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Lesson 23: Bibliography

Troy VI

 [Updated April 2012]

  1. Colloquia, Symposia, Exhibition Catalogues, and Festschrifts
  2. History of the Excavations at Troy
  3. Troy VI: General
  4. Troy VI: Excavation Reports
  5. Troy VI: Pottery
  6. Troy VI: Architecture
  7. Troy VI: Burial Customs
  8. Troy VI: Lithics
  9. Troy VI: Written Documents?
  10. Troy VI: Miscellaneous Finds
  11. Besik Tepe
  12. Middle and Late Bronze Age Sites in Western Anatolia

Colloquia, Symposia, Exhibition Catalogues, and Festschrifts

R. Aslan, S. Blum, G. Kastl, and D. Thumm (eds.), Mauerschau: Festschrift für M. Korfmann I (Remshalden-Grünbach 2002).

H.-J. Behr, G. Biegel, and H. Castritius (eds.), Troia: Ein Mythos in Geschichte und Rezeption (Braunschweig 2002).

A. Fletcher and A. M. Greaves (eds.), Transanatolia: Proceedings of the Conference Held at the British Museum, 31 March to 1 April 2006 [AS 57] (London 2007).

M. O. Korfmann (ed.), Troia. Archäologie eines Siedlungshügels und  seiner Landschaft (Mainz 2006).

R. Laffineur and E. Greco (eds.), EMPORIA. Aegeans in the Central and Eastern Mediterranean [Aegaeum 25] (Liège/Austin 2005).

E. Latacz and B. Theune-Grosskopf (eds.), Troia – Traum und Wirklichkeit (Stuttgart 2001).


History of the Excavations at Troy

S. H. Allen, "'Finding the Walls of Troy': Frank Calvert, Excavator," AJA 99(1995) 379-407.

S. H. Allen, Finding the Walls of Troy: Frank Calvert and Heinrich Schliemann at Hisarlik (Berkeley 1998).

D. Easton, "Schliemann Did Admit the Mycenaean Date of Troia VI - A Review," Studia Troica 4(1994) 173-175.

H. Emele, "Heinrich Schliemanns Kenntnisstand zu Troia VI im Jahre 1890," Studia Troica 3(1993) 239-245.

M. Korfmann, "Die Forschungsplanung von Heinrich Schliemann in Hisarlik-Troia und die Rolle Wilhelm Dörpfelds," Studia Troica 3(1993) 247-264.

J. C. Wright, "The Place of Troy among the Civilizations of the Bronze Age," CW 91:5 (1998) 356-368.


Troy VI: General

R. Aslan, G. Bieg, P. Jablonka, and P. Krönneck, “Die Mittel- bis Spätbronzezeitliche Besiedlung (Troia VI und VIIa) derTroas und der Gelibolu-Halbinsel,” Studia Troica 13(2003) 165-213.

S. W. E. Blum, “The End of the Early and the Beginning of the Middle Bronze Age at Troia: Troia IV and Troia V,” in D. Çalis-Sazci (ed.), Troya: efsane ile gerçek arasi bir kente yolculuk [Troy: Journey to a City between Legend and Reality] (Ankara 2002) 74-83.

D. F. Easton, J. D. Hawkins, A. G. Sherratt, and E. S. Sherratt, “Troy in Recent Perspective,” AS 52(2002) 75-109.

L. Foxhall and J. K. Davies (eds.), The Trojan War: Its Historicity and Context (Bristol 1984).

D. Hertel, Troia. Archäologie, Geschichte, Mythos (Munich 2001).

D. Hertel, Die Mauern von Troia (Munich 2003).

P. Jablonka and C. B. Rose, “Late Bronze Age Troy: A Response to Frank Kolb,” AJA 108(2004) 615-630.

F. Kolb, “Ein neuer Troia-Mythos? Traum und Wirklichkeit auf dem Grabungshügel von Hisarlik,” in H.-J. Behr, G. Biegel, and H. Castritius (eds.), Troia: Ein Mythos in Geschichte und Rezeption (Braunschweig 2002) 8-40.

F. Kolb, “Troy VI: A Trading Center and Commercial City?,” AJA 108(2004) 577-613.

D. Koppenhöfer, “Die bronzezeitliche Troia VI-Kultur und ihre Beziehung zu den Nachbarkulturen,” Studia Troica 12(2002) 281-396.

M. Korfmann, "Troia: A Residential and Trading City at the Dardanelles," in R. Laffineur and W-D. Niemeier, POLITEIA: Society and State in the Aegean Bronze Age [Aegaeum 12] (Liège/Austin 1995) I: 173-183.

M. Korfmann, “The Citadel and the Lower City of Troia at the Dardanelles. City of War and Peace Where Seas and Continents Meet,” in Y. Sey (ed.), Housing and Settlement in Anatolia. A Historical Perspective (Istanbul 1996) 83-98.

M. Korfmann, “Das homerische Troia war grösser. Ergebnisse der Grabungen 1988-96,” in H. D. Galter (ed.), Troia, Mythen und Archäologie (Graz 1997) 67-95.

M. Korfmann, "Troia, an Ancient Anatolian Palatial and Trading Center: Archaeological Evidence for the Period of Troia VI/VII," CW 91:5 (1998) 369-385.

M. Korfmann, “Die Trojanische Hochkultur (Troia VI und VIIa). Eine Kultur Anatoliens,” in E. Latacz and B. Theune-Grosskopf (eds.), Troia – Traum und Wirklichkeit (Stuttgart 2001) 395-406.

M. Korfmann, B. Kromer, and P. Jablonka, “Heidelberg Radiocarbon Dates for Troia I to VIII and Kumtepe,” in G. A. Wagner, E. Pernicka, and H.-P. Uerpmann, Troia and the Troad. Scientific Approaches (Berlin 2003) 43-54.

M. Korfmann and D. Mannsperger, Troia: ein historischer Überblick und Rundgang (Stuttgart 1998).

W. Leaf, Troy: A Study in Homeric Geography (London 1912).

M. J. Mellink (ed.), Troy and the Trojan War (Bryn Mawr 1986).

D. L. Page, History and the Homeric Iliad (Berkeley 1959).

P. Pavuk, “Aegeans and Anatolians. A Trojan Perspective,” in R. Laffineur and E. Greco (eds.), EMPORIA. Aegeans in the Central and Eastern Mediterranean [Aegaeum 25] (Liège/Austin 2005) 269-279.

P. Pavuk, “New Perspectives on Troy VI Chronology,” in M. Bietak and E. Czerny (eds.), The Synchronisation of Civilisations in the Eastern Mediterranean in the Second Millennium B.C. III: Proceedings of the 2nd SCIEM 2000 Euroconference, Vienna 28 May – 1 June 2003 (Vienna 2007) 473-478.

D. Çalis-Sazci (ed.), Troya: efsane ile gerçek arasi bir kente yolculuk [Troy: Journey to a City between Legend and Reality] (Ankara 2002).

J. Sperling, "The Last Phase of Troy VI and Mycenaean Expansion," Studia Troica 1(1991) 155-158.

F. Starke, “Troia in Kontext des historisch-politischen Umfeldes Kleinasiens im 2.Jahrtausend,” Studia Troica 7(1997) 447-487.

M. Wood, In Search of the Trojan War (London 1985).


Troy VI: Excavation Reports [for Korfmann's annual reports in Studia Troica on excavations since 1990, see under  "Western Anatolia and the Eastern Aegean in the Early Bronze Age" (Lesson #7)]

C. W. Blegen, Troy and the Trojans (London 1963).

C. W. Blegen, J. L. Caskey, and M. Rawson, Troy III: The Sixth Settlement (Princeton 1953).

W. Dörpfeld, Troia 1893. Bericht über die im Jahre 1893 in Troia veranstalteten Ausgrabungen (Leipzig 1894).

W. Dörpfeld, Troja und Ilion (Athens 1902).

D. F. Easton, Schliemann’s Excavations at Troia 1870-1873 (Mainz-am-Rhein 2002).

P. Jablonka, "Ausgrabungen im Süden der Unterstadt von Troia im Bereich des Troia VI - Verteidigungsgrabens. Grabungsbericht 1994," Studia Troica 5(1995) 39-79.

P. Jablonka, "Ausgrabungen im Süden der Unterstadt von Troia. Grabungsbericht 1995," Studia Troica 6(1996) 65-96.

P. Jablonka, H. König, and S. Riehl, "Ein Verteidigungsgraben in der Unterstadt von Troia VI," Studia Troica 4(1994) 51-73.

M. Korfmann, "Die prähistorische Besiedlung südlich der Burg Troia VI/VII," Studia Troica 2(1992) 123-146.

M. Korfmann, “Die Arbeiten in Troia/Wilusa 2001 – Work in Troia/Wilusa,” Studia Troica 12(2002) 1-34.

G. Rapp, "Earthquakes in the Troad," in G. Rapp and J. A. Gifford (eds.), Troy Supplementary Monograph 4: The Archaeological Geology (Princeton 1982) 43-58.

G. Rapp and J. A. Gifford (eds.), Troy Supplementary Monograph 4: The Archaeological Geology (Princeton 1982).

H. Schliemann, Troy and its Remains (P. Smith, ed.; trans. D. Schmitz) (London 1875).

H. Schliemann, Ilios. The City and Country of the Trojans (New York 1881).

H. Schliemann, Troja: Results of the Latest Researches and Discoveries on the Site of Homer’s Troy (London 1884).

H. Schliemann, Bericht über die Ausgrabungen in Troja im Jahre 1890 (Leipzig 1891).


Troy VI: Pottery

S. H. Allen, Northwest Anatolian Grey Wares in the Late Bronze Age: Analysis and Distribution in the Eastern Mediterranean (Ph.D. dissertation, Brown University 1990).

S. H. Allen, "Trojan Grey Ware at Tell Miqne-Ekron," BASOR 293(1994) 39-51.

N. P. Bayne, The Grey Wares of North-West Anatolia in the Middle and Late Bronze Age and Early Iron Age and their Relation to the Early Greek Settlements (Ph. D. dissertation, Oxford University 1963).

H.-G. Buchholz, "Grey Trojan Ware in Cyprus and Northern Syria," in R. A. Crossland and A. Birchall (eds.), Bronze Age Migrations in the Aegean  (London 1973) 179-185.

D. Easton and B. Weninger, "Troia VI Lower Town - Quadrats I8 and K8: A Test Case for Dating by Pottery Seriation," Studia Troica 3(1993) 45-96.

O. Knacke-Loy, Isotopengeochemische, chemische und petrographische Untersuchungen zur Herkunftbestimmung der bronzezeitlichen Keramik von Troia [Heidelberger Gewissenschaftliche Abhandlungen 77] (Heidelberg 1994).

O. Knaacke-Loy, M. Satir, and E. Pernicka, "Zur Herkunftsbestimmung der bronzezeitlichen Keramik von Troia: Chemische und isotopengeochemische (Nd, Sr, Pb) Untersuchungen," Studia Troica 5(1995) 145-175.

H. Mommsen, D. Hertel, and P. A. Mountjoy, “Neutron Activation Analysis of the Pottery from Troy in the Berlin Schliemann Collection,” AA (2001) 169-211.

H. Mommsen and P. Pavuk, “Provenance of the Grey and Tan Wares from Troia, Cyprus, and the Levant,” Studia Troica 17(2007) 25-41.

P. A. Mountjoy, "Local Mycenaean Pottery at Troia," Studia Troica 7(1997) 259-267.

P. A. Mountjoy, "A Trojan Mycenaean Pictorial Krater," Studia Troica 7(1997) 269-274.

P. A. Mountjoy, "Troia Phase VIf and Phase VIg: The Mycenaean Pottery," Studia Troica 7(1997) 275-294.

P. A. Mountjoy, "The East Aegean - West Anatolian Interface in the Late Bronze Age," BICS 42(1998) 228-230.

P. A. Mountjoy, "The East Aegean - West Anatolian Interface in the Late Bronze Age: Mycenaeans and the Kingdom of Ahhiyawa," AS 48(1998) 33-67.

P. A. Mountjoy, "The Destruction of Troia VIh," Studia Troica 9(1999) 253-293.

P. A. Mountjoy, “A Trojan Mycenaean Pictorial Krater Revisited,” Studia Troica 15(2005) 121-126.

P. A. Mountjoy and H. Mommsen,  “Neutron Activation Analysis of Mycenaean Pottery from Troia (1988-2003 Excavations),” Studia Troica 16(2006) 97-123.

P. Pavuk, “Das Aufkommen und die Verbreitung der Grauminyischen Ware in Westanatolien,” in H. Blum, B. Faist, P. Pfälzner, and A.-M. Wittke (eds.), Brückenland Anatolien? Ursachen, Extensivität und Modi des Kulturaustausches zwischen Anatolien und seine Nachbarn (Tübingen 2002) 99-115.

P. Pavuk, “Troia VI and VIIa. The Blegen Pottery Shapes: Towards a Typology,” Studia Troica 12(2002) 35-71.

P. Pavuk, “New Perspectives on Troia VI Chronology,” in M. Bietak and E. Czerny (eds.), The Synchronisation of Civilisations in the Eastern Mediterranean in the Second Millennium B.C. III: Proceedings of the 2nd SCIEM 2000 Euroconference, Vienna 28 May – 1 June 2003 (Vienna 2007) 473-478.

P. Pavuk, Troia VI-Früh und Mitte. Keramik der Grabungen 1988-2002 (Ph.D. dissertation, Universität Tübingen 2005).

P. Pavuk, “What Can Troia Tell Us about the Middle Helladic Period in the Southern Aegean?,” in F. Felten, W. Gauss, and R. Smetana (eds.), Middle Helladic Pottery and Synchronisms [Agina-Kolonna Forschungen und Ergebnisse I] (Vienna 2007) 295-308.

P. Pavuk, “Grey Wares as a Phenomenon,” Aegeo-Balkan Prehistory [12 June 2007]

P. Pavuk, “Minyan or Not? The Second Millennium Grey Ware in Western Anatolia and its Relation to Mainland Greece,” in A. Philippa-Touchais, G. Touchais, S. Voutsaki, and J. Wright (eds.), MESOHELLADIKA: The Greek Mainland in the Middle Bronze Age [BCH Supplement 52] (Paris 2010) 931-943.

P. Pavuk, “Pottery Processing at Troy. Typology, Stratigraphy and Correspondence Analysis: How Do They Work Together?,” in B. Horejs, R. Jung, and P. Pavuk (eds.), Analysing Pottery. Processing – Classification – Publication (Bratislava 2010) 73-98.

P. Pavuk, Troia VI-Früh und Mitte. Keramik, Stratigraphie, Chronologie [Studia Troica Monograph 3] (forthcoming).

P. Pavuk and W. Rigter, “Goblets, Schüsseln und Kratere – Die Keramik der Perioden Troia VI und VIIa,” in M. O. Korfmann (ed.), Troia. Archäologie eines Siedlungshügels und  seiner Landschaft (Mainz 2006) 231-240.

W. Rigter, “Metallimitationen in der spätbronzezeitlicher troianischer Keramik,” in A. Aslan, S. Blum, G. Kastl, F. Schweizer, and D. Thumm (eds.), Mauerschau: Festschrift für Manfred Korfmann  I (Remshalden-Grünbach 2002) 307-314.

A. Schachner, "Untersuchungen zur chronologischen Stellung der grau-minyischen Keramik in Westanatolien unter Berücksichtigung der Schliemann-Sammlung im Berliner Museum für Vor- und Frühgeschichte," Acta Praehistorica et Archaeologica 26-27(1994-95) 90-115.

A. Schachner, "Trojanische Keramik der SBZ im östlichen Mittlemeer," Türk Arkeoloji Dergisi 31(1997) 217-226 [German], 227-236 [Turkish].

E. Yannai, “The Northwest Anatolian Grey Ware,” in D. Ussishkin (ed.), The Renewed Archaeological Excavations at Lachish (1973-1994) (Tel Aviv 2004) III: 1273-1279.


Troy VI: Architecture

E. Acar, "Housing and Settlement in Anatolia: From Prehistoric Ages to the End of the Bronze Age," in Y. Sey (ed.), Tarihten Günümüze Anadolu'da Konut ve Yerlesme [Housing and Settlement in Anatolia: A Historical Perspective] (Ankara 1996) 380-394.

E. Akurgal, "Housing, Settlement and Urban Planning in Western Anatolia (3000 - 30 B.C.)," in Y. Sey (ed.), Tarihten Günümüze Anadolu'da Konut ve Yerlesme [Housing and Settlement in Anatolia: A Historical Perspective] (Ankara 1996) 122-145.

R. Becks, “Die nördliche Burgmauer von Troia VI,” Studia Troica 15(2005) 99-120.

M. Klinkott, “Troia und das Phänomen der undulierten Mauern,” in A. Aslan, S. Blum, G. Kastl, F. Schweizer, and D. Thumm (eds.), Mauerschau: Festschrift für Manfred Korfmann  I (Remshalden-Grünbach 2002) 281-293.

M. Korfmann, "The Citadel and Lower City of Troia at Dardanelles: City of War and Peace in the Region Where Seas and Continents Meet," in Y. Sey (ed.), Tarihten Günümüze Anadolu'da Konut ve Yerlesme [Housing and Settlement in Anatolia: A Historical Perspective] (Ankara 1996) 83-98.

M. Korfmann, “Stelen vor den Toren Troias. Apaliunas – Apollon in Truisa – Wilusa?,” in G. Arsebük, M. Mellink, and W. Schirmer (eds.), Light on Top of the Black Hill. Festschrift für Halet Cambel (Istanbul 1998) 471-488.

R. Naumann, Architektur Kleinasiens von ihren Anfangen bis zum Ende der hethitischen Zeit [2nd edition] (Tübingen 1971).

K. Werner, The Megaron during the Aegean and Anatolian Bronze Age. A  Study of Occurrence, Shape, Architectural Adaptation and Function [SIMA 108] (Göteborg 1993).


Troy VI: Burial Customs

M. A. Basedow, Besik-Tepe. Das spätbronzezeitliche Gräberfeld [Studia Troica Monographien 1] (Mainz 2000).

M. Basedow, “Cemetery and Ideology in the West Anatolian Coastal Region,” in A. Aslan, S. Blum, G. Kastl, F. Schweizer, and D. Thumm (eds.), Mauerschau: Festschrift für Manfred Korfmann  I (Remshalden-Grünbach 2002) 469-474.

R. Becks, “Bemerkungen zu den Bestattungsplätzen von Troia VI,” in R. Aslan, S. Blum, G. Kastl, and D. Thumm (eds.), Mauerschau: Festschrift für M. Korfmann I (Remshalden-Grünbach 2002) 295-306.


Troy VI: Lithics

I. Gatsov, "Technical and Typological Analysis of the Chipped Stone Assemblages from Troia," Studia Troica 8(1998) 115-140.

I. Gatsov, “Additional Remarks about the Chipped Stone Industry from Troy,” in A. Aslan, S. Blum, G. Kastl, F. Schweizer, and D. Thumm (eds.), Mauerschau: Festschrift für Manfred Korfmann  I (Remshalden-Grünbach 2002) 275-280.


Troy VI: Written Documents?

P. Faure, "Deux inscriptions en écriture linéaire A découvertes à Troie par Schliemann," Cretan Studies 5(1996) 137-146.

L. Godart, "La scrittura di Troia," Rendiconti dell'Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei 391(1994) 457-460.

F. Starke, “Troia im Machtgefüge des zweiten Jahrtausends vor Christus. Die Geschichte des Landes Wilusa,” in E. Latacz and B. Theune-Grosskopf (eds.), Troia – Traum und Wirklichkeit (Stuttgart 2001) 34-45.

J. Zurbach, "Schriftähnliche Zeichen und Töpferzeichen in Troia," Studia Troica 13(2003) 113-130.


Troy VI: Miscellaneous Finds

A. Bobokhyan, “Identifying Balance Weights and Weight Systems in Bronze Age Troia: Preliminary Reflections,” in M. E. Alberti, E. Ascalone, and L. Peyronel, Weights in Context. Bronze Age Weighing Systems of the Eastern Mediterranean: Chronology, Typology, Material and Archaeological Contexts (Rome 2006) 71-125.

M.Guzowska, “Traces of Minoan Behavioral Patterns in the North-East Aegean,” in R. Aslan, S. Blum, G. Kastl, and D. Thumm (eds.), Mauerschau: Festschrift für M. Korfmann I (Remshalden-Grünbach 2002) 585-594.

M. Guzowska and R. Becks, “Who Was Weaving at Troia? On the Aegean Style Loomweights in Troia VI and VIIa,” in R. Laffineur and E. Greco (eds.), EMPORIA. Aegeans in the Central and Eastern Mediterranean [Aegaeum 25] (Liège/Austin 2005) 279-286.

H. Kiesewetter, “Ein trepanierter Schädel aus Troia VI,” Studia Troica 12(2002) 73-80.


Besik Tepe

M. A. Basedow, Besik-Tepe. Das spätbronzezeitliche Gräberfeld [Studia Troica Monographien 1] (Mainz 2000).

M. Korfmann et al., "Besik-Tepe, Vorbericht üner die Ergebnisse der Grabung von 1982," AA (1984) 165-195.

M. Korfmann et al., "Besik-Tepe 1983. Grabungen am Besik-Yassitepe und Besik-Sivritepe," AA (1985) 157-194.

M. Korfmann et al., "Besik-Tepe. Vorbericht über die Ergebnisse der Grabungen von 1984," AA(1986) 303-363.

M. Korfmann, "Besik-Tepe. Vorbericht über die Ergebnisse der Arbeiten von 1987 und 1988. Auswertungsarbeiten Besik-Sivritepe, Besik-Yassitepe, Besik-Gräberfeld, Grabungen am Besik-Sivritepe," AA (1989) 473-481.

H. Lassen, “Zu den Beiden Bronzebeinringen aus dem Gräberfeld an der Besik-Bucht in der Troas," Studia Troica 4(1994) 127-142.

I. Pini, "Zu den Siegeln aus der Besik-Nekropole," Studia Troica 2(1992) 157-163.


Middle and Late Bronze Age Sites in Western Anatolia [see also under "The Mycenaeans and Anatolia" in Lesson #27 (The Trojan War)]

M. Büyükkolanci, “Excavations on Ayasuluk Hill in Selçuk/Turkey. A Contribution to the Early History of Ephesus,” in F. Krinzinger (ed.), Die Ägäis und das westliche Mittelmeer (Vienna 2000) 37-41.

A. M. Greaves, “Trans-Anatolia: Examining Turkey as a Bridge between East and West,” in A. Fletcher and A. M. Greaves (eds.), Transanatolia: Proceedings of the Conference Held at the British Museum, 31 March to 1 April 2006 [AS 57] (London 2007) 1-15.

S. Günel, Panaztepe II: Die Keramik von Panaztepe und ihre Bedeutung für Westkleinasien und die Ägäis im 2. Jahrtausend (Ankara 1999).

S. Günel, "Eine mykenische Figurine aus Limantepe," IstMitt 48(1998) 445-449.

S. Günel, "Vorbericht über die mittel- und spätbronzezeitliche Keramik von Liman Tepe," IstMitt 49(1999) 41-82.

S. Günel, “The Cultural Structure of Aydin-Ikizdere Region in the Prehistoric Age and its Contribution to the Archaeology of the Aegean Region,” Anatolia Antiqua 13(2005) 29-40.

S. Günel, “New Contributions to Western Anatolian Cultural History: Aydin Region Survey Project,” PZ 81:2(2006) 153-174.

R. Hope Simpson, “The Dodecanese and the Ahhiyawa Question,” BSA 98(2003) 203-237.

M. S. Joukowsky, Early Turkey: An Introduction to the Archaeology of Anatolia from Prehistory through the Lydian Period (Dubuque 1996).

B. Kull, Demircihüyük V: Die Mittelbronzezeitliche Siedlung (Mainz 1988).

B. Kull, "Untersuchungen zur Mittelbronzezeit in der Türkei und ihrer Bedeutung für die absolute Datierung der europäischen Bronzezeit," PZ 64(1989) 48-73.

S. Lloyd and J. Mellaart, Beycesultan II: Middle Bronze Age Architecture and Pottery (London 1965).

J. Mellart and A. Murray, Beycesultan III.2: Late Bronze Age and Phrygian Pottery and Middle and Late Bronze Age Small Objects (London 1995).

M. Özdogan, "The Second Millennium of the Marmara Region," IstMitt 43(1993).

M. Özdogan, “Amidst Mesopotamia-centric and Euro-centric Approaches: The Changing Role of the Anatolian Peninsula between the East and the West,” in A. Fletcher and A. M. Greaves (eds.), Transanatolia: Proceedings of the Conference Held at the British Museum, 31 March to 1 April 2006 [AS 57] (London 2007) 17-24.

J. Roodenberg (ed.), The Ilipinar Excavations I: Five Seasons of Fieldwork in NW Anatolia, 1987-91 (Leiden 1995).

V. Sahoglu, “Çesme – Baglararasi: A New Excavation in Western Anatolia,” in F. Felten, W. Gauss, and R. Smetana (eds.), Middle Helladic Pottery and Synchronisms [Agina-Kolonna Forschungen und Ergebnisse I] (Vienna 2007) 309-322.

D. Thompson, “At the Crossroads: Prehistoric Settlement in the Maeander Valley,” in A. Fletcher and A. M. Greaves (eds.), Transanatolia: Proceedings of the Conference Held at the British Museum, 31 March to 1 April 2006 [AS 57] (London 2007) 87-99.

G. Umurtak, “A Study of a Group of Pottery Finds from the Middle Bronze Age Deposits at Bademagaci Höyük,” Anatolia Antiqua 11(2003) 53-74.

W. Voigtländer, “Frühe Funde vom Killiktepe bei Milet,” IstMitt 33(1983) 5-39.

W. Voigtländer, “Umrisse eines vor- und frühgeschichtlichen Zentrums an der Karisch-Ionischen Küste,” AA (1986) 613-667.

Lesson Materials