Aegaeum 29] (Liège/Austin 2008) 125-131.

R. P. Evershed, S. J. Vaughan, S. N. Dudd, and J. S. Soles, "Fuel for Thought? Beeswax in Lamps and Conical Cups from Late Minoan Crete," Antiquity 71(1997) 979-985.

R. P. Evershed, S. J. Vaughan, S. N. Dudd, and J. S. Soles, "Organic Residue, Petrographic and Typological Analyses of Late Minoan Lamps and Conical Cups from Excavations at Mochlos in East Crete, Greece," in S. Vaughan and W. Coulson (eds.), Paleodiet in the Aegean (Oxford 2000) 37-54.

A. J. Koh, The Organic Residues of Mochlos, Crete: An Interdisciplinary Study of Typological and Spatial Function at an Archaeological Site (Ph.D. dissertation, University of Pennsylvania 2006).

Y. Tzedakis and H. Martlew (eds.), Minoans and Mycenaeans: Flavours of their Time (Athens 1999).

Y. Tzedakis, H. Martlew, and M. K. Jones (eds.), Archaeology Meets Science: Biomolecular Investigations in Bronze Age Greece: The Primary Scientific Evidence, 1997-2003 (Oxford 2008).


Pottery: Production Facilities and Technology

I. Berg, “X-Radiography of Knossian Bronze Age Vessels: Assessing Our Knowledge of Primary Forming Techniques,” BSA 104(2009) 137-173.

I. Caloi, “Le innovazioni tecnologiche nella Messarà: dal wheel-fashioning al wheel-throwing,” in F. Carinci, N. Cucuzza, P. Militello, and O. Palio (eds.), KRETES MINOIDOS: Tradizione e identità minoica tra produzione artigianale, pratiche cerimoniali e memoria del passato (Padova 2012) 87-102.

N. Cucuzza, "Una nota sul problema dell'identificazione delle officine ceramiche minoiche di età Neopalaziale a Creta," SMEA 39(1997) 163-176.

K. Davaras, "Minoïke kerameike kaminos eis Stylon Chanion," ArchEph (1973) 75-80.

K. Davaras, "A Minoan Pottery Kiln at Palaikastro," BSA 75(1980) 115-126.

T. Eliopoulos, "A Minoan Potter's Wheel with 'Marine' Decoration from Skhinias, Mirabello District," BSA 95(2000) 107-114.

D. Evely, "The Potter's Wheel in Minoan Crete," BSA 83(1988) 83-126.

R. D. G. Evely and J. E. Morrison, “The Minoan Potter’s Wheel: A Study in Experimental Archaeology,” in P. Matthiae, F. Pinnock, L. Nigro, and N. Marchetti (eds.), Proceedings of the 6th International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East (Wiesbaden 2010) 283-288.

H. Georgiou, "Minoan Coarse Wares and Minoan Technology," in O. Krzsyzkowska and L. Nixon (eds.), Minoan Society (Bristol 1983) 75-92.

E. Kiriatzi, “Sherds, Fabrics and Clay Sources: Reconstructing the Ceramic Landscapes of Prehistoric Kythera,” in K. P. Foster and R. Laffineur (eds.), METRON: Measuring the Aegean Bronze Age [Aegaeum 24] (Liège/Austin 2003) 123-130.

D. Levi and C. Laviosa, "Il forno minoico da vasaio di Haghia Triada," Annuario 54(1979) 7-47.

P. Michaelidis, "Potters' Workshops in Minoan Crete," SMEA 32(1993) 7-39.

J. W. Shaw, A. Van de Moortel, P. M. Day, and V. Kilikoglou, "A LM IA Pottery Kiln at Kommos, Crete," in R. Laffineur and P. P. Betancourt (eds.), TEXNH: Craftsmen, Craftswomen and Craftsmanship in the Aegean Bronze Age [Aegaeum 16] (Liège/Austin 1997) 323-331.

J. W. Shaw, A. Van de Moortel, P. M. Day, and V. Kilikoglou, A LM IA Ceramic Kiln in South-central Crete: Function and Pottery Production [Hesperia Supplement 30] (Princeton 2001).

D. Vallianou, "The Potters' Quarter in LM III Gouves," in R. Laffineur and P. P. Betancourt (eds.), TEXNH: Craftsmen, Craftswomen and Craftsmanship in the Aegean Bronze Age [Aegaeum 16] (Liège/Austin 1997) 333-344.

S. Xanthoudides, "Some Minoan Potters' Wheel Discs." in S. Casson (ed.), Essays in Aegean Archaeology (Oxford 1927)        .


Pottery: Studies of Specific Shapes, Decorative Motifs, or Vasepainting Styles

S. Alexiou, "Parastaseis polypodos epi protoellenikon angeion ek Kretes," Kretika Chronika 4(1950) 294-318.

P. P. Betancourt, "The Crocus and Festoons Motif: Evidence for Traveling Vase Painters?," TUAS 7(1982) 34-37.

P. P. Betancourt, “Knossian Expansion in Late Minoan IB: The Evidence of the Spirals and Arcading Group,” in G. Cadogan, E. Hatzaki, and A. Vasilakis (eds.), Knossos: Palace, City, State [BSA Studies 12] (London 2004) 295-298.

T. M. Brogan, “The Incised and Relief Lily Jars from Mochlos,” in L. P. Day, M. S. Mook, and J. D. Muhly (eds.), Crete Beyond the Palaces: Proceedings of the Crete 2000 Conference (Philadelphia 2004) 29-41.

J. H. Crouwel and C. E. Morris, "Pictorial Pottery of Late Minoan II-IIIA2 Early from Knossos," BSA 90(1995) 157-182.

N. Cucuzza, "'Egyptianizing' Amphorae in Minoan Crete," in A. Karetsou (ed.), Krete-Aigyptos: Politismikoi desmoi trion chilietion (Athens 2000) 101-106.

C. Davaras, "Minoan Beehives," in Philia Epe eis Georgion E. Mylonan G’ (Athens 1989) 1-7.

C. Gillis, Minoan Conical Cups (Göteborg 1990).

L. Girella, “A Survey of Grey Wares on Crete in Middle and Late Bronze Age,” Aegeao-Balkan Prehistory (23 June 2007).

L. Girella, “Un frammento con rappresenatazione di felide da Chalara (Festòs),” Creta Antica 10(2009) 441-463.

L. Girella, “Patterns of Exchange and Mobility. The Case of the Grey Ware in Middle and Late Minoan Crete,” SMEA 51(2009) 279-314.

G. Graziadio, “L’adozione della wishbone handle nell’Egeo: un aspetto trascurato dei rapporti cipro-egei,” in V. La Rosa, D. Palermo, and L. Vagnetti (eds.), EPI PONTON PLAZOMENOI: Simposio italiano di Studi Egei dedicato a Luigi Bernabò Brea e Giovanni Pugliese Carratelli (Rome 1999) 365-377.

H. W. Haskell, "The Origin of the Aegean Stirrup Jar and its Earliest Evolution and Distribution (MB III - LB I)," AJA 89(1985) 221-229.

G. Karo, “Minoische Rhyta,” JdI 26(1911) 249-270.

R. B. Koehl, "Minoan Rhyta Found in Egypt," in A. Karetsou (ed.), Krete-Aigyptos: Politismikoi desmoi trion chilietion (Athens 2000) 94-100.

R. B. Koehl, Aegean Bronze Age Rhyta (Philadelphia 2006).

P. Magrill, "A Minoan Alabastron in Dublin," BSA 82(1987) 155-164.

M. Platonos, "Glastres kai anthodocheia sto minoïko kosmo," in EILAPINE. Tomos timetikos gia ton kathegete Nikolao Platona (Herakleion 1987) 227-   .

S. Privitera, “The Rhyton-Hoard as Evidence for Feasting in Neopalatial Crete: The Case of Gournia,” Creta Antica 6(2005) 187-198.

P. Rehak, "Minoan Vessels with Figure-Eight Shields," Opuscula Atheniensia 19(1992) 115-124.

D. Rupp and M. Tsipopoulou, “Conical Cup Concentrations at Neopalatial Petras: A Case for a Ritualized Reception Ceremony with Token Hospitality,” in P. P. Betancourt, V. Karageorghis, R. Laffineur, and W.-D. Niemeier (eds.), MELETEMATA: Studies in Aegean Archaeology Presented to Malcolm H. Wiener as He Enters His 65th Year [Aegaeum 20] (Liège/Austin 1999) 729-739.

J. B. Rutter, “Ceramic Sets in Context: One Dimension of Food Preparation and Consumption in a Minoan Palatial Setting,” in P. Halstead and J. C. Barrett (eds.), Food, Cuisine and Society in Prehistoric Greece [Sheffield Studies in Aegean Archaeology 5] (Oxford 2004) 63-89.

J. B. Rutter, “An Orientalizing Type of Minoan Rhyton from House X at Kommos,” in P. P. Betancourt, M. C. Nelson, and H. Williams (eds.), Krinoi kai Limenes: Studies in Honor of Joseph and Maria Shaw (Philadelphia 2007) 185-190.

J. Rutter, “Size Matters . . . So What Do Giant Semiglobular Cups Signify?,” in F. Carinci, N. Cucuzza, P. Militello, and O. Palio (eds.), KRETES MINOIDOS: Tradizione e identità minoica tra produzione artigianale, pratiche cerimoniali e memoria del passato (Padova 2012) 139-149.

H. Sackett, "A Bull's Head Rhyton from Palaikastro," in D. Evely, I. S. Lemos, and S. Sherratt (eds.), Minotaur and Centaur: Studies in the Archaeology of Crete and Euboea Presented to Mervyn Popham [BAR-IS 638] (Oxford 1996) 51-58.

E. Sapouna-Sakellaraki, "Kerameike tou thalassinou rythmou apo tis Archanes kai e pithane yparxe topikou ergasteriou," Kretika Chronika 28-29(1988-89) 28-   .

W. Schiering, "Ein minoisches Tonrhyton in Hammerform," Kretika Chronika 14(1972) 476-486.

E. B. Shank, "The Floral Landscape Group of Middle Minoan III,” Aegean Archaeology 5[2001] (2002) 71-80.

M. Tsipopoulou and L. Vagnetti, "A Late Minoan III Grey Wheel-made Piriform Jar from Eastern Crete," SMEA 34(1994) 43-50.

I. Tzedhakis, "L'atelier de céramique postpalatiale à Kydonia," BCH 93(1969) 396-418.

I. Tzedhakis, "Minoan Globular Flasks," BSA 66(1971) 363-368.

P. Warren, "A New Minoan Decoration - the Jackson Pollock Style - and its Place in Minoan Art," in D. Evely, I. S. Lemos, and S. Sherratt (eds.), Minotaur and Centaur: Studies in the Archaeology of Crete and Euboea Presented to Mervyn Popham [BAR-IS 638] (Oxford 1996) 46-50.

P. M. Warren, “Rhyta,” CR 58(2008) 251-254.

M. H. Wiener, “Conical Cups: From Mystery to History,” in W. Gauss, M. Lindblom, R. A. K. Smith, and J. C. Wright (eds.), Our Cups Are Full: Pottery and Society in the Aegean Bronze Age (Oxford 2011) 355-368.

Pottery: Transport Vessels: Stirrup Jars and Amphoras

D. Ben-Shlomo, E. Nodarou, and J. B. Rutter, “Transport Stirrup Jars from the Southern Levant: New Light on Commodity Exchange in the Eastern Mediterranean,” AJA 115(2011) 329-353.

H. W. Catling, J. F. Cherry, R. E. Jones, and J. T. Killen, "The Linear B Inscribed Stirrup Jars and West Crete," BSA 75(1980) 49-113.

P. M. Day, V. Kilikoglou, P. Quinn, and J. B. Rutter, "A World of Goods: Transport Jars and Commodity Exchange at the Late Bronze Age Harbor of Kommos, Crete," Hesperia 80(2011) 511-558.

H. W. Haskell, The Coarse Ware Stirrup Jars of Crete and the Cyclades (Ph.D. dissertation, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 1981).

H. W. Haskell, "Region to Region Export of Transport Stirrup Jars from LM IIIA2/B Crete," in A. L. D’Agata, J. Moody, and E. Williams (eds.), Ariadne’s Threads: Connections between Crete and the Greek Mainland in Late Minoan III (LM IIIA2 to LM IIIC) (Athens 2005) 205-221 [with response by A. Kanta (223-234) and discussion (235-241)].

H. W. Haskell, R. E. Jones, P. M. Day, and J. T. Killen, Transport Stirrup Jars of the Bronze Age Aegean and East Mediterranean [Prehistory Monographs 33] (Philadelphia 2011).

K. Kopaka, "LENOI MINOÏKOI. Installations minoennes de traitement des produits liquides," BCH 117(1993) 35-101.

G. Kousouphlakes, "Psevdostomos Ysterominoïkos amphoreas apo te thalassia perioche tou Palaikastrou," in A. Vlachopoulos and K. Birtacha (eds.), ARGONAUTIS: Timetikos tomos yia ton Kathegete Christo G. Douma apo tous mathetes tou sto Panepistimio Athenon (1980-2000) (Athens 2003) 409-416.

J. Maran, “Late Minoan Coarse Ware Stirrup Jars on the Greek Mainland. A Postpalatial Perspective from the 12th Century BC Argolid,” in A. L. D’Agata, J. Moody, and E. Williams (eds.), Ariadne’s Threads: Connections between Crete and the Greek Mainland in Late Minoan III (LM IIIA2 to LM IIIC) (Athens 2005) 415-431.

O.  and M. Negbi, "Stirrup-Jars Versus Canaanite Jars: Their Contents and Reciprocal Trade," in C. and P. Zerner and J. Winder (eds.), Wace and Blegen: Pottery as Evidence for Trade in the Aegean Bronze Age 1939-1989 (Amsterdam 1993) 319-329.

J. B. Rutter, "The Short-necked Amphora of the Post-Palatial Mesara," Pepragmena tou H’ Diethnous Kretologikou Synedriou (Heraklion 2000) A3: 177-188.

J. Raison, Les vases à inscriptions peintes de l'âge mycénien et leur contexte archéologique [Incunabula Graeca 19] (Rome 1968).


Pottery: Cooking Vessels, Lamps, and Miscellaneous “Coarse Wares”

P. P. Betancourt, Cooking Vessels from Minoan Kommos (Los Angeles 1980).

E. Borgna, "Kitchen-Ware from LM IIIC Phaistos. Cooking Traditions and Ritual Activities in LBA Cretan Societies," SMEA 39(1997) 189-218.

R. P. Evershed, S. J. Vaughan, S. N. Dudd, and J. S. Soles, "Fuel for Thought? Beeswax in Lamps and Conical Cups from Late Minoan Crete," Antiquity 71(1997) 979-985.

R. P. Evershed, S. J. Vaughan, S. N. Dudd, and J. S. Soles, "Organic Residue, Petrographic and Typological Analyses of Late Minoan Lamps and Conical Cups from Excavations at Mochlos in East Crete, Greece," in S. Vaughan and W. Coulson (eds.), Paleodiet in the Aegean (Oxford 2000) 37-54.

H. Georgiou, "Minoan Coarse Wares and Minoan Technology," in O. Krzsyzkowska and L. Nixon (eds.), Minoan Society (Bristol 1983) 75-92.

D. C. Haggis, "The Cultural and Economic Implications of Coarse Ware Ceramic Distribution in the North Isthmus of Ierapetra in the Bronze Age," Pepragmena tou H' Diethnous Kretologikou Synedriou (Heraklion 2000) A1: 535-544.

D. C. Haggis and M. S. Mook, "The Kavousi Coarse Wares: A Bronze Age Chronology for Survey in the Mirabello Area, East Crete," AJA 97(1993) 265-293.

H. Martlew, "What a Difference a Spout Makes: Minoan and Mycenaean Cooking Vessels and What They Can Tell Us," BICS 41(1996) 144-145.

L. Mercando, "Lampade, lucerne, bracieri di Festòs (Scavi 1950-1970)," Annuario 52-53[1974-75] (1978) 15-167.

J. Moody, "The Development of a Coarse Ware Chronology for the Khania Region of West Crete," TUAS 10(1985) 51-65.

J. Moody, H. L. Robinsoon, J. Francis, L. Nixon, and L. Wilson, “Ceramic Fabric Analysis and Survey Archaeology: The Sphakia Survey,” BSA 98(2003) 37-105.


Pottery: Bulk Storage Containers: Pithoi

K. S. Christakis, "Pithoi and Food Storage in Neopalatial Crete: A Domestic Perspective," World Archaeology 31(1999) 1-20.

K. S. Christakis, Cretan Bronze Age Pithoi: Traditions and Trends in the Production and Consumption of Storage Containers in Bronze Age Crete (Philadelphia 2005).

K. S. Christakis, “Traditions and Trends in the Production and Consumption of Storage Containers in Protopalatial and Neopalatial Crete,” in M. H. Wiener, J. L. Warner, J. Polonsky, and E. E Hayes (eds.), Pottery and Society: The Impact of Recent Studies in Minoan Pottery [Gold Medal Colloquium in Honor of Philip P. Betancourt](Boston 2006) 119-137.

K. S. Christakis, The Politics of Storage: Storage and Scoiopolitical Complexity in Neopalatial Crete (Philadelphia 2008).

K. S. Christakis, “Pithoi and Economy in LM IB State Societies,” in T. M. Brogan and E. Hallager (eds.), LM IB Pottery: Relative Chronology and Regional Differences [Monographs of the Danish Institute at Athens 11] (Athens 2011) 241-253.

P. M. Day, "The Production and Distribution of Storage Jars in Neopalatial Crete," in E. B. French and K. A. Wardle (eds.), Problems in Greek Prehistory (Bristol 1988) 499-508.

I. Nikolakopoulou, "Remarks on Storage and Chronology in Late Cycladic I Akrotiri, Thera : A Response to Kostis Christakis," in T. M. Brogan and E. Hallager (eds.), LM IB Pottery: Relative Chronology and Regional Differences [Monographs of the Danish Institute at Athens 11] (Athens 2011) 255-262.


Terracotta and Stone Larnakes and Wooden Coffins

[for the Ayia Triadha sarcophagus, see also under “Fertility and Funerary Cult” in Lesson #15 (Minoan Religion)]

S. Alexiou, "Larnakes kai angeia ek taphou para to Gazi Herakleiou," ArchEph (1972) 86-98.

K. Baxevani, "A Minoan Larnax from Pigi, Rethymnou with Religious and Funerary  Iconography," in C. Morris (ed.), KLADOS: Essays in Honour of J. N. Coldstream [BICS Supplement 63] (London 1995) 15-33.

R. C. Bosanquet, "Excavations at Palaikastro I. The Painted Larnax, and Some Other Larnax Burials," BSA 8(1901/2) 297-300.

J. H. Crouwel, "A Minoan Terracotta Coffin in Amsterdam," BABesch 58(1983) 11-15.

N. Dimopoulou-Rethemiotaki and G. Rethemiotakis, "Hysterominoïko nekrotapheio sto Metochi Kalou Herakleiou," AD 33A(1978) 40-109.

A. Evans, "The Prehistoric Tombs of Knossos: The Cemetery of Zapher Papoura. The Royal Tomb of Isopata," Archaeologia 59(1906) 391-562.

S. Hiller, "Egyptian Elements on the Hagia Triada Sarcophagus," in P. P. Betancourt, V. Karageorghis, R. Laffineur, and W.-D. Niemeier (eds.), MELETEMATA: Studies in Aegean Archaeology Presented to Malcolm H. Wiener as He Enters His 65th Year [Aegaeum 20] (Liège/Austin 1999) 361-369.

S. Hood, G. L. Huxley, and N. Sandars, "A Minoan Cemetery on Upper Gypsades (Knossos Survey 156)," BSA 53-54(1958-59) 194-262.

A. Kanta, "A Sarcophagus from the Village of Maroulas, Rethymnon," AAA 6(1973) 315-323.

F. Lang, "Zur Deutung der spätminoischen Larnax von Episkopi," in F. Blakolmer (ed.), Österreichische Forschungen zur ägäischen Bronzezeit 1998 (Vienna 2000) 105-106.

C. Long, The Ayia Triadha Sarcophagus. A Study of Late Minoan and Mycenaean Funerary Practices and Beliefs [SIMA 41](Göteborg 1974).

N. Marinatos, "Minoan and Mycenaean Larnakes: A Comparison," in J. Driessen and A. Farnoux (eds.), La Crète mycénienne [BCH Supplement 30] (Paris 1997) 281-292.

C. Mavriyannaki, Recherches sur les larnakes minoennes de la Crète Occidentale (Rome 1972).

N. I. Merousis, Oi eikonographikoi kykloi ton YM III larnakon. Oi diastaseis tes eikonographias sta plaisia ton taphikon praktikon (Thessaloniki 2000).

A. Michalidou-Pappa, "Kretike larnaka sto Mouseio Thessalonikes," Kretika Chronika 24(1972) 325-359.

L. Morgan, "A Minoan Larnax from Knossos," BSA 82(1987) 171-200.

C. Morris, "Fishy Tales from Knossos: A Late Minoan Larnax and Vase-painter," in C. Morris (ed.), KLADOS: Essays in Honour of J. N. Coldstream [BICS Supplement 63] (London 1995) 185-193.

P. Muhly, "Furniture from the Shaft Graves: the Occurrence of Wood in Aegean Burials in the Bronze Age," BSA 91(1996) 197-211.

I. Pini, Beiträge zur minoischen Gräberkunde (Wiesbaden 1968).

M. Pologeorgi, "Paratereseis sten parastase morphes me ypsomena cheria se Ysterminoïke larnaka apo tou Apodoulou Eparchias Amariou," Pepragmena tou ST' Diethnous Kretologikou Synedriou (Chania 1990) A2: 207-232.

W. Pötscher, "Tag und Nacht auf dem Sarkophag von Hagia Triada," Klio 79(1997) 19-22.

W. Pötscher, "Nochmals: Tag und Nacht auf dem Sarkophag von Hagia Triada," Klio 79(1997) 315-316.

W. Pötscher, "Bemerkungen zum Sarkophag von Hagia Triada," in F. Blakolmer (ed.), Österreichische Forschungen zur ägäischen Bronzezeit 1998 (Vienna 2000) 107-110.

L. Preston, “Contextualizing the Larnax: Tradition, Innovation and Regionalism in Coffin Use on Late Minoan II-IIIB Crete,” OJA 23(2004) 177-197.

G. Rethemiotakis, "Larnakes kai angeia apo to Kavrochori Herakleiou," in EILAPINE. Tomos timetikos gia ton kathegete Nikolao Platona (Heraklion 1987) 235-243.

G. Rethemiotakis, "Minoïke larnaka apo to Klema Mesaras," ArchEph 134(1995) 163-183.

B. Rutkowski, "The Origin of the Minoan Coffin," BSA 63(1968) 219-227.

M. Tsipopoulou and L. Vagnetti, "Workshop Attributions for Some Late Minoan III East Cretan Larnakes," in R. Laffineur and P. P. Betancourt (eds.), TEXNH: Craftsmen, Craftswomen and Craftsmanship in the Aegean Bronze Age [Aegaeum 16] (Liège/Austin 1997) 473-    .

Y. Tzedhakis, "Larnakes hysterminoïkou nekrotapheiou Armenon Rethymnes," AAA 4(1971) 216-222.

L. V. Watrous, "The Origin and Iconography of the Late Minoan Painted Larnax," Hesperia 60(1991) 285-307.


Seals, Signets, and Sealings [see also under Lesson #14 (Minoan Religion) and Lesson #10 (Middle Minoan Crete)]

A. Alexandri, Gender Symbolism in Late Bronze Age Aegean Glyptic Art (Ph.D. dissertation, Cambridge University 1994).

S. Alexiou, "En parallelon dia ton basilea-ierea tes Knosou," AAA 3(1969) 429-435.

J. Aruz, Marks of Distinction. Seals and Cultural Exchange between the Aegean and the Orient (ca. 2600-1360 B.C.) [CMS Beiheft 7] (Mainz 2008).

S. Beckmann, “The Ring of Minos – Lost and Found,” Athena Review 3:3(2003) 81-82.

J. H. Betts, "Notes of a Possible Minoan Forgery," BSA 60(1965) 203-206.

J. H. Betts, "Some Unpublished Knossos Sealings and Seal Stones," BSA 62(1967) 27-45.

J. H. Betts, "New Light on Minoan Bureaucracy: A Re-examination of Some Cretan Sealings," Kadmos 6(1967) 15-40.

J. H. Betts, "More Aegean Papyrus. Some Glyptic Evidence," AAA 11(1978) 61-74.

J. H. Betts, "The Seal from Shaft Grave Gamma - A Mycenaean Chieftain?," TUAS 6(1981) 2-8.

H. Biesantz, Kretisch-mykenische Siegelbilder. Stilgeschichte und chronologische Untersuchungen (Marburg 1954).

H. Biesantz, "Die minoischen Bildnisgemmen," Marburger Winckelmann-Programm (1958) 9-25.

J. Boardman, "The de Jong Gems," in Antichità Cretesi. Studi in onore di Doro Levi I (Catania 1973) 115-121.

C. D. Cain, "Dancing in the Dark: Deconstructing a Narrative of Epiphany on the Isopata Ring," AJA 105(2001) 27-49.

S. Cappel, “Considerations on Sealing Practice and Agency in Minoan Crete and the Eastern Mediterranean ion the 2nd Millennium BC,” in K. Duistermaat and I. Regulski (eds.), Intercultural Contacts in the Ancient Mediterranean [Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 202] (Leuven 2011) 89-100.

S. Cappel, “Lasting Impressions. The Appropriation of Sealing Practices in Minoan Crete,” in J. Maran and P. W. Stockhammer (eds.), Materiality and Social Practice: Transformative Capacities of Intercultural Encounters (Oxford 2012) 173-184.

T. Corsten, “Zu den sogenannten Schwebenden Gottheiten,” in E. Thomas (ed.), Forschungen zur ägäischen Vorgeschichte: Das Ende der mykenischen Welt (Köln 1987) 193-200.

J. L. Crowley, “In Honour of the Gods – But Which Gods? Identifying Deities in Aegean Glyptic,” in L. A. Hitchcock, R. Laffineur, and J. Crowley (eds.), DAIS: The Aegean Feast [Aegaeum 29] (Liège/Austin 2008) 75-87.

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N. Dimopoulou, “Seals and Scarabs from the Minoan Port Settlement at Poros-Katsambas,” in W. Müller (ed.), Minoisch-mykenische Glyptik: Stil, Ikonographie, Funktion [CMS Beiheft 6] (Berlin 2000) 27-38.

N. Dimopoulou, “A Gold Discoid from Poros, Herakleion: The Guard Dog and the Garden,“ in O. Krzsyzkowska (ed.), Cretan Offerings: Studies in Honour of Peter Warren [BSA Studies 18] (London 2010) 89-100.

N. Dimopoulou and G. Rethemiotakis, “The ‘Sacred Conversation’ Ring from Poros,” in W. Müller (ed.), Minoisch-mykenische Glyptik: Stil, Ikonographie, Funktion [CMS Beiheft 6] (Berlin 2000) 39-56.

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E. Hallager, The Master Impression [SIMA 69] (Göteborg 1985).

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E. Hallager, "The Roundel in the Minoan Administrative System," in E. B. French and K. A. Wardle (eds.), Problems in Greek Prehistory (Bristol 1988) 101-112.

E. Hallager, "Roundels among Sealings in Minoan Administration: A Comprehensive Analysis of Function," in T. G. Palaima (ed.), Aegean Seals, Sealings, and Administration [Aegeaum 5] (Liège 1990) 121-147.

E. Hallager, "Identical Seals on Roundels and Other Documents," in  W. Müller (ed.), Sceaux Minoens et Mycéniens [CMS Beiheft 5] (Berlin 1995) 87-103.

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E. Hallager, “Development of Sealing Practices in the Neopalatial Period,” in W. Müller (ed.),  Die Bedeutung der minoischen und mykenischen Glyptik [CMS Beiheft 8] (Mainz 2010) 205-212.

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V. E. G. Kenna, "Three Cylinder Seals Found in Crete," Kretika Chronika 21(1969) 351-364.

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G. Kopcke, "Male Iconography on Some Late Minoan Signets," in R. Laffineur (ed.), POLEMOS. Le contexte guerrier en Égée à l'Âge du Bronze [Aegaeum 19] (Liège/Austin 1999) 341-346.

K. Krattenmaker, "Architecture in Glyptic Cult Scenes: The Minoan Examples," in W. Müller (ed.), Sceaux Minoens et Mycéniens [CMS Beiheft 5] (Berlin 1995) 117-133.

O. Krzyszkowska, Aegean Seals: An Introduction [BICS Supplement 85] (London 2005), esp. 119-231.

O. Krzyszkowska, “Impressions of the Natural World: Landscape in Aegean Glyptic,” in O. Krzsyzkowska (ed.), Cretan Offerings: Studies in Honour of Peter Warren [BSA Studies 18] (London 2010) 169-188.

E. Kyriakidis, "Nudity in Late Minoan I Seal Iconography," Kadmos 36(1997) 119-126.

E. Kyriakidis, “Pithos or Baetyl? On the Interpretation of a Group of Minoan Rings,” Opuscula Atheniensia 25-26(2000-01) 117-118.

E. Kyriakidis, "Aniconicity in the Seal Iconography of the Late Minoan I Period," Kadmos 43(2004) 159-166.

E. Kyriakidis, “Unidentified Floating Objects on Minoan Seals,” AJA 109(2005) 137-154.

A. Lebessi, P. Muhly, and G. Papasavvas, “The Runner’s Ring: A Minoan Athlete’s Dedication at the Syme Sanctuary, Crete,” AM 119(2004) 1-31.

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Metalwork Other than in the Forms of Figurines, Jewelry, Signet Rings, Tools, and Weapons

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Textiles, Dyes, and Costume

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Games and Toys

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Miscellaneous Organic Substances

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Crafts and Industries

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Collections of Minoan Antiquities

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Lesson Materials