Mycenaean Pictorial Art and Pottery
- Colloquia, Symposia, Festschriften, and Multiply Authored Excavation Reports
- General Treatments of Mycenaean Art
- Iconography and Color
- Frescoes
- Pottery: Production Facilities and Economics of Production and Exchange
- Pottery: Stylistic Analyses and Typological Studies
- Pottery: Technological Studies
- Pottery: Pictorial Styles
- Pottery: Handmade Burnished Pottery (also known as "Barbarian Ware" or "Dorian Ware")
- Pottery: Wheelmade Gray Ware (also known as "Minyan Ware")
- Pottery: Tin-covered Pottery
- Pottery: Physico-Chemical Provenience and Residue Analysis Studies
- Larnakes
- Figurines and Architectural Models
- Metalwork in Forms Other than Weaponry
- Stone Vases
- Miscellaneous Stone Artifacts
- Seals and Signet Rings
- Glass, Faience, and Jewelry
- Ivories and Furniture
- Wood and Bone
- Ostrich Eggs
- Weaponry
- Chipped Stone
- Textiles and Costume
- Music
- Cuisine
- Gender Studies Applied to Mycenaean Society
Colloquia, Symposia, Festschriften, and Multiply Authored Excavation Reports
G. Bachhuber and G. Roberts (eds.), Forces of Transformation: The End of the Bronze Age in the Eastern Mediterranean [BANEA Monograph 1] (Oxford 2009).
J. Balensi, J.-Y. Monchambert, and S. Müller Celka (eds.), La céramique mycénienne de l’Égée au Levant (Lyon 2004).
J. C. Barrett and P. Halstead (eds.), The Emergence of Civilisation Revisited (Oxford 2004).
P. P. Betancourt and S. C. Ferrence (eds). Metallurgy: Understanding How, Learning Why. Studies in Honor of James D. Muhly [Prehistory Monographs 29] (Philadelphia 2011).
P. P. Betancourt, V. Karageorghis, R. Laffineur, and W.-D. Niemeier (eds.), MELETEMATA: Studies in Aegean Archaeology Presented to Malcolm H. Wiener as He Enters His 65th Year [Aegaeum 20] (Liège/Austin 1999).
P. F. Biehl and Y. Ysa. Rassamakin (eds.), Import and Imitation in Archaeology (Langenweissbach 2008).
F. Blakolmer (ed.), Österreichische Forschungen zur Ägäischen Bronzezeit 1998 [Wiener Forschungen zur Archäologie 3] (Vienna 2000).
F. Blakolmer, C. Reinholdt, J. Weilhartner, and G. Nightingale (eds.), Österreichische Forschungen zur Ägäischen Bronzezeit 2009 (Vienna 2011).
S. Böhm and K.-V. von Eickstedt (eds.), ITHAKE: Festschrift für Jörg Schäfer zum 75. Geburtstage am 25.April 2001 (Würzburg 2001).
I. Boehm and S. Müller Celka (eds.), Espace civil, espace religieux en Égée durant la période mycénienne. Approches épigraphique, linguistique et archéologique (Lyon 2010).
J. Bourriau and J. Phillips (eds.), Invention and Innovation: The Social Context of Change 2: Egypt, the Aegean and the Near East 1650-1150 B.C. (Oxford 2004).
I. Bradfer, B. Detournay, and R. Laffineur (eds.), KRES TECHNITES: L’artisan crétois: Recueil d’articles en l’honneur de Jean-Claude Poursat, publié à l’occasion des 40 ans de la découverte du Quartier Mu [Aegaeum 26] (Liège/Austin 2005) A. Chapin (ed.), CHARIS : Essays in Honor of Sara A. Immerwahr [Hesperia Supplement 33] (Princeton 2004).
A. Brysbaert (ed.), Tracing Prehistoric Social Networks through Technology: A Diachronic Perspective on the Aegean (New York/London 2011).
E. H. Cline and D. Harris-Cline (eds.), The Aegean and the Orient in the Second Millennium [Aegaeum 18] (Liège/Austin 1998).
J. P. Crielaard, V. Stissi, and G. J. van Wijngaarden (eds.), The Complex Past of Pottery: Production, Circulation and Consumption of Mycenaean and Greek Pottery [Sixteenth to Early Fifth Centuries B.C.] (Amsterdam 1999).
A. L. D’Agata, J. Moody, and E. Williams (eds.), Ariadne’s Threads: Connections between Crete and the Greek Mainland in Late Minoan III (LM IIIA2 to LM IIIC) (Athens 2005).
D. Danielidou (ed.), DORON: Timetikos Tomos gia ton Kathegete Spyro Iakovide (Athens 2009).
P. Darcque and J-C. Poursat (eds.), L'iconographie minoenne [BCH Supplement 11] (Paris 1985).
P. Darcque and R. Treuil (eds.), L'habitat égéen préhistorique [BCH Supplement 19] (Paris 1990).
S. Deger-Jalkotzy and I. S. Lemos (eds.), Ancient Greece: From the Mycenaean Palaces to the Age of Homer (Edinburgh 2006) .
S. Deger-Jalkotzy and M. Zavadil (eds.), LH IIIC Chronology and Synchronisms (Vienna 2003).
S. Deger-Jalkotzy and M. Zavadil (eds.), LH IIIC Chronology and Synchronisms II: LH IIIC Middle (Vienna 2007).
E. De Miro, L. Godart, and A. Sacconi (eds.), Atti e memorie del secondo congresso internazionale di micenologia [Incunabula Graeca 98] I-III (Rome 1996).
A. Farnoux and J. Driessen (eds.), La Crète mycénienne [BCH Supplement 30] (Athens 1997).
P. M. Fischer (ed.), Contributions to the Archaeology and History of the Bronze and Iron Ages in the Eastern Mediterranean: Studies in Honour of Paul Åström (Vienna 2001).
J. L. Fitton (ed.), Ivory in Greece and the Eastern Mediterranean from the Bronze Age to the Hellenistic Period (London 1992).
O. H. Frey and H. Roth (eds.), Beiträge zur ägäischen Bronzezeit [Kleine Schriften aus dem Vorgeschichtlichen Seminar Marburg 11] (Marburg 1982).
I. Galanaki, H. Tomas, Y. Galanakis, and R. Laffineur (eds.), Between the Aegean and Baltic Seas: Prehistory across Borders [Aegaeum 27] (Liège/Austin 2007).
M. L. Galaty and W. A. Parkinson (eds.), Rethinking Mycenaean Palaces II: Revised and Expanded Second Edition (Los Angeles 2007).
C. Gallou, M. Georgiadis, and G. M. Muskett (eds.), DIOSKOUROI: Studies Presented to W. G. Cavanagh and C. B. Mee on the Anniversary of Their 30-Year Joint Contribution to Aegean Archaeology [BAR-IS 1889] (Oxford 2008).
W. Gauss, M. Lindblom, R. A. K. Smith, and J. C. Wright (eds.), Our Cups Are Full: Pottery and Society in the Aegean Bronze Age: Papers Presented to Jeremy B. Rutter on the Occasion of His 65th Birthday (Oxford 2011).
C. Gillis and M.-L. B. Nosch (eds.), Ancient Textiles: Production, Craft and Society (Oxford 2007).
C. Gillis, C. Risberg, and B. Sjöberg (eds.), Trade and Production in Premonetary Greece: Aspects of Trade [SIMA Pocketbook 134] (Jonsered 1995) .
C. Gillis, C. Risberg, and B. Sjöberg (eds.), Trade and Production in Premonetary Greece: Production and the Craftsman [SIMA Pocketbook 143] (Jonsered 1997).
C. Gillis, C. Risberg, and B. Sjöberg (eds.), Trade and Production in Premonetary Greece: Acquisition and Distribution of Raw Materials and Finished Products [SIMA Pocketbook 154] (Jonsered 2001).
I. C. Glover, H. Hughes-Brock, and J. Henderson (eds.), Ornaments from the Past – Bead Studies after Beck. A Book on Glass and Semiprecious Stone Beads in History and Archaeology for Archaeologists, Jewellery Historians and Collectors (London 2003).
R. Hägg and N. Marinatos (eds.), The Minoan Thalassocracy: Myth and Reality (Stockholm 1984).
R. Hägg and G. C. Nordquist (eds.), Celebrations of Death and Divinity in the Bronze Age Argolid (Stockholm 1990).
C. M. Jackson and E. C. Wager (eds.), Vitreous Material in the Late Bronze Age Aegean. A Window to the East Mediterranean World [Sheffield Studies in Aegean Archaeology 9] (Oxford 2008).
L. A. Hitchcock, R. Laffineur, and J. Crowley (eds.), DAIS: The Aegean Feast [Aegaeum 29] (Liège/Austin 2008).
V. Karageorghis and O. Kouka (eds.), On Cooking Pots, Drinking Cups, Loomwieghts and Ethnicity in Bronze Age Cyprus and Neighboring Regions (Nicosia 2011).
V. Kilikoglou, A. Hein, and Y. Maniatis (eds.), Modern Trends in Scientific Studies on Ancient Ceramics [BAR International Series 1011] (Oxford 2002).
E. Konsolaki-Yiannopoulou (ed.), Argosaronikos: Praktika 1ou Diethnous Synedriou Istorias kai Archaiologias touj Argosaronikou (Athens 2003).
K. Kopaka (ed.), FYLO. Engendering Prehistoric ‘Stratigraphies’ in the Aegean and the Mediterranean [Aegaeum 30] (Liège/Austin 2009).
N. Kyparissi-Apostolika and M. Papakonstantinou (eds.), The Periphery of the Mycenaean World [2nd International Interdisciplinary Colloquium; 26-30 September, Lamia 1999] (Lamia 2003).
R. Laffineur (ed.), THANATOS. Les coutûmes funéraires en Égée à l'âge du Bronze [Aegaeum 1] (Liège 1987).
R. Laffineur (ed.), Transition. Le monde égéen du Bronze moyen au Bronze récent [Aegaeum 3] (Liège 1989).
R. Laffineur (ed.), POLEMOS. Le contexte guerrier en Égée à l'Âge du Bronze [Aegaeum 19] (Liège/Austin 1999) .
R. Laffineur and J. L. Crowley (eds.), EIKON: Aegean Bronze Age Iconography: Shaping a Methodology [Aegaeum 8] (Liège 1992).
R. Laffineur and E. Greco (eds.), EMPORIA. Aegeans in the Central and Eastern Mediterranean [Aegaeum 25] (Liège/Austin 2005).
R. Laffineur and W-D. Niemeier, POLITEIA: Society and State in the Aegean Bronze Age [Aegaeum 12] (Liège 1995).
F. Lang, C. Reinholdt, and J. Weilhartner (eds.), STEPHANOS ARISTEIOS. Archäologische Forschungen zwischen Nil und Istros: Festschrift für Stefan Hiller zum 65. Geburtstag (Vienna 2007).
V. La Rosa, D. Palermo, and L. Vagnetti (eds.), EPI PONTON PLAZOMENOI: Simposio italiano di Studi Egei dedicato a Luigi Bernabò Brea e Giovanni Pugliese Carratelli [Rome 1999].
W. A. McDonald and N. C. Wilkie (eds.), Nichoria in Southwest Greece II: The Bronze Age Occupation (Minneapolis 1992).
C. Morris (ed.), KLADOS: Essays in Honour of J. N. Coldstream [BICS Supplement 63] (London 1995).
W. Müller (ed.), Fragen und Probleme der bronzezeitlichen ägäischen Glyptik [CMS Beiheft 3] (Berlin 1989).
W. Müller (ed.), Sceaux Minoens et Mycéniens [CMS Beiheft 5] (Berlin 1995).
W. Müller (ed.), Minoisch-mykenische Glyptik: Stil, Ikonographie, Funktion [CMS Beiheft 6] (Berlin 2000).
W. Müller (ed.), Die Bedeutung der minoischen und mykenischen Glyptik [CMS Beiheft 8] (Mainz 2010).
M.-L. Nosch and R. Laffineur (eds.), KOSMOS: Jewellery, Adornment and Textiles in the Aegean Bronze Age [Aegaeum 33] (Leuven/Liège 2012).
C. F. E. Pare (ed.), Metals Make the Wo0rld Go Round. The Supply and Circulation of Metals in Bronze Age Europe (Oxford 2000).
D. J. Pullen (ed.), Political Economies of the Aegean Bronze Age (Oxford 2010).
P. Rehak (ed.), The Role of the Ruler in the Prehistoric Aegean [Aegaeum 11] (Liège 1995).
E. Rystedt and B. Wells (eds.), Pictorial Pursuits: Figurative Painting on Mycenaean and Geometric Pottery (Stockholm 2006).
J. M. Sanders (ed.), PHILOLAKON: Lakonian Studies in Honour of Hector Catling (London 1992).
A. L. Schallin and P. Pakkanen (eds.), Encounters with Mycenaean Figures and Figurines (Stockholm 2009).
A. Vlachopoulos and K. Birtacha (eds.), ARGONAUTIS: Timetikos tomos yia ton Kathegete Christo G. Douma apo tous mathetes tou sto Panepistimio Athenon (1980-2000) (Athens 2003).
J. C. Wright (ed.), The Mycenaean Feast [Hesperia 73:2] (Princeton 2004).
Philia Epe eis Georgion E. Mylonan (Athens 1986-1990).
General Treatments of Mycenaean Art
E. Alram-Stern and G. Nightingale (eds.), KEIMELION: Eliten und elitärer Konsum von der mykenischen Palastzeit bis zur homerischen (Vienna 2007).
A. Bernabé and E. R. Lujan, “Mycenaean Technology,” in Y. Duhoux and A. Morpurgo Davies (eds.), A Companion to Linear B: Mycenaean Greek Texts and Their World I (Louvain-la-Neuve 2008) 201-233.
P. P. Betancourt, Introduction to Aegean Art (Philadelphia 2007).
C. D. Cane, The Question of Narrative in Aegean Bronze Age Art (Ph. D. dissertation, University of Toronto 1997).
K. Demakopoulou (ed.), The Mycenaean World: Five Centuries of Early Greek Culture 1600-1100 B.C. (Athens 1988).
B. Feuer, Mycenaean Civilization: A Research Guide (New York 1996).
C. Gates, "Art for Children in Mycenaean Greece," in R. Laffineur and J. L. Crowley (eds.), EIKON: Aegean Bronze Age Iconography: Shaping a Methodology [Aegaeum 8] (Liège 1992) 161- .
S. C. German, Performance and the Art of the Aegean Bronze Age (Ph.D. dissertation, Columbia University 1999).
S. C. German, Performance, Power and the Art of the Aegean Bronze Age [BAR International S1347] (Oxford 2005).
S. Hood, The Arts in Prehistoric Greece (Harmondsworth 1978, 1988).
R. Laffineur, "Craftsmen and Craftsmanship in Mycenaean Greece: For a Multimedia Approach," in R. Laffineur and W-D. Niemeier, Politeia: Society and State in the Aegean Bronze Age [Aegaeum 12] (Liège 1995) I: 189-199.
G. M. Muskett, Mycenaean Art: A Psychological Approach [BAR International Series 1636] (Oxford 2007).
G. E. Mylonas, Mycenae and the Mycenaean Age (Princeton 1966).
F. Schachermeyr, Die ägäische Frühzeit II: Die mykenische Zeit (Vienna 1976).
C. W. Shelmerdine, "Review of Aegean Prehistory VI: The Palatial Bronze Age of the Southern and Central Greek Mainland," AJA 101(1997) 537-585.
I. Tournavitou, "The Social and Economic Position of Artisans in the Mycenaean World," in C. Gillis, C. Risberg, and B. Sjöberg (eds.), Trade and Production in Premonetary Greece: Production and the Craftsman [SIMA Pocketbook 143] (Jonsered 1997) 29-41.
N. Vasilikou, O Mykenaïkos Politismos (Athens 1995).
E. Vermeule, Greece in the Bronze Age (Chicago 1964).
J. G. Younger, "The End of Mycenaean Art," in E. Thomas (ed.), Forschungen zur ägäischen Vorgeschichte: Das Ende der mykenischen Welt (Köln 1987) 63-72.
Iconography and Color
[for Bull-jumping, see under "Minoan Religion"]
S. Alexiou, "Neue Wagendarstellungen aus Kreta," AA (1964) 785-804.
N. Antognelli Michel, "L’estrema stilizzazione della palma? Osservazioni sulle semicolonne della ’Tholos de Atreo’,“ in G. Graziadio, R. Guglielmino, V. Lenuzza, and S. Vitale (eds.), Filikh Sunaulia. Studies in Mediterranean Archaeology for Mario Benzi [BAR-IS 2460] (Oxford 2013) 155-164.
P. Aström and B. Blomé, "A Reconstruction of the Lion Gate Relief at Mycenae," OpAth 5(1964) 159-191.
J. Bennet, “Iconographies of Value: Words, People and Things in the Late Bronze Age Aegean,“ in J. C. Barrett and P. Halstead (eds.), The Emergence of Civilisation Revisited (Oxford 2004) .
J. Bennet, “Representations of Power in Mycenaean Pylos. Script, Orality, Iconography,” in F. Lang, C. Reinholdt, and J. Weilhartner (eds.), STEPHANOS ARISTEIOS. Archäologische Forschungen zwischen Nil und Istros: Festschrift für Stefan Hiller zum 65. Geburtstag (Vienna 2007) 11-22.
I. Berg, "Aegean Bronze Age Seascapes – a Case Study in Maritime Movement, Conteact and Interaction," in S. Antoniadou and A. Pace (eds.), Mediterranean Crossroads (Athens 2007) 387-415.
F. Blakolmer, “Zum Charakter der frühägäischen Farben: Linear B und Homer,” Wiener Forschungen zur Archäologie 3(2000) 226-239.
F. Blakolmer, “Colour in the Aegean Bronze Age: From Monochromy to Polychromy,” in L. Cleland and K. Stears (eds.), Colour in the Ancient Mediterranean World [BAR-IS 1267] (Oxford 2004) 61-67.
F. Blakolmer, “Vom Wandrelief in die Kleinkunst. Transformationen des Stierbildes in der minoisch-mykenischen Bildkunst,” in F. Lang, C. Reinholdt, and J. Weilhartner (eds.), STEPHANOS ARISTEIOS. Archäologische Forschungen zwischen Nil und Istros: Festschrift für Stefan Hiller zum 65. Geburtstag (Vienna 2007) 31-47.
F. Blakolmer, “Processions in Aegean Iconography II: Who Are the Participants?,” in L. A. Hitchcock, R. Laffineur, and J. Crowley (eds.), DAIS: The Aegean Feast [Aegaeum 29] (Liège/Austin 2008) 257-268.
F. Blakolmer, “Ethnizität und Identität in der minoisch-mykenischen Ikonographie,” Anodos. Studies of the Ancient World 10(2010) 29-40.
E. F. Bloedow, "On Lions in Mycenaean and Minoan Culture," in R. Laffineur and J. L. Crowley (eds.), EIKON: Aegean Bronze Age Iconography: Shaping a Methodology [Aegaeum 8] (Liège 1992) 295-305.
E. F. Bloedow, "Löwenjagd im spätbronzezeitlichen Griechenland," Altertum 38(1993) 241-250.
E. F. Bloedow, "The Lions of the Lion Gate at Mycenae," in E. De Miro, L. Godart, and A. Sacconi (eds.), Atti e memorie del secondo congresso internazionale di micenologia [Incunabula Graeca 98] (Rome 1996) III:
E. F. Bloedow, "'Hector is a Lion': New Light on Warfare in the Aegean Bronze Age from the Homeric Simile," in R. Laffineur (ed.), POLEMOS. Le contexte guerrier en Égée à l'Âge du Bronze [Aegaeum 19] (Liège/Austin 1999) 285-296.
I. Bradfer, “Nautile ou argonaute? Remarques sur un motif égéen,” RA (1998) 107-118.
E. Brandt, Grüss und Gebet. Eine Studie zu Gebärden in der minoisch-mykenischen und frühgriechischen Kunst (Waldsassen 1965).
S. W. Carter, 'The Battle of the Glen' Revisited: A Gold Signet Ring (CMS I 16) of the Aegean Late Bronze Age in its Full Iconographic Context (undergraduate Honors thesis, Dartmouth College 2000).
J. Cherry, "Beazley in the Bronze Age? Reflections on Attribution Studies in Aegean Prehistory," in R. Laffineur and J. L. Crowley (eds.), EIKON: Aegean Bronze Age Iconography: Shaping a Methodology [Aegaeum 8] (Liège 1992) 123-144.
E. Cline, "Monkey Business in the Bronze Age Aegean," BSA 86(1991) 29-42.
J. Crouwel, "Fighting on Land and Sea in Late Mycenaean Times," in R. Laffineur (ed.), POLEMOS. Le contexte guerrier en Égée à l'Âge du Bronze [Aegaeum 19] (Liège/Austin 1999) 455-463.
J. Crowley, "The Icon Imperative: Rules of Composition in Aegean Art," in R. Laffineur and J. L. Crowley (eds.), EIKON: Aegean Bronze Age Iconography: Shaping a Methodology [Aegaeum 8] (Liège 1992) 23-36.
J. L. Crowley, "Images of Power in the Bronze Age Aegean," in R. Laffineur and W-D. Niemeier, Politeia: Society and State in the Aegean Bronze Age [Aegaeum 12] (Liège 1995) II: 475-491.
M. Cultraro, “Exercise of Dominance: Boar Hunting in Mycenaean Religion and Hittite Royal Rituals,” in M. Hutter and S. Hutter-Braunsar (eds.), Offizielle Religion, locale Kulte und individuelle Religiosität [Alter Orient und Altes Testament 318] (Münster 2004) 117-135.
M. Cultraro, “Hunter and Horseman: Glimpses into an Unknown Mycenaean Iconography,” in A. Gardeisen (ed.), Les équides dans le monde méditerranéen antique (Lattes 2005) 289-298.
E. N. Davis, "Art and Politics in the Aegean: The Missing Ruler," in P. Rehak (ed.), The Role of the Ruler in the Prehistoric Aegean [Aegaeum 11] (Liège 1995) 11-20.
J. L. Davis and J. Bennet, "Making Mycenaeans: Warfare, Territorial Expansion, and Representations of the Other in the Pylian Kingdom," in R. Laffineur (ed.), POLEMOS. Le contexte guerrier en Égée à l'Âge du Bronze [Aegaeum 19] (Liège/Austin 1999) 105-119.
D. Danielidou, "Sitopotinija of Mycenae amd the Mycenaean Potnia," in Philia Epe eis Georgion E. Mylonan (Athens 1986-1990) 323-342.
S. Deger-Jalkotzy, "Military Prowess and Social Status in Mycenaean Greece," in R. Laffineur (ed.), POLEMOS. Le contexte guerrier en Égée à l'Âge du Bronze [Aegaeum 19] (Liège/Austin 1999) 121-131.
H. Döhl, "Mykenische Kampfdarstellungen: Bild und Deutung im prähistorischen Griechenland," Beiträge zur Archäologie Nordwestdeutschlands und Mitteleuropas, Materialhefte zur Ur- und Frühgeschichte Niedeersachsens 16(1980) 21-33.
M. Feldman, “Luxurious Forms: Redefining A Mediterranean ‘International Style,’ 1400–1200 B.C.E.,” Art Bulletin 84(2002) 6-29.
M. Feldman, Diplomacy by Design: Luxury Arts and an “International Style”in the Ancient Near East, 1400-1200 BCE (Chicago 2006).
K. P. Foster, “A Taste for the Exotic,” in L. A. Hitchcock, R. Laffineur, and J. Crowley (eds.), DAIS: The Aegean Feast [Aegaeum 29] (Liège/Austin 2008) 327-338.
S. C. German, "The Human Form in the Late Bronze Age Aegean," in A. E. Rautman (ed.), Reading the Body: Representations and Remains in the Archaeological Record (Philadelphia 2000) 95-123.
C. Gillis, “The Use of Color in the Aegean Bronze Age,” in L. Cleland and K. Stears (eds.), Colour in the Ancient Mediterranean World [BAR-IS 1267] (Oxford 2004) 56-60.
E. Herkenrath, “Mykenische Kultszenen,” AJA 41(1937) 411-423.
S. Hiller, "Scenes of Warfare and Combat in the Arts of Aegean Late Bronze Age. Reflections on Typology and Development," in R. Laffineur (ed.), POLEMOS. Le contexte guerrier en Égée à l'Âge du Bronze [Aegaeum 19] (Liège/Austin 1999) 319-330.
S. Hiller, “Potnia/Potnios Aigon. On the Religious Aspects of Goats in the Aegean Late Bronze Age,” in R. Laffineur and R. Hägg (eds.), POTNIA. Deities and Religion in the Aegean Bronze Age [Aegaeum 22] (Liège/Austin 2001) 293-304.
S. Hiller, “Kleine Leute – Grosse Tiere. Themen der ägäischen Bildkunst in der späten Bronze- und der frühen Eisenzeit,” in F. Blakolmer and H. D. Szemethy (eds.), Akten des 8. Österreichischen Archäologentages am Institut für Klassische Archäologie der Universität Wien vrom 23. bis 25. April 1999 (Vienna 2001) 45-52.
S. Hiller, “The Spiral as a Symbol of Sovreignty and Power,” in A. Dakouri-Hild and S. Sherratt (eds.), AUTHOCHTHON: Papers Presented to O. T. P. K. Dickinson on the Occasion of His Retirement [BAR International Series 1432] (Oxford 2005) 259-270.
S. Hiller, “The Prothesis Scene: Bronze Age – Dark Age Relations,” in E. Rystedt and B. Wells (eds.), Pictorial Pursuits: Figurative Painting on Mycenaean and Geometric Pottery (Stockholm 2006) 183-190.
S. Hiller, “Palm and Altar,” in W. Gauss, M. Lindblom, R. A. K. Smith, and J. C. Wright (eds.), Our Cups Are Full: Pottery and Society in the Aegean Bronze Age (Oxford 2011) 104-114.
J. Hurwit, "The Dendra Octopus Cup and the Problem of Style in the Fifteenth Century Aegean," AJA 83(1979) 413-426.
K. Kalogeropoulos, “Decorative Scheme as an Indication of Artistic Relations between Early Mycenaean Greece and the Eastern Mediterranean,” in R. Laffineur and E. Greco (eds.), EMPORIA. Aegeans in the Central and Eastern Mediterranean [Aegaeum 25] (Liège/Austin 2005) 393-403.
Ch. Kardara, "E semasia tou anaglyphou tes pyles ton leonton," AAA 3(1970) 238-246.
V. Klontza-Jaklová, "The Meaing of Time in Late Bronze Age Europe and its Reflection in Material Culture," Anodos. Studies of the Ancient World 10(2010) 133-141.
M. Kohl, "Lyraspieler in mykenischer Zeit. Ihre Stellung in der frühgriechischen Gesellschaft," in F. Blakolmer, C. Reinholdt, J. Weilhartner, and G. Nightingale (eds.), Österreichische Forschungen zur Ägäischen Bronzezeit 2009 (Vienna 2011) 197-204.
K. Kopaka, "La guerre des femmes en Égée de l'Âge du Bronze" Lire entre "les lignes de combat"," in R. Laffineur (ed.), POLEMOS. Le contexte guerrier en Égée à l'Âge du Bronze [Aegaeum 19] (Liège/Austin 1999) 479-487.
L. Kontorli-Papadopoulou, "Fresco Fighting-Scenes as Evidence for Warlike Activities in the LBA Aegean," in R. Laffineur (ed.), POLEMOS. Le contexte guerrier en Égée à l'Âge du Bronze [Aegaeum 19] (Liège/Austin 1999) 332-339.
O. Krzyszkowska, “Impressions of the Natural World: Landscape in Aegean Glyptic,” in O. Krzsyzkowska (ed.), Cretan Offerings: Studies in Honour of Peter Warren [BSA Studies 18] (London 2010) 169-188.
R. Laffineur, “Images et symboles dans l’art mycénien,” in Praktika tou C’ Diethnous Synedriou Peloponnesiakon Spoudon II (Athens 1987-88) 161-174.
R. Laffineur, "Iconography as Evidence of Social and Political Status in Mycenaean Greece," in R. Laffineur and J. L. Crowley (eds.), EIKON: Aegean Bronze Age Iconography: Shaping a Methodology [Aegaeum 8] (Liège 1992) 105-112.
R. Laffineur, "De Mycènes à Homère. Réflexions sur l'conographie guerrière mycénienne," in R. Laffineur (ed.), POLEMOS. Le contexte guerrier en Égée à l'Âge du Bronze [Aegaeum 19] (Liège/Austin 1999) 313-317.
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Pottery: Stylistic Analyses and Typological Studies
[see also under "Pottery" in Lesson 19: Mycenaean Tholos Tombs and in Lesson 29: Post-Palatial Twilight for bibliography on prepalatial and postpalatial Mycenaean pottery in particular]
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Pottery: Technological Studies
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Pottery: Pictorial Styles
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E. French, “The Functional Contexts of Pictorial Pottery at Mycenae with a Note on a Recent Join by Kim Shelton ad Diana Wardle and a Note on a Recent Find by Kim Shelton,” in E. Rystedt, and B. Wells (eds.), Pictorial Pursuits. Figurative Painting on Mycenaean and Geometric Pottery (Stockholm 2006) 45-50.
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Pottery: Handmade Burnished Pottery (also known as "Barbarian Ware" or "Dorian Ware")
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F. Pintér, Provenance Study of the Early Iron Age Knobbed Ware in Troia, NW Turkey and the Balkans. Petrographic and Geochemical Evidence (Ph.D. dissertation, University of Tübingen 2005).
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K. Reber, Untersuchungen zur handgemachten Keramik Griechenlands in der submykenischen, protogeometrischen und geometrischen Zeit (Jonsered 1991).
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S. Strack, Regional Dynamics and Social Change in the Late Bronze and Early Iron Age: A Study of Handmade Pottery from Southern and Central Greece (Ph.D. dissertation, University of Edinburgh 2007).
Pottery: Wheelmade Gray Ware (also known as "Minyan Ware")
V. Adrimi-Sismani, “Archaia Iolchos: Mia prote prosengise,” in Mnemeia tes Magnesias (Volos 2002) 94-107.
V. Adrimi-Sismani, “E griza psevdominyeia kai e stilbomene cheiropoiete kerameike apo ton mykenaïko oikismo Dimeniou,” Archaiologiko Ergo Thessalias kai Stereas Helladas I: Praktika epistemonikes synanteses, Volos 27.2 – 2.3.2003 (Volos 2006) 85-110.
S. H. Allen, Northwest Anatolian Grey Wares in the Late Bronze Age: Analysis and Distribution in the Eastern Mediterranean (Ph.D. dissertation, Brown University 1990).
S. H. Allen, "Trojan Grey Ware at Tell Miqne-Ekron," BASOR 293(1994) 39-51.
N. P. Bayne, The Grey Wares of North-West Anatolia in the Middle and Late Bronze Age and Early Iron Age and their Relation to the Early Greek Settlements (Ph. D. dissertation, Oxford University 1963).
C. Belardelli, "La ceramica grigia," in R. Peroni (ed.), Nuove ricerche sulla protostoria della Sibaritide (Rome 1984) 124- .
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C. Belardelli, "Produzioni artigianali tardoelladiche dall'Italia meridionale in Argolide: la ceramica pseudominia di Tirinto," in V. La Rosa, D. Palermo, and L. Vagnetti (eds.), EPI PONTON PLAZOMENOI: Simposio italiano di Studi Egei dedicato a Luigi Bernabò Brea e Giovanni Pugliese Carratelli [Rome 1999] 451-460.
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M. Bettelli, Italia meridionale e mondo miceneo: ricerche su dinamiche di acculturazione e aspetti archeologici (con particolare riguardo al versante ionico della penisola italiana) (Ph.D. dissertation, University of Rome La Sapienza 1995).
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H.-G. Buchholz, "Grey Trojan Ware in Cyprus and Northern Syria," in R. A. Crossland and A. Birchall (eds.), Bronze Age Migrations in the Aegean (Sheffield 1973) 179- .
L. Girella, “Patterns of Exchange and Mobility. The Case of the Grey Ware in Middle and Late Minoan Crete,” SMEA 51(2009) 279-314.
R. Guglielmino, “Minyan, Minyanizing, and Pseudominyan Wares from Southern and Insular Italy,” in G. Graziadio, R. Guglielmino, V. Lenuzza, and S. Vitale (eds.), Filikh Sunaulia. Studies in Mediterranean Archaeology for Mario Benzi [BAR-IS 2460] (Oxford 2013) 177-192.
E. and B. P. Hallager, The Greek-Swedish Excavations at the Agia Aikaterini Square, Kastelli, Khania, 1970-1987 II: The Late Minoan IIIC Settlement (Stockholm 2000) 171, 225 [Index].
R. Jung, Kastanas. Ausgrabungen in einem Siedlungshügel; der Bronze- und Eisenzeit Makedoniens 1975-1979: Die Drehscheibenkeeramik der Schichten 19 bis 11 [Prähistorische Archäologie in Südosteuropa 18:1-2] (Kiel 2002) 198-214.
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K. Kilian, "Mycenaeans Up to Date. Trends and Changes in in Recent Research," in E. French and K. A. Wardle (eds.), Problems in Greek Prehistory (Bristol 1988) 115-152, esp. 145-148.
K. Kalogeropoulos, Die frühmykenischen Grabfunde von Analipsis (Südostliches Arkadien) mit einem Beitrag zu den Palatialen Amphoren des griechischen Festlandes [Archaiologike Etaireia Athenon 175] (Athens 1998) 42-60.
P. Pavuk, “Grey Wares as a Phenomenon,” Aegeo-Balkan Prehistory [12 June 2007]
A. Schachner, "Untersuchungen zur chronologischen Stellung der grau-minyischen Keramik in Westanatolien unter Berücksichtigung der Schliemann-Sammlung im Berliner Museum für Vor- und Frühgeschichte," Acta Praehistorica et Archaeologica 26-27(1994-95) 90-115.
A. Schachner, "Trojanische Keramik der SBZ im östlichen Mittlemeer," Türk Arkeoloji Dergisi 31(1997) 217-226 [German], 227-236 [Turkish].
M. Tsipopoulou and L. Vagnetti, "A Late Minoan III Grey Wheel-made Piriform Jar from Eastern Crete," SMEA 34(1994) 43-50.
Pottery: Tin-covered Pottery
C. Gillis, "All That Glitter Is Not Gold, Medelhavsmuseet Bulletin 26-27(1991-92) 24-32.
C. Gillis, "Tin-covered Vessels in the Aegean Bronze Age," Hydra 8(1991) 1-30.
C. Gillis, "How I Discovered Gold and Solved the Alchemists' Dream, or Tin-covered Vessels: Part II," Hydra 10(1992) 13-16.
C. Gillis, "Binding Evidence. Tin Foil and Organic Binder on Aegean Late Bronze Age Pottery," OpAth 20(1994) 57-61.
C. Gillis, "Tin at Asine," in R. Hägg, G. C. Nordquist, and B. Wells (eds.), Asine III: Supplementary Studies on the Swedish Excavations 1922-1930 (Stockholm 1996) 93-100.
C. Gillis, "Tin-Covered Late Bronze Age Vessels: Analyses and Social Implications," in C. Gillis, C. Risberg, and B. Sjöberg (eds.), Trade and Production in Premonetary Greece: Production and the Craftsman [SIMA Pocketbook 143] (Jonsered 1997) 131-138.
C. Gillis and C. Bohm, "Tin-covered Vessels in the Aegean Bronze Age: Methods of Application," in F. Burragato, O. Grubessi, and L. Lazzarini (eds.), Archaeometric Research and Archaeological Studies in Ancient Pottery: 1st European Workshop on Archaeological Ceramics (Rome 1994) 217-227.
C. Gillis and B. Holmberg, "Tin-coated Ceramic Vessels in the Aegean Late Bronze Age: Results and Implications from ToF SIMS and ESCA Surface Analyses," in M. Vendrell-Saz, T. Pradell, J. Molera, and M. Garcia (eds.), Estudis sobre Ceràmica Antiga (Barcelona 1995) 35-40.
C. Gillis, B. Holmberg, and A. Widelöv, "Aegean Bronze Age Tinned Vessels: Analyses and Social Implications," in P. Vincenzini (ed.), The Ceramics Cultural Heritage (Faenza 1995) 251-260.
S. A. Immerwahr, "The Use of Tin on Mycenaean Vases," Hesperia 35(1966) 381-396.
M. Pantelidou, "Epikassiteromena angeia ex Athenon," AAA 4(1971) 433-438.
Pottery: Physico-Chemical Provenience and Residue Analysis Studies [see also under "Mycenaean Trade: Ceramics"]
M. Akurgal, M. Kerschner, H. Mommsen, and W.-D. Niemeier, Töpferzentren der Ostägäis. Archäometrische und archäologische Untersuchungen zur mykenischen, geometrischen und archaischen Keramik aus Fundorten in Westkleinasien (Vienna 2002).
F. Asaro and I. Perlman, "Provenience Studies of Mycenaean Pottery Employing Neutron Activation Analysis," in The Mycenaeans in the Mediterranean (Nicosia 1972) 213-224.
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L. Badre, M.-C. Boileau, R. Jung, and H. Mommsen, “The Provenance of Aegean- and Syrian-Type Pottery Found at Tell Kazel (Syria),” Ägypten und Levante 15(2005) 15-47.
H. W. Catling and A. Millett, "A Study of the Inscribed Stirrup Jars from Thebes," Archaeometry 8(1965) 3-85.
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H. W. Catling, J. F. Cherry, R. E. Jones, and J. T. Killen, "The Linear B Inscribed Stirrup Jars and West Crete," BSA 75(1980) 49-113.
P. M. Day, "Appendix C: Petrographic Analysis of Transport Stirrup Jars from the House of the Oil Merchant, Mycenae," in I. Tournavitou, The 'Ivory Houses' at Mycenae [BSA Supplement 24] (London 1995) 309-316.
B. Feuer and G. Schneider, “Chemical Analysis and Interpretation of Mycenaean Pottery from Thessaly,” JMA 16(2003) 217-247.
E. B. French, “The Contribution of Chemical Analysis to Provenance Studies,” in J. Balensi, J.-Y. Monchambert, and S. Müller Celka (eds.), La céramique mycénienne de l’Égée au Levant (Lyon 2004) 15-25.
J. Gunneweg, T. Dothan, I. Perlman, and S. Gitin, "On the Origin of Pottery from Tel Miqne-Ekron," BASOR 262(1986) 3-16.
J. Gunneweg, F. Asaro, H. V. Michel, and I. Perlman, "On the Origin of a Mycenaean IIIA Chariot Krater and Other Related Mycenaean Pottery from Tomb 387 at Laish/Dan," Eretz-Israel 23(1992) 54-63.
A. Hein, H. Mommsen, and J. Maran, "Element Concentration Distributions and Most Discriminating Elements for Provenancing by Neutron Activation Analyses of Ceramics from Bronze Age Sites in Greece," JAS 26(1999) 1053-1058.
A. Hein, A. Tsolakidou, and H. Mommsen, “Mycenaean Pottery from the Argolid and Achaia. A Mineralogical Approach Where Chemistry Leaves Questions,” Archaeometry 44(2002) 177-186.
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R. E. Jones, Greek and Cypriot Pottery: A Review of Scientific Studies (Athens 1986).
R. E. Jones, "Chemical Analysis of 'Barbarian" Ware," in V. Karageorghis (ed.), Acts of the International Archaeological Symposium 'Cyprus between the Orient and the Occident' [Nicosia, 8-14 September 1985] (Nicosia 1986) 259-264.
R. E. Jones, "Chemical Analysis of Some Mycenaean Vases from Kokla," in C. and P. Zerner and J. Winder (eds.), Wace and Blegen: Pottery as Evidence for Trade in the Aegean Bronze Age 1939-1989 (Amsterdam 1993) 76- .
R. E. Jones, "Appendix A: Chemical Analysis of Coarse Ware Stirrup Jars from the House of the Oil Merchant, Mycenae," in I. Tournavitou, The 'Ivory Houses' at Mycenae [BSA Supplement 24] (London 1995) 301-303.
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E. Karantzali and M. J. Ponting, "ICP-AES Analysis of Some Mycenaean Vases from the Cemetery at Pylona, Rhodes," BSA 95(2000) 219-238.
T. Marketou, E. Karantzali, H. Mommsen, N. Zacharias, V. Kilikoglou, and A. Schwedt, “Pottery Wares from the Prehistoric Settlement at Ialysos,” BSA 101(2006) 1-55.
H. Martlew, “Minoan and Mycenaean Technology as Revealed Through Organic Residue Analysis,” in J. Bourriau and J. Phillips (eds.), Invention and Innovation: The Social Context of Change 2: Egypt, the Aegean and the Near East 1650-1150 B.C. (Oxford 2004) 121-148.
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H. Mommsen, “Neutron Activation Analysis of Five Sherds from Tell Arqa,” in V. Karageorghis and O. Kouka (eds.), On Cooking Pots, Drinking Cups, Loomwieghts and Ethnicity in Bronze Age Cyprus and Neighboring Regions (Nicosia 2011) 95-96.
H. Mommsen, E. Andrikou, V. Aravantinos, and J. Maran, “Neutron Activation Analysis Results of Bronze Age Pottery from Boeotia Including Ten Linear B Inscribed Stirrup Jars,” Archaeometry ’98 II: Proceedings of the 31st Symposium, Budapest 1998 [BAR International Series 1043] (Oxford 2002) 607-612.
H. Mommsen, T. Beier, U. Diehl, and C. Podzuweit, "Provenance Determination of Mycenaean Sherds Found in Tell el Amarna by Neutron Activation Analysis," JAS 19(1992) 295-302.
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Figurines and Architectural Models
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Metalwork in Forms Other than Weaponry
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Z. Stos-Gale, M. Kayafa, and N. Gale, "The Origin of Metals from the Bronze Age Site of Nichoria," Opuscula Atheniensia 24(1999) 99-120.
H. Thomas, “The Acropolis Treasure at Mycenae,” BSA 39(1939) 65-87.
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Stone Vases
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K. Demakopoulou, "Stone Vases from Midea," in E. H. Cline and D. Harris-Cline (eds.), The Aegean and the Orient in the Second Millennium [Aegaeum 18] (Liège/Austin 1998) 221-227.
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H. von Arbin, "The Alabstron-shaped Vases in the 'Throne Room' at Knossos," Opuscula Atheniensia 15(1984) 7-16.
P. Warren, "Lapis Lacedaemonius," in J. M. Sanders (ed.), PHILOLAKON. Lakonian Studies in Honour of H. Catling (London 1992) 285-296.
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Miscellaneous Stone Artifacts [see also under "Mycenaean Tholoi" and "Mycenaean Architecture: Fortifications, etc." for large-scale relief sculpture decorating tomb and gate facades]
H. Blitzer, "The Chipped Stone, Ground Stone, and Worked Bone Industries," in W. A. McDonald and N. C. Wilkie (eds.), Excavations at Nichoria in Southwest Greece II: The Bronze Age Occupation (Minneapolis 1992) 712-756.
T. Carter, “The Chipped and Ground Stone,” in J. and B. Forsén, The Asea Valley Survey. An Arcadian Mountain Valley from the Palaeolithic Period until Modern Times (Stockholm 2003) 129-157.
D. Evely, "Ground Stone: Stone Vases and Other Objects," Well-Built Mycenae fascicule 27 (Oxford 1992).
E. B. French and R. Janko, “The Late Helladic Small Finds,” in W. D. Taylour and R. Janko (eds.), Ayios Stephanos: Excavations at a Bronze Age and Medieval Settlement in Southern Laconia [BSA Supplementary Volume 44] (London 2008) 445-470.
S. E. Iakovidis, "On the Use of Mycenaean 'Buttons'," BSA 72(1977) 113-119.
H. Plommer, "A Carved Block from the Megaron at Mycenae," BSA 60(1965) 207-211.
L. Rahmstorf, Kleinfunde aus Tiryns aus Terrakotta, Stein, Bein und Glas/Fayence vornehmlich spätbronzezeitlicher Zeitstellung (Ph.D. dissertation, University of Heidelberg 2001).
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K. von Filseck, "Der Alabasterfries von Tiryns," AA (1986) 1-32.
Seals and Signet Rings [see also under this heading in handout on "Late Minoan Painting and Representational Art"]
A. Alexandri, Gender Symbolism in Late Bronze Age Aegean Glyptic Art (Ph.D. dissertation, Cambridge University 1994).
E. Andrikou, “Exi mykenaïkes sphragides apo te Theva,” in A. Vlachopoulos and K. Birtacha (eds.), ARGONAUTIS: Timetikos tomos yia ton Kathegete Christo G. Douma apo tous mathetes tou sto Panepistimio Athenon (1980-2000) (Athens 2003) 609-618.
V. Aravantinos, "The Mycenaean Inscribed Sealings from Thebes: Problems of Content and Function," in T. G. Palaima (ed.), Aegean Seals, Sealings and Administration [Aegaeum 5] (Liège 1990) 149-167.
J. Aruz, The Aegean and the Orient in the Neolithic and Bronze Ages: The Evidence of Stamp and Cylinder Seals (Ph.D. dissertation; New York University 1986).
J. Aruz, “Unravelling the Mysteries of the Well-Travelled Seal,” in R. Laffineur and E. Greco (eds.), EMPORIA. Aegeans in the Central and Eastern Mediterranean [Aegaeum 25] (Liège/Austin 2005) 751-758.
J. Boardman, "The Danicourt Ring," Revue archéologique (1970) 3-8.
S. W. Carter, 'The Battle of the Glen' Revisited: A Gold Signet Ring (CMS I 16) of the Aegean Late Bronze Age in its Full Iconographic Context (undergraduate Honors thesis, Dartmouth College 2000).
J. L. Crowley, “In Honour of the Gods – But Which Gods? Identifying Deities in Aegean Glyptic,” in L. A. Hitchcock, R. Laffineur, and J. Crowley (eds.), DAIS: The Aegean Feast [Aegaeum 29] (Liège/Austin 2008) 75-87.
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Gender Studies Applied to Mycenaean Society
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