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Lesson 21: Bibliography

Mycenaean Public and Funerary Architecture: Fortifications, Drainage Projects, Roads, and Chamber Tombs

 [Updated April 2012]


Colloquia, Symposia, and Festschriften

E. Alram-Stern and G. Nightingale (eds.), KEIMELION: Eliten und elitärer Konsum von der mykenischen Palastzeit bis zur homerischen (Vienna 2007).

K. Branigan (ed.), Urbanism in the Aegean Bronze Age [Sheffield Studies in Aegean Archaeology 4] (Sheffield 2001).

H. Cavanagh, W. Cavanagh, and J. Roy (eds.), Honouring the Dead in the Peloponnese (Nottingham 2011).

A. Dakouri-Hild and S. Sherratt (eds.), AUTOCHTHON: Papers Presented to O. T. P. K. Dickinson on the Occasion of His Retirement [BAR-IS 1432] (Oxford 2005).

P. Darcque and J-C. Poursat (eds.), L'iconographie minoenne [BCH Supplement 11] (Paris 1985).

P. Darcque and R. Treuil (eds.), L'habitat égéen préhistorique [BCH Supplement 19] (Paris 1990).

S. Deger-Jalkotzy and I. S. Lemos (eds.), Ancient Greece: From the Mycenaean Palaces to the Age of Homer (Edinburgh 2006).

E. De Miro, L. Godart, and A. Sacconi (eds.), Atti e memorie del secondo congresso internazionale di micenologia [Incunabula Graeca 98] (Rome 1996).

C. Gallou, M. Georgiadis, and G. M. Muskett (eds.), DIOSKOUROI: Studies Presented to W. G. Cavanagh and C. B. Mee on the Anniversary of Their 30-Year Joint Contribution to Aegean Archaeology [BAR-IS 1889] (Oxford 2008).

R. Hägg and N. Marinatos (eds.), The Minoan Thalassocracy: Myth and Reality (Stockholm 1984).

R. Hägg and G. C. Nordquist (eds.), Celebrations of Death and Divinity in the Bronze Age Argolid (Stockholm 1990).

R. Laffineur (ed.), Thanatos. Les coutumes funéraires en Égée à l'âge du Bronze [Aegaeum 1] (Liège 1987).

R. Laffineur (ed.), Transition. Le monde égéen du Bronze moyen au Bronze récent [Aegaeum3] (Liège 1989).

J. Maran, C. Juwig, H. Schwengel, and U. Thaler (eds.), Constructing Power: Architecture and Social Practice (Hamburg 2006).

H periphereia tou mykenaïkou kosmou [A' Diethnes Diepistemoniko Symposio, Lamia, 25-29 Septembriou 1994] (Lamia 1999).


Synthetic Treatments and General Overviews

W. Cavanagh and C. Mee, A Private Place: Death in Prehistoric Greece [SIMA 125] (Jonsered 1998).

K. Lewartowski, Late Helladic Simple Graves: A Study of Mycenaean Burial Customs [BAR-IS 878] (Oxford 2000).

J. Maran, “Mycenaean Citadels as Performative Space,” in J. Maran, C. Juwig, H. Schwengel, and U. Thaler (eds.), Constructing Power: Architecture and Social Practice (Hamburg 2006) 75-91.

G. E. Mylonas, Mycenae and the Mycenaean Age (Princeton 1966) 11-45, 86-88, 111-118.

L. Schofield, The Mycenaeans (Los Angeles 2007).

C. W. Shelmerdine, "Review of Aegean Prehistory VI: The Palatial Bronze Age of the Southern and Central Greek Mainland," AJA 101(1997) 537-585.

Building Materials, Techniques of Construction, and Conceptualizations of Space

W. Cavanagh, “Empty Space? Courts and Squares in Mycenaean Towns,” in K. Branigan (ed.), Urbanism in the Aegean Bronze Age [Sheffield Studies in Aegean Archaeology 4] (Sheffield 2001) 119-134.

P. Darcque, L’habitat mycénien: Formes et fonctions de l’espace bâti en Grèce continentale à la fin du IIe millénaire avant J.-C. [BEFAR 319] (Paris 2005).

R. D. Fitzsimons, “Monumental Architecture and the Construction of the Mycenaean State,” in N. Terrenato and D. C. Haggis (eds.), State Formation in Italy and Greece: Questioning the Neoevolutionist Paradigm (Oxford 2011) 75-118.

M. Küpper, Mykenische Architektur: Material, Bearbeitungstechnik, Konstruktion und Erscheinungsbild (Espelkamp 1996).

M. C. Nelson, The Architecture of Epano Englianos, Greece (Ph.D. dissertation, University of Toronto 2001).

J. C. Wright, Mycenaean Masonry Practices and Elements of Construction (Ph.D. dissertation, Bryn Mawr 1978).

E. Yannouli, Reason in Architecture: The Component of Space. A Study of Domestic and Palatial Buildings in Bronze Age Greece (Ph.D. dissertation, University of Cambridge 1992).


Mycenaean Tombs and Cemeteries

P. Agallopoulou, "Anaskaphe mykenaïkon taphon para to Kambi Dytikes Zakinthou,” AAA 5(1972) 63-65.

P. Agallopoulou, "Mykenaïkon nekrotapheion para to Kambi Zakynthou," AD 28A(1973) 198-    .

M. E. Alberti, “Weighting and Dying between East and West: Weighing Materials from LBA Aegean Funerary Contexts,” in K. P. Foster and R. Laffineur (eds.), METRON: Measuring the Aegean Bronze Age [Aegaeum 24] (Liège/Austin 2003) 277-284.

M. Alden, Well-built Mycenae VII: The Prehistoric Cemetery. Pre-Mycenaean and Early Mycenaean Graves (Oxford 2000).

K. Anastassiou-Alexopoulou, E systada taphon tou Gymnasiou kai e mykenaïke Salamina (Ph.D. dissertation, University of Athens 1990).

V. L. Aravantinos, "Les nécropoles mycéniennes de Tanagra," in V. Jeanmet (ed.), Tanagra. Mythe et archéologie (Paris 2003) 68-80.

P. Åström, "Das Panzergrab von Dendra. Bauweise und Keramik," AM 82(1967) 54-87.

P. Åström, The Cuirass Tomb and Other Finds at Dendra 1: The Chamber Tombs [SIMA 4] (Göteborg 1977).

A. E. Bächle, “Eliten in Elateia? Überlegungen ausgehend von der frühen mykenischen Keramik,” in E. Alram-Stern and G. Nightingale (eds.), KEIMELION: Eliten und elitärer Konsum von der mykenischen Palastzeit bis zur homerischen (Vienna 2007) 15-30.

A. Batsiou-Efstathiou, "To nekrotapheio tes Neas Ionias (Volou) kata te metabase apo ten YE IIIC sten PG epoche," in H periphereia tou mykenaïkou kosmou [A' Diethnes Diepistemoniko Symposio, Lamia, 25-29 Septembriou 1994] (Lamia 1999) 117-130.

M. Benzi, Rodi e la Civiltà Micenea (Rome 1992).

C. W. Blegen, Prosymna, the Helladic Settlement Preceding the Argive Heraeum (Cambridge 1937).

M. J. Boyd, "The Middle and Late Bronze Age in Messenia," Archaeo 1(1993) 11-24.

J. McK. Camp II, “Excavations in the Athenian Agora: 1998-2001,” Hesperia 72(2003) 241-280, esp. 254-273.

W. Cavanagh and C. Mee, A Private Place: Death in Prehistoric Greece [SIMA 125] (Jonsered 1998) 41-102.

S. I. Charitonides, "Duo mykenaïkoi taphoi en to chorio Priphtiani para tas Mykenas," ArchEph (1952) Parartema 19-   .

A. Choremis, "Mykenaïkoi kai protogeometrikoi taphoi eis ten Karpophoran Messenias," ArchEph (1973) 49-60.

Ph. Dakoronia, “Rare Burial Gifts from Mycenaean Chamber Tombs in North-East Phokis,” in E. Alram-Stern and G. Nightingale (eds.), KEIMELION: Eliten und elitärer Konsum von der mykenischen Palastzeit bis zur homerischen (Vienna 2007) 59-64.

D. Danielidou, "O thalamotos taphos 84 ton Mykenon," ArchEph (2000) 161-178.

K. Demakopoulou, "Mykenaïkon nekrotapheion Melathrias Lakonias," ArchEph (1977) 29-60.

K. A. Demakopoulou and J. H. Crouwel, "Some Mycenaean Tombs at Palaiokastro, Arcadia," BSA 93(1998) 269-283.

J. Deshayes, Argos. Les fouilles de la Deiras (Paris 1966).

O. T. P. K. Dickinson, "Cist Graves and Chamber Tombs," BSA 78(1983) 55-67.

B. Eder, "Ancient Elis in the Dark Ages," in H periphereia tou mykenaïkou kosmou [A' Diethnes Diepistemoniko Symposio, Lamia, 25-29 Septembriou 1994] (Lamia 1999) 263-268.

E. French and K. Shelton, "Early Palatial Mycenae," in A. Dakouri-Hild and S. Sherratt (eds.), AUTOCHTHON: Papers Presented to O. T. P. K. Dickinson on the Occasion of His Retirement [BAR-IS 1432] (Oxford 2005) 175-184.

C. Gillis, "The Asine chamber Tombs - Graves of Kings?," in E. De Miro, L. Godart, and A. Sacconi (eds.), Atti e memorie del secondo congresso internazionale di micenologia [Incunabula Graeca 98] III (Rome 1996) 1193-1203.

A. Grammenou, "The Mycenaean Chamber Tombs at Spata in Attica: New Research on an Excavation of 1877," BICS 41(1996) 140-141.

V. Hankey, "Late Helladic Tombs at Chalkis," BSA 47(1952) 49-   .

E. J. Holmberg, A Mycenaean Chamber Tomb near Berbati in the Argolid (Göteborg 1983).

S. Iakovidis, "Peri tou schematos ton laxeuton taphon eis ta Volimidia Messenias," in Charisterion eis Anastasion K. Orlandon (Athens 1966) B: 99-111.

S. Iakovidis, Perati. To Nekrotapheion I-III (Athens 1969-1970).

S. A. Immerwahr, The Athenian Agora XIII: the Neolithic and Bronze Age (Princeton


G. Jacopi, "Nuovi scavi nella necropoli micenea di Jalisso," Annuario 13-14(1930-31) 253-345.

K. Kalogeropoulos, "The Mycenaean Cemetery of Analipsis in Arcadia," in E. De Miro, L. Godart, and A. Sacconi (eds.), Atti e memorie del secondo congresso internazionale di micenologia [Incunabula Graeca 98] (Rome 1996) III: 1205-1209.

K. Kalogeropoulos, Die frühmykenischen Grabfunde von Analipsis (Südostliches Arkadien) mit einem Beitrag zu den Palatialen Amphoren des griechischen Festlandes [Bibliotheke tes en Athenais Archaiologikes Etaireias 175] (Athens 1998).

E. Karantzali, "Neoi mykenaïkoi taphoi Rodou," in H periphereia tou mykenaïkou kosmou [A' Diethnes Diepistemoniko Symposio, Lamia, 25-29 Septembriou 1994] (Lamia 1999) 285-300.

E. Karantzali, The Mycenaean Cemetery at Pylona on Rhodes [BAR-IS 988] (Oxford 2001).

A. Keramopoullos, "Mykenaïkoi taphoi en Aigine kai en Thebais," ArchEph (1910) 177--252.

A. Keramopoullos, "Thebaïka," AD 3(1917) 1-503.

N. Kokkotake, “Thalamoeides mykenaïkos taphos sto Alepochori Eleias,” in A. D. Rizakis (ed.), Archaia Achaïa kai Eleia/Achaia und Elis in der Antike (Athens 1991) 39-44.

E. Konsolaki-Yiannopoulou, “Taphes nepion sto mykenaïko iero tou Agiou Konstantinou sta Methana,” in E. Konsolaki-Yiannopoulou (ed.), Argosaronikos: Praktika 1ou Diethnous Synedriou Istorias kai Archaiologias tou Argosaronikou (Athens 2003) 257-284.

L. Kontorli-Papadopoulou, "Some Aspects Concerning Local Peculiarities of the Mycenaean Chamber Tombs," in R. Laffineur (ed.), Thanatos. Les coutumes funéraires en Égée à l'âge du Bronze [Aegaeum 1] (Liège 1987) 145-160.

M. Koumouzelis, "A Monumental Chamber Tomb at Ellinika, Messenia," in E. De Miro, L. Godart, and A. Sacconi (eds.), Atti e memorie del secondo congresso internazionale di micenologia [Incunabula Graeca 98] (Rome 1996) III: 1221-1228.

S. Lambropoulos, P. Moutzouridis, and K. Nikolentzos, “Hybrid Burial Monuments of the Late Bronze Age in Two Recently Excavated Sites in Elis (Strephi and Arvaniti),” in H. Cavanagh, W. Cavanagh, and J. Roy (eds.), Honouring the Dead in the Peloponnese (Nottingham 2011) 391-400.

A. Maiuri, "Jalisos. La necropoli micenea," Annuario 6-7(1923-24) 86-247.

S. Marinatos, "Ai anaskaphai Goekoop en Kephallenia," ArchEph (1932) 1-47.

S. Marinatos, "Ai en Kephallenia anaskaphai Goekoop," ArchEph (1933) 68-100.

C. Mee, Rhodes in the Bronze Age (Warminster 1982).

L. Morricone,"Eleona e Langada: sepolcreti della Tarda Età del Bronzo a Coo," Annuario 27-28(1965-66) 5-317.

I. Moschos, “Prehistoric Tumuli at Portes in Achaea. First Preliminary Report,” Proceedings of the Danish Institute at Athens 3(2000) 9-49.

P. A. Mountjoy, Mycenaean Athens [SIMA Pocket-book 127] (Jonsered 1995).

S. Müller, Les tombes mycéniennes de Médéon de Phocide: Architecture et mobilier (Ph.D. dissertation, University of Lyon II 1995).

S. Müller, "Idiomorphies sten taphike architektonike tou Medeona Phokidas," in H periphereia tou mykenaïkou kosmou [A' Diethnes Diepistemoniko Symposio, Lamia, 25-29 Septembriou 1994] (Lamia 1999) 223-234.

G. E. Mylonas, To dytikon nekrotapheion tes Elefsinos [Bibliotheke tes en Athenais Archaiologikes Etaireias 81] (Athens 1975).

E. Nikolaou, "Paidikes taphes 'intra muros' tes eschates Chalkokratias apo ton Kyno tes anatolikes Lokridas," in H periphereia tou mykenaïkou kosmou [A' Diethnes Diepistemoniko Symposio, Lamia, 25-29 Septembriou 1994] (Lamia 1999) 153-156.

M. A. Pantelidou, Ai Proïstorikai Athenai (Athens 1975).

I. Papadimitriou, “Mykenaïkoi taphoi Alykes Glyphadas,” PAE (1954) 72-88.

I. Papadimitriou, “Mykenaïkoi taphoi Alykes Glyphadas,” PAE (1955) 78-99.

N. Papadimitriou, Built Chamber Tombs of Middle and Late Bronze Age Date in Mainland Greece and the Islands [BAR-IS 925] (Oxford 2001).

N. Papadimitriou, “T. 164 – An Early LH Built Chamber Tomb from Argos,” BSA 96(2001) 41-79.

A. Papadopoulos, Mycenaean Achaea I-II [SIMA 55](Göteborg 1978-79).

T. J. Papadopoulos, "Warrior-Graves in Achaean Mycenaean Cemeteries," in R. Laffineur (ed.), POLEMOS. Le contexte guerrier en Égée à l'Âge du Bronze [Aegaeum 19] (Liège/Austin 1999) 267-274.

M.-Ph. Papakonstantinou, "Early Mycenaean Tumuli at Glypha in Phthiotis (Ancient Antron)," BICS 41(1996) 137-138.

M.-Ph. Papakonstantinou, "O taphikos kyklos A tes Andronas. Prote parousiase," in H periphereia tou mykenaïkou kosmou [A' Diethnes Diepistemoniko Symposio, Lamia, 25-29 Septembriou 1994] (Lamia 1999) 171-180.

L. Papazoglou-Manioudaki, "A Mycenaean Tomb at Krini near Patras," BSA 89(1994) 171-200.

L. Papazoglou-Manioudaki, "Pelina kai chalkina tes Proïmes Mykenaïkes epoches apo ten Achaïa," in H periphereia tou mykenaïkou kosmou [A' Diethnes Diepistemoniko Symposio, Lamia, 25-29 Septembriou 1994] (Lamia 1999) 269-283.

L. Parlama, "Thalamoeides taphos para to Agrapidhochori Eleias," ArchEph Chronika (1971) 52-60.

L. Parlama, "Mykenaïka Eleias," AD 29A(1974) 25-58.

A. Persson, Royal Tombs at Dendra near Midea (Lund 1931).

A. Persson, New Tombs at Dendra near Midea (Lund 1942).

N. Polychronakou-Sgouritsa, "To mykenaïko nekrotapheio tes Varkizas/Vares," AD 43A(1988) 1-    .

E. Protonotariou-Deïlaki, Oi tymboi tou Argous (Athens 1980).

E. Protonotariou-Deïlaki, “Mykenaïkos taphos ex Argous,” in Charisterion eis Anastasion K. Orlandon (Athens 1966) B: 239-247.

W. Rudolph, "Die Nekropole am Prophitis Elias bei Tiryns," Tiryns VI (Mainz 1973) 23-126.

G. Säflund, Excavations at Berbati 1936-7 (Stockholm 1965).

N. Sgouritsa, “Remarks on the Use of Plaster in Tholos Tombs at Mycenae: Hypotheses on the Origin of the Painted Decoration of Tombs in Mainland Greece,” in H. Cavanagh, W. Cavanagh, and J. Roy (eds.), Honouring the Dead in the Peloponnese (Nottingham 2011) 737-754.

K. S. Shelton, "Tsountas' Chamber Tombs at Mycenae," ArchEph 132(1993) 187-210.

K. S. Shelton, “Four Chamber Tomb Cemeteries at Mycenae,” ArchEph 139(2000) 24-64.

R. A. K. Smith, E. Pappi, M. K. Dabney, S. Triantaphyllou, and J. C. Wright, “2006-2007 Excavations of the Mycenaean Cemetery at Ayia Sotira, Ancient Nemea,” Aegean Archaeology 8[2005-2006] (2009) 95-109.

C. Souyoudzoglou-Haywood, The Ionian Islands in the Bronze Age and Early Iron Age 3000 - 800 B.C. (Liverpool 1999).

T. G. Spyropoulos, "Pellana: the Administrative Center of Prehistoric Laconia," in W. G. Cavanagh and S. E. C. Walker (eds.), Sparta in Laconia [BSA Studies 4] (London 1998) 28-38.

S. Symeonoglou, The Topography of Thebes from the Bronze Age to Modern Times (Princeton 1985).

W. D. Taylour and R. Janko, “The Bronze Age Burials,” in W. D. Taylour and R. Janko (eds.), Ayios Stephanos: Excavations at a Bronze Age and Medieval Settlement in Southern Laconia [BSA Supplementary Volume 44] (London 2008) 121-144.

D. and M. Theochares, "Ek tou nekrotapheiou tes Iolkou," AAA 3(1970) 198-203.

E. Vermeule and J. Travlos, "A Mycenaean Tomb beneath the Middle Stoa," Hesperia 35(1966) 55-78.

O. Vikatou, "To mykenaïko nekrotapheio tes Agias Triadas N. Eleias," in H periphereia tou mykenaïkou kosmou [A' Diethnes Diepistemoniko Symposio, Lamia, 25-29 Septembriou 1994] (Lamia 1999) 237-256.

A. J. B. Wace, Chamber Tombs at Mycenae [Archaeologia 82] (Oxford 1932).

J. C. Wright, E. Pappi, S. Triantaphyllou, M. K. Dabney, P. Karkanas, G. Kotzamani, and A. Livarda, “Nemea Valley Archaeological Project, Excavations at Barnavos: Final Report,” Hesperia 77(2008) 607-654.

A. Xenake-Sakellariou, Oi thalamotoi taphoi ton Mykenon Anaskaphes Chr. Tsounta (1887-1898) (Athens 1985).

M. Zavadil, “Der Tumulus von Kissos. Beobachtungen zu einer bronzezeitlichen Grabanlage der Südwestpeloponnes,” ÖJh-Beiblatt 68(1999) 117-138.

M. Zavadil, Monumenta. Studien zu mykenischen Gräbern in Messenien (Ph.D. dissertation, University of Salzburg 2001).

M. Zavadil, “Ein Haus für die Toten? Kammergräber mit Satteldach auf dem mykenischen Festland,” in E. Alram-Stern and G. Nightingale (eds.), KEIMELION: Eliten und elitärer Konsum von der mykenischen Palastzeit bis zur homerischen Epoche (Vienna 2007) 353-380.


Mycenaean Burial Customs and Funerary Ideology

T. G. Antikas, “The Honor to be Buried with Horses from Mycenaean Nemea to Macedonian Vergina,” in A. Gardeisen (ed.), Les équides dans le monde méditerranéen antique (Lattes 2005) 143-151.

P. Åström, "Intentional Destruction of Grave Goods," in R. Laffineur (ed.), Thanatos. Les coutumes funéraires en Égée à l'âge du Bronze [Aegaeum 1] (Liège 1987) 213-218.

G. Bergonzi, "Bilance nelle tombe: Qualche considerazione su di un rituale funerario del Tardo Elladico," in E. De Miro, L. Godart, and A. Sacconi (eds.), Atti e memorie del secondo congresso internazionale di micenologia [Incunabula Graeca 98] (Rome 1996) III: 1531-1542.

B. Burke, “Mycenaean Memory and Bronze Age Lament,” in A. Suter (ed.), Lament Studies in the Ancient Mediterranean and Beyond (Oxford 2008) 70-92.

W. G. Cavanagh, "A Mycenaean Second Burial Custom?," BICS 25(1978) 171-172.

W. Cavanagh, "Innovation, Conservatism and Variation in Mycenaean Funerary Ritual," in K. Branigan (ed.), Cemetery and Society in the Aegean Bronze Age [Sheffield Studies in Aegean Archaeology 1] (Sheffield 1998) 103-114.

W. Cavanagh, “Death and the Mycenaeans,” in C. W. Shelmerdine (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to the Aegean Bronze Age (Cambridge 2008) 327-341.

W. G. Cavanagh and C. Mee, "The Re-use of Earlier Tombs in the LH IIIC Period," BSA 73(1978) 31-44.

W. Cavanagh and C. Mee, A Private Place: Death in Prehistoric Greece [SIMA 125] (Jonsered 1998) 103-120.

M. Cultraro, “Il tipo di tomba ipogeica a grotticella artificiale in ambito egeo: Alcune osservazioni,” in L’ipogeismo nel Mediterraneo (Sassari 2000) 473-499.

S. Deger-Jalkotzy, “Late Mycenaean Warrior Tombs,” in S. Deger-Jalkotzy and I. S. Lemos (eds.), Ancient Greece: From the Mycenaean Palaces to the Age of Homer (Edinburgh 2006) 151-179.

E. Drakaki, “Late Bronze Age Female Burials with Hard Stone Seals from the Peloponnese: A Contextual Approach,” in H. Cavanagh, W. Cavanagh, and J. Roy (eds.), Honouring the Dead in the Peloponnese (Nottingham 2011) 51-70.

C. Gallou, “More than Little Perishers: Child Burials and the Living Society in Mycenaean Greece,” Ethnographisch-archäologische Zeitschrift 45(2004) 365-375.

C. Gallou, The Mycenaean Cult of the Dead [BAR-IS 1372] (Oxford 2005).

L. Girella, “Variabilità funeraria e mutazione di pratiche cerimoniali a distanza: il caso della necropolis micenea di Ialysos (Rodi),” PdP 323(2002) 121-156.

R. Hägg and F. Sieurin, "On the Origin of the Wooden Coffin in Late Bronze Age Greece," BSA 77(1982) 177-186.

Y. Hamilakis, "Eating the Dead: Mortuary Feasting and the Politics of Memory in Aegean Bronze Age Societies," in K. Branigan (ed.), Cemetery and Society in the Aegean Bronze Age [Sheffield Studies in Aegean Archaeology 1] (Sheffield 1998) 115-132.

E. Konstantinidi-Sivridi and K. Paschalidis, “Honouring the Dead behind the Scenes: The Case of the Chamber Tomb to the South of Grave Circle B at Mycenae,” in H. Cavanagh, W. Cavanagh, and J. Roy (eds.), Honouring the Dead in the Peloponnese (Nottingham 2011) 289-328.

K. Lewartowski, Late Helladic Simple Graves: A Study of Mycenaean Burial Customs [BAR-IS 878] (Oxford 2000).

R. Laffineur, "Weitere Beiträge zur Symbolik im mykenischen Bestattungsritual," Kolloquium zur ägäischen Vorgeschichte, Mannheim 20.-22.2.1986 [Schriften des deutschen Archäologen-Verbandes 9] (Mannheim 1987) 125-132.

R. Laffineur, "Fécondité et pratiques funéraires en Égée à l'âge du Bronze," in Archaeology and Fertility Cult in the Ancient Mediterranean (Malta 1986) 83-88.

J. Lebegyev, “Phases of Childhood in Early Mycenaean Greece,” Childhood in the Past 2(2009) 15-32.

J. C. Van Leuven, "Tombs and Religion at Mycenaean Prosymna," JPR 8(1994) 42-61.

Y. G. Lolos, "Mycenaean Burial at Pylos," in J. L. Davis (ed.), Sandy Pylos. An Archaeological History from Nestor to Navarino (Austin 1998) 75-78.

N. Papadimitriou, “’Passing Away’ or ‘Passing Through’? Changing Funerary Attitudes in the Peloponnese at the MBA/LBA Transition,” in H. Cavanagh, W. Cavanagh, and J. Roy (eds.), Honouring the Dead in the Peloponnese (Nottingham 2011) 467-492.

N. Polychronakou-Sgouritsa, "Paidikes taphes ste mykenaïke Elllada," AD 42A(1987) 8-    .

M. R. Popham and J. H. Musgrave, "The Late Helladic IIIC Intramural Burials at Lefkandi, Euboea," BSA 86(1991) 273-296.

E. Psychogiou, “Mycenaean and Modern Rituals of Death and Resurrection: Comparative Dat Based on a Krater from Hagia Triada, Elis,” in H. Cavanagh, W. Cavanagh, and J. Roy (eds.), Honouring the Dead in the Peloponnese (Nottingham 2011) 613-642.

Ch. Schoinas, "Eikonistike parastase se ostraka krateras apo ten Agia Triada Eleias," in H periphereia tou mykenaïkou kosmou [A' Diethnes Diepistemoniko Symposio, Lamia, 25-29 Septembriou 1994] (Lamia 1999) 257-262.

B. Wells, "Death at Dendra: On Mortuary Practices in a Mycenaean Community," in R. Hägg and G. C. Nordquist (eds.), Celebrations of Death and Divinity in the Bronze Age Argolid (Stockholm 1990) 125-140.

H. Whittaker, “Religious Symbolism and the Use of Gold in Burial Contexts in the Late Middle Helladic and Early Mycenaean Periods,” SMEA 48(2006) 283-289.

N. C. Wilkie, "Burial Customs at Nichoria. The MME Tholos," in R. Laffineur (ed.), Thanatos. Les coutumes funéraires en Égée à l'âge du Bronze [Aegaeum 1] (Liège 1987) 127-136.


Implications of Mycenaean Burials for Demography, Political Organization, and Social Structure

M. J. Alden, Bronze Age Population Fluctuations in the Argolid from the Evidence of Mycenaean Tombs [SIMA Pocket-book 15] (Göteborg 1981).

M. J. Alden, Well Built Mycenae 7: Prehistoric Cemetery: Pre-Mycenaean and Early Mycenaean Graves (Oxford 2002).

W. G. Cavanagh, "Cluster Analysis of Mycenaean Chamber Tombs," in R. Laffineur (ed.), Thanatos. Les coutumes funéraires en Égée à l'âge du Bronze [Aegaeum 1] (Liège 1987) 161-169.

W. G. Cavanagh and C. Mee, "The Re-use of Earlier Tombs in the LH IIIC Period," BSA 73(1978) 31-44.

W. G. Cavanagh and C. Mee, "The Location of Mycenaean Chamber Tombs in the Argolid," in R. Hägg and G. C. Nordquist (eds.), Celebrations of Death and Divinity in the Bronze Age Argolid (Stockholm 1990) 55-64.

W. Cavanagh and C. Mee, A Private Place: Death in Prehistoric Greece [SIMA 125] (Jonsered 1998) 121-136.

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Mycenaean Burials of Horses, Dogs, and Other Animals

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Mycenaean Fortification Architecture

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Mycenaean Hydraulic Engineering Projects

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Mycenaean Harbors and Ports

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Mycenaean Roads and Wheeled Vehicles

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Lesson Materials