Troy VII and the Historicity of the Trojan War
- Troy VII and the Trojan War
- Colloquia, Symposia, and Festschriften
- Troy VII: The History of Excavations at Troy
- Troy VII: Excavation Reports
- Troy VII: Topography
- Troy VII: Pottery
- Troy VII: Miscellaneous Finds
- The Trojan War: Did It Take Place or Not?
- The Trojan War: Chronological Concerns
- The Mythology of Troy's Sack by the Achaeans
- Troy and Europe
- Troy in the Dark Ages
- The Mycenaeans and Anatolia, Aegean Relationships with the Hittites, and the Ahhiyawa Question
- The Antiquity of the Greek Epic Tradition
- Mythology and its Implications for the History of the Aegean Late Bronze Age
Troy VII and the Trojan War
Colloquia, Symposia, Exhibition Catalogues, and Festschrifts
R. Aslan, S. Blum, G. Kastl, and D. Thumm (eds.), Mauerschau: Festschrift für M. Korfmann I (Remshalden-Grünbach 2002).
G. Bachhuber and G. Roberts (eds.), Forces of Transformation: The End of the Bronze Age in the Eastern Mediterranean [BANEA Monograph 1] (Oxford 2009).
H.-J. Behr, G. Biegel, and H. Castritius (eds.), Troia: Ein Mythos in Geschichte und Rezeption (Braunschweig 2002).
D. Boedeker (ed.), "The World of Troy," CW 91:5 (1998) 331-413.
G. Burzacchini (ed.), Troia tra realtà e leggenda (Parma 2005) .
O. Carruba, M Giorgeri, and C. Mora (eds.), Atti del II Congresso Internazionale di Hiititologia (Pavia 1995).
J. B. Carter and S. P. Morris (eds.), The Ages of Homer. A Tribute to Emily Townsend Vermeule (Austin 1995).
J. P. Crielaard (ed.), Homeric Questions (Amsterdam 1995).
S. Deger-Jalkotzy and I. S. Lemos (eds.), Ancient Greece: From the Mycenaean Palaces to the Age of Homer (Edinburgh 2006).
B. Fischer, H. Genz, E. Jean, and K. Köroglu (eds.), Identifying Changes: The Transition from Bronze to Iron Ages in Anatolia and its Neighbouring Regions (Istanbul 2003).
A. Fletcher and A. M. Greaves (eds.), Transanatolia: Proceedings of the Conference Held at the British Museum, 31 March to 1 April 2006 [AS 57] (London 2007).
L. Foxhall and J. K. Davies (eds.), The Trojan War: Its Historicity and Context (Bristol 1984).
M. Korfmann et al., Troia – Traum und Wirklichkeit [Wissenschaftlicher Begleitband zur Troia-Ausstellung Stuttgart] (Stuttgart 2001).
M. Korfmann (ed.), Troia. Archäologie eines Siedlunghügels und seiner Landschaft (Mainz 2006).
R. Laffineur (ed.), POLEMOS. Le contexte guerrier en Égée à l'Âge du Bronze [Aegaeum 19] (Liège/Austin 1999).
R. Laffineur and W-D. Niemeier, Politeia: Society and State in the Aegean Bronze Age [Aegaeum 12] (Liège 1995).
M. J. Mellink (ed.), Troy and the Trojan War (Bryn Mawr 1986).
D. P. Mielke, U.-D. Schoop, and J. Seeheer (eds.), Struktierung und Datierung in der hethitischen Archäologie: Voraussetzungen, Probleme, neue Ansätze [Byzas 4] (Istanbul 2006).
S. P. Morris and R. Laffineur (eds.), EPOS. Reconsidering Greek Epic and Aegean Bronze Age Archaeology [Aegaeum 28] (Liège/Austin 2007).
C. Ulf (ed.), Der neue Streit um Troja: Eine Bilanz (Munich 2003).
Troy VII: The History of Excavations at Troy: Excavators and their Critics
S. H. Allen, "'Finding the Walls of Troy': Frank Calvert, Excavator," AJA 99(1995) 379-407.
S. H. Allen, Finding the Walls of Troy: Frank Calvert and Heinrich Schliemann at Hisarlik (Berkeley 1998).
M. Basedow, “Troy without Homer: The Bronze Age – Iron Age Transition in the Troad,” in S. P. Morris and R. Laffineur (eds.), EPOS. Reconsidering Greek Epic and Aegean Bronze Age Archaeology [Aegaeum 28] (Liège/Austin 2007) 49-58.
D. F. Easton, J. D. Hawkins, A. G. Sherratt, and E. S. Sherratt, “Troy in Recent Perspective,” AS 52(2002) 75-109.
M. I. Finley, "Schliemann's Troy: One Hundred Years After," Proceedings of the British Academy 60(1974) 393-412.
D. Hertel, “Schliemann’s These vom Fortleben Troias in den ‘Darjk Ages’ im Lichte neuer Forschungsergebnisse,” Studia Troica 1(1991) 131-144.
D. Hertel, Troia. Archäologie, Geschichte, Mythos (Munich 2001).
D. Hertel, Die Mauern von Troia ( 2003).
D. Hertel, “Die Gleichsetzung einer archäologischen Schicht von Troia mit dem homerischen Ilios,” in C. Ulf (ed.), Der neue Streit um Troia. Eine Bilanz (Munich 2003) 85-104.
D. Hertel and F. Kolb, “Troy in Clearer Perspective,” AS 53(2003) 71-88.
P. Jablonka and C. B. Rose, “Late Bronze Age Troy: A Response to Frank Kolb,” AJA 108(2004) 615-630.
F. Kolb, “Ein neuer Troia-Mythos? Traum und Wirklichkeit auf dem Grabungshügel von Hisarlik,” in H.-J. Behr, G. Biegel, and H. Castritius (eds.), Troia: Ein Mythos in Geschichte und Rezeption (Braunschweig 2002) 8-40.
F. Kolb, “Troy VI: A Trading Center and Commercial City?,” AJA 108(2004) 577-613.
D. A. Traill, "J. G. von Hahn's Report of his Excavations at Balli Dag in 1864: The Finlay Translation," BSA 92(1997) 169-189.
J. C. Wright, "The Place of Troy among the Civilizations of the Bronze Age," CW 91:5 (1998) 356-368.
Troy VII: Excavation Reports
[for Korfmann's annual reports in Studia Troica on excavations since 1990, see under "Western Anatolia and the Eastern Aegean in the Early Bronze Age" (Lesson #7)]
M. A. Basedow, Besik-Tepe. Das spätbronzezeitliche Gräberfeld [Studia Troica Monographien 1] (Mainz 2000).
M. Basedow, “Troy without Homer: The Bronze Age – Iron Age Transition in the Troad,” in S. P. Morris and R. Laffineur (eds.), EPOS. Reconsidering Greek Epic and Aegean Bronze Age Archaeology [Aegaeum 28] (Liège/Austin 2007) 49-58.
R. Becks, W. Rigter, and P. Hnila, “Das Terrassenhaus im westlichen Unterdtadtviertel von Troia,” Studia Troica 16(2006) 27-88.
C. W. Blegen, Troy and the Trojans (London 1963).
C. W. Blegen, C. G. Boulter, J. L. Caskey, and M. Rawson, Troy IV: The Seventh Settlement (Princeton 1958).
W. Dörpfeld, Troia 1893. Bericht über die im Jahre 1893 in Troia veranstalteten Ausgrabungen (Leipzig 1894).
W. Dörpfeld, Troja und Ilion (Athens 1902).
D. F. Easton, Schliemann’s Excavations at Troia 1870-1873 (Mainz-am-Rhein 2002).
D. Koppenhöfer, “Troia VII – Versuch einer Zusammenschau einschliesslich der Ergebnisse des Jahres 1995,” Studia Troica 7(1997) 295-353.
M. Korfmann, "Die prähistorische Besiedlung südlich der Burg Troia VI/VII," Studia Troica 2(1992) 123-146.
M. Korfmann, "Troia: A Residential and Trading City at the Dardanelles," in R. Laffineur and W-D. Niemeier, Politeia: Society and State in the Aegean Bronze Age [Aegaeum 12] (Liège 1995) I: 173-183.
M. Korfmann, “The Citadel and the Lower City of Troia at the Dardanelles. City of War and Peace Where Seas and Continents Meet,” in Y. Sey (ed.), Housing and Settlement in Anatolia. A Historical Perspective (Istanbul 1996) 83-98.
M. Korfmann, “Das homerische Troia war grösser. Ergebnisse der Grabungen 1988-96,” in H. D. Galter (ed.), Troia, Mythen und Archäologie (Graz 1997) 67-95.
M. Korfmann, "Troia, an Ancient Anatolian Palatial and Trading Center: Archaeological Evidence for the Period of Troia VI/VII," CW 91:5 (1998) 369-385.
M. Korfmann, “Die Trojanische Hochkultur (Troia VI und VIIa). Eine Kultur Anatoliens,” in E. Latacz et al. (eds.), Troia – Traum und Wirklichkeit (Stuttgart 2001) 395-406.
M. Korfmann, “Die Arbeiten in Troia/Wilusa 2001 – Work in Troia/Wilusa,” Studia Troica 12(2002) 1-34.
M. Korfmann and D. Mannsperger, Troia: ein historischer Überblick und Rundgang (Stuttgart 1998).
H. Schliemann, Troy and its Remains (P. Smith, ed.; trans. D. Schmitz) (London 1875).
H. Schliemann, Troja: Results of the Latest Researches and Discoveries on the Site of Homer’s Troy (London 1884).
H. Schliemann, Bericht über die Ausgrabungen in Troja im Jahre 1890 (Leipzig 1891).
Troy VII: Topography
R. Aslan, G. Bioeg, et al., “Die Mittel- bis Spätbronzezeitliche Besiedlung (Troia VI und VIIa) derTroas und der Gelibolu-Halbinsel,” Studia Troicaq 13(2003) 168-189.
J. Bintliff, "Troia und seine Paläolandschaften," in E. Olshausen and H. Sonnabend (eds.), Stuttgarter Kolloquium zur Historischen Geographie des Altertums (Bonn 1991) 83-131.
A. Brückner, "Das Schlachtfeld vor Troja," AA (1912) 616-633.
A. Brückner, "Forschungsaufgaben in der Troas," AA (1925) 230-248.
J. M. Cook, The Troad: An Archaeological and Topographical Study (Oxford 1973).
I. Kayan, "Late Holocene Sea-level Changes on the Western Anatolian Coast," Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 68(1988) 205-218.
I. Kayan, "Holocene Geomorphic Evolution of the Besik Plain and Changing Environment of Ancient Man," Studia Troica 1(1991) 79-92.
I. Kayan, "The Troia Bay and Supposed Harbour Sites in the Bronze Age," Studia Troica 5(1995) 211-235.
M. Korfmann, “Troy: Topography and Navigation,” in M. J. Mellink (ed.), Troy and the Trojan War (Bryn Mawr 1986) 1-16.
J. C. Kraft, “Geomorphic Reconstructions in the Environs of Ancient Troy,” Science 209(1980) 776-782.
J. C. Kraft, “Harbor Areas at Ancient Troy: Sedimentology and Geomorphology Complement Homer’s Iliad,” Geology 31(2003) 163-166.
J. C. Kraft, I. Kayan, and O. Erol, "Geology and Palaeogeographic Reconstructions of the Vicinity of Troy," in Troy Supplementary Monograph 4 (Cincinnati 1982) 11-40.
W. Leaf, Troy: A Study in Homeric Geography (London 1912).
J. V. Luce, Celebrating Homer’s Landscapes: Troy and Ithaca Revisited (New Haven 1998) 111-126.
P. Malfas, “Trojan Plain and Homeric Topography,” History of Mechanism and Machine Science 6(2009) 415-431.
N. Marriner and C. Morhange, “Geoscience of Ancient Mediterranean Harbours,” Earth-Science Reviews 80(2007) 137-194.
G. Rapp and J. Gifford (eds.), Troy Supplementary Monograph 4: The Archaeological Geography (Princeton 1982).
E. Zangger, Ein neuer Kampf um Troia. Archäologie in der Krise (Munich 1994).
E. Zangger, M. E. Timpson, S. B. Yazvenko, and H. Leiermann, "Searching for the Ports of Troy," in P. Leveau, K. Walsh, and G. Barker (eds.), Environmental Reconstruction in Mediterranean Landscape Archaeology (Oxford 1998) 89-103.
Troy VII: Pottery
S. H. Allen, Northwest Anatolian Grey Wares in the Late Bronze Age: Analysis and Distribution in the Eastern Mediterranean (Ph.D. dissertation, Brown University 1990).
S. H. Allen, "Trojan Grey Ware at Tell Miqne-Ekron," BASOR 293(1994) 39-51.
N. P. Bayne, The Grey Wares of North-West Anatolia in the Middle and Late Bronze Age and Early Iron Age and their Relation to the Early Greek Settlements (Pd. D. dissertation, Oxford University 1963).
R.Becks, “Troia VII: the Transition from the Late Bronze Age to the Early Iron Age,” in B. Fischer, H. Genz, É. Jean, K. Köroglu (eds.), Identifying Changes: The Transition from Bronze to Iron Ages in Anatolia and its Neighboring Regions (Istanbul 2003) 41-53.
E. F. Bloedow, "Handmade Burnished Ware or 'Barbarian' Pottery and Troy VIIB," PdP 222(1985) 161-199.
R. Catling, "The Typology of the Protogeometric and Subprotogeometric Pottery from Troia and its Aegean Context," Studia Troica 8(1998) 151-87.
M. Guzowska, I. Kuleff, E. Pernicka, and M. Satir, “On the Origin of Coarse Wares of Troy VII,” in Troia and the Troad, Scientific Approaches. Acts of the International Symposium “Lebesraum Troia zwischen Erdgeschichte und Kultur, 2-5 April 2001” (Istanbul 2003) 233-249.
A. Hänsel, “Die hamdgemachte Keramik der VII. Ansiedlung in der Berliner Sammlung,” in M. Wemhoff, D. Hertel, and A. Hänsel (eds.), Heinrich Schliemanns Sammlung Trojanischer Altertümer – Neuvorlage 1 (Berlin 2008) 57-92.
P. Hnila, Pottery of Troy VIIB. Chronology, Classification, Context and Implicationsof Trojan Ceramic Assemblages in the Late Bronze Age/Early Iron Age Transition (Ph.D. dissertation, University of Tübingen 2009, 2012). []
O. Knacke-Loy, Isotopengeochemische, chemische und petrographische Untersuchungen zur Herkunftbestimmung der bronzezeitlichen Keramik von Troia [Heidelberger Gewissenschaftliche Abhandlungen 77] (Heidelberg 1994).
D. Lenz, F. Ruppenstein, M. Baumann, and R. Catling, "Protogeometric Pottery at Troia," Studia Troica 8(1998) 189-222.
H. Mommsen, D. Hertel, and P. A. Mountjoy, “Neutron Activation Analysis of the Pottery from Troy in the Berlin Schliemann Collection,” AA (2001) 169-211.
H. Mommsen and P. Pavuk, “Provenance of the Grey and Tan Wares from Troia, Cyprus, and the Levant,” Studia Troica 17(2007) 25-41.
P. A. Mountjoy, "Local Mycenaean Pottery at Troia," Studia Troica 7(1997) 259-267.
P. A. Mountjoy, "A Trojan Mycenaean Pictorial Krater," Studia Troica 7(1997) 269-274.
P. A. Mountjoy, "Troia VII Reconsidered," Studia Troica 9(1999) 295-346.
P. A. Mountjoy, "A Trojan Mycenaean Pictorial Krater Revisited," Studia Troica 15(2005) 121-126.
P. A. Mountjoy and H. Mommsen, “Neutron Activation Analysis of Mycenaean Pottery from Troia (1988-2003 Excavations,” Studia Troica 16(2006) 97-123.
P. Pavuk, “Troia VI and VIIa. The Blegen Pottery Shapes: Towards a Typology,” Studia Troica 12(2002) 35-71.
P. Pavuk, “Pottery Processing at Troy. Typology, Stratigraphy and Correspondence Analysis: How Do They Work Together?,” in B. Horejs, R. Jung, and P. Pavuk (eds.), Analysing Pottery. Processing – Classification – Publication (Bratislava 2010) 73-98.
P. Pavuk and W. Rigter, “Goblets, Schüsseln und Kratere – Die Keramik der Perioden Troia VI und VIIa,” in M. O. Korfmann (ed.), Troia. Archäologie eines Siedlungshügels und seiner Landschaft (Mainz 2006) 231-240.
F. Pintér, Provenance Study of the Early Iron Age Knobbed Ware in Troia, NW Turkey and the Balkans. Petrographic and Geochemical Evidence (Ph.D. dissertation, University of Tübingen 2005).
A. Schachner, "Untersuchungen zur chronologischen Stellung der grau-minyischen Keramik in Westanatolien unter Berücksichtigung der Schliemann-Sammlung im Berliner Museum für Vor- und Frühgeschichte," Acta Praehistorica et Archaeologica 26-27(1994-95) 90-115.
A. Schachner, "Trojanische Keramik der SBZ im östlichen Mittlemeer," Türk Arkeoloji Dergisi 31(1997) 217-226 [German], 227-236 [Turkish].
M. Stefanovich, "The Possible Origins of the Knobbed Ware of Troy VIIB2," in Primus Congressus Studiorum Thraciorum: Thracia 3 (Sofia 1974) 101-106.
Troy VII: Miscellaneous Finds
K. Balfanz, "Eine spätbronzezeitliche Elfenbeinspindel aus Troia VIIa," Studia Troica 5(1995) 107-116.
A. Bobokhyan, “Identifying Balance Weights and Weight Systems in Bronze Age Troia: Preliminary Reflections,” in M. E. Alberti, E. Ascalone, and L. Peyronel, Weights in Context. Bronze Age Weighing Systems of the Eastern Mediterranean: Chronology, Typology, Material and Archaeological Contexts (Rome 2006) 71-125.
M. Guzowska and R. Becks, “Who Was Weaving at Troia? On the Aegean Style Loomweights in Troia VI and VIIa,” in R. Laffineur and E. Greco (eds.), EMPORIA. Aegeans in the Central and Eastern Mediterranean [Aegaeum 25] (Liège/Austin 2005) 279-286.
M. Guzowska, R. Becks, and E. Andersson Strand, “’She Was Weaving a Great Web.’ Textiles in Troia,” in M.-L. Nosch and R. Laffineur (eds.), KOSMOS: Jewellery, Adornment and Textiles in the Aegean Bronze Age [Aegaeum 33] (Leuven/Liège 2012) 107-112.
J. D. Hawkins and D. F. Easton, "A Hieroglyphic Seal from Troia," Studia Troica 6(1996) 111-118.
M. Mellink and D. Strahan, "The Bronze Figurine from Troia VIIa," Studia Troica 8(1998) 141-149.
P. Pavuk, “Of Spools and Discoid Loom-Weights: Aegean-type Weaving at Troy Revisited,” in M.-L. Nosch and R. Laffineur (eds.), KOSMOS: Jewellery, Adornment and Textiles in the Aegean Bronze Age [Aegaeum 33] (Leuven/Liège 2012) 121-130.
J. Zurbach, "Schriftähnliche Zeichen und Töpferzeichen in Troia," Studia Troica 13(2003) 113-130.
The Trojan War: Did It Take Place or Not?
M. Benzi, “Anatolia and the Eastern Aegean at the Time of the Trojan War,” in F. Montanari (ed.), Omero Tremila Anni Dopo [Storia e Letteratura: Raccolta di Studi e Testi 210] (Rome 2002) 343-404, esp. 345-355.
M. Benzi, “La guerra di Troia, le fonti ittite e l’archeologia dell’Anatolia occidentale,” in G. Burzacchini (ed.), Troia tra realtà e leggenda (Parma 2005) 47-81.
M. Benzi, “La guerre fantôme. La guerre de Troie dans une perspective archéologique,” in M. Fartzoff, M. Faudot, E. Geny, and M.-R.Guelfucci (eds.), Reconstruire Troie.Permanence et Renaissance d'une Cité Emblématique (Besançon 2009) 445-468.
R. Bichler, “Die Datierung des troianischen Kriegs als Problem der griechischen Historie,” in C. Ulf (ed.), Der neue Streit um Troja: Eine Bilanz (Munich 2003) 349-367.
E. H. Cline, "Achilles in Anatolia: Myth, History and the Assuwa Rebellion," in G. D. Young, M. W. Chavalas, and R. E. Averbeck (eds.), Crossing Boundaries and Linking Horizons: Studies in Honor of Michael C. Astour on his 80th Birthday (Bethesda 1997) 189-210.
J. Cobet, "Gab es den trojanischen Krieg?," Antike Welt 14:4(1983) 39-58.
J. Cobet, “Vom Text zur Ruine. Die Geschichte der Troia-Diskussion,” in C. Ulf (ed.), Der neue Streit um Troja: Eine Bilanz (Munich 2003) 19-38.
M. Coindoz, “Guerre de Troie: réalité ou fiction,” Anatolica 9(1982) 77-121.
D. Easton, "Has the Trojan War Been Found?," Antiquity 59(1985) 188-195.
B. Eder, “Noch einmal: der homerische Schiffskatalog,” in C. Ulf (ed.), Der neue Streit um Troja: Eine Bilanz (Munich 2003) 287-308.
M. I. Finley, "Lost: the Trojan War," in Aspects of Antiquity: Discoveries and Controversies (New York 1969) 24-37.
M. I. Finley, J. L. Caskey, G. S. Kirk, and D. L. Page, "The Trojan War," JHS 84(1964) 1-20.
I. Hajnal, “Uilusa – Taruisa. Sprachwissenschaftliche Nachbetrachtungen zum Beitrag von Susanne Heinhold-Krahmer,” in C. Ulf (ed.), Der neue Streit um Troja: Eine Bilanz (Munich 2003) 169-173.
I. Hajnal, “Der epische Hexameter im Rahmen der Homer-Troia-Debatte,” in C. Ulf (ed.), Der neue Streit um Troja: Eine Bilanz (Munich 2003) 217-231.
R. Hanchmann, “Hissarlik und das Troja Homers” in Vorderasiatische Archäologische Studien und Aufsätze. Festschrift A. Moortgat (Berlin 1964) 95-112.
B. Hänsel, “Troia im Tausch- und Handelsverkehr der Ägäis oder Troia ein Handelsplatz?,” iin C. Ulf (ed.), Der neue Streit um Troja: Eine Bilanz (Munich 2003) 105-119.
O. Hansen, "KUB XXIII.13: A Possible Contemporary Bronze Age Source for the Sack of Troy/Hisarlik," BSA 92(1997) 165-167.
S. Heinhold-Krahmer, “Zur Gleichsetzung der Namen Ilios-Wilusa und Troia-Taruisa,” in C. Ulf (ed.), Der neue Streit um Troja: Eine Bilanz (Munich 2003) 146-168.
S. Heinhold-Krahmer, “Ahhiyawa – Land der homerischen Achäer im Krieg mit Wilusa?,” in C. Ulf (ed.), Der neue Streit um Troja: Eine Bilanz (Munich 2003) 193-214.
S. Heinhold-Krahmer, “Ist die Identität von Ilios mit Wilusa endgultig erwiesen?,” SMEA 46(2004) 29-57.
D. Hertel, “Die Gleichsetzung einer archäologischen Schicht von Troia mit dem homerischen Ilios,” in C. Ulf (ed.), Der neue Streit um Troja: Eine Bilanz (Munich 2003) 85-104.
S. Hiller, "Two Trojan Wars? On the Destructions of Troy VIh and VIIa," Studia Troica 1(1991) 145-154.
F. Kolb, “War Troia eine Stadt?,” in C. Ulf (ed.), Der neue Streit um Troja: Eine Bilanz (Munich 2003) 120-145.
J. Latacz, Troy and Homer: Towards a Solution of an Old Mystery (Oxford 2004).
[reviewed by J. T. Katz in JAOS (2005) 422-425.
C. B. Mee, "The Mycenaeans and Troy," in L. Foxhall and J. K. Davies (eds.), The Trojan War: Its Historicity and Context (Bristol 1984) 45-56.
M. Meier-Brügger, “Die homerische Kunstsprache,” in C. Ulf (ed.), Der neue Streit um Troja: Eine Bilanz (Munich 2003) 232-244.
E. Meyer, "Gab es ein Troia?," Grazer Beiträge 4(1975) 155-169.
D. Page, "The Historical Sack of Troy," Antiquity 33(1959) 25-31.
D. L. Page, History and the Homeric Iliad (Berkeley 1959).
B. Patzek, “Die homerischen Epen im Spiegel ihrer geschichtlichen Tradition: Oral Poetry und Oral Tradition,” in C. Ulf (ed.), Der neue Streit um Troja: Eine Bilanz (Munich 2003) 245-261.
K. Raaflaub, "Homer, the Trojan War, and History," CW 91:5 (1998) 386-403.
K. Raaflaub, “Die Bedeutung der Dark Ages: Mykene, Troia und die Griechen,” in C. Ulf (ed.), Der neue Streit um Troja: Eine Bilanz (Munich 2003) 309-329.
R. Rollinger, “Homer, Anatolien und die Levante: Die Frage der Beziehungen zu den östlichen Nachbarkulturen im Spiegel der schhriftlichen Quellen,” in C. Ulf (ed.), Der neue Streit um Troja: Eine Bilanz (Munich 2003) 330-348.
F. Schachermeyr, "Zweimal Trojanischer Krieg," in Die Levante im Zeitalter der Wanderungen vom 13. bis zum 11. Jahrhunderts v. Chr. [Die ägäische Frühzeit 5] (Vienna 1982) 93-112.
S. Sherratt, “The Trojan War: History or Bricolage?,” BICS 53:2(2010) 1-18.
U. Sinn, “Archäologischer Befund – Literarische Überlieferung: Möglichkeit und Grenzen der Interpretation,” in C. Ulf (ed.), Der neue Streit um Troja: Eine Bilanz (Munich 2003) 39-61.
J. Sperling, "The Last Phase of Troy VI and Mycenaean Expansion," Studia Troica 1(1991) 155-158.
F. Starke, “Troia in Kontext des historisch-politischen Umfeldes Kleinasien im 2.Jahrtausend,” Studia Troica 7(1997) 447-487.
F. Starke, “Troia in Machtgefüge des 2. Jahrtausends v.Chr.,” in M. Korfmann et al., Troia – Traum und Wirklichkeit [Wissenschaftlicher Begleitband zur Troia-Ausstellung Stuttgart] (Stuttgart 2001) 34-45.
C. Ulf, “Was ist und was will ‘Heldenepik’: Bewahrung der Vergangenheit oder Orientierung für Gegenwart und Zukunft?,” in C. Ulf (ed.), Der neue Streit um Troja: Eine Bilanz (Munich 2003) 262-284.
J. Vanschoonwinkel, "La réalité archéologique de la guerre de Troie," in L. Isebaert and R. Lebrun (eds.), Quaestiones Homericae: Acta Colloquii Namurcensis (Namur 1998) 231-252.
M. Wood, In Search of the Trojan War (London 1985).
The Trojan War: Chronological Concerns
E. F. Bloedow, "The Trojan War and Late Helladic IIIC," PZ 63(1988) 23-52.
W. Burkert, “Lydia between East and West or How to Date the Trojan War: A Study in Herodotus,” in J. B. Carter and S. P. Morris (eds.), The Ages of Homer. A Tribute to Emily Townsend Vermeule (Austin 1995) 139-148.
L. Derwa, "A propos de la date de la guerre de Troie," RHA 22/74(1964) 67-86.
P. A. Mountjoy, "The East Aegean - West Anatolian Interface in the Late Bronze Age," BICS 42(1998) 228-230.
P. A. Mountjoy, "The East Aegean - West Anatolian Interface in the Late Bronze Age: Mycenaeans and the Kingdom of Ahhiyawa," AS 48(1998) 33-67.
P. A. Mountjoy, "The Destruction of Troia VIh," Studia Troica 9(1999) 253-293.
P. A. Mountjoy, "Troia VII Reconsidered," Studia Troica 9(1999) 295-346.
G. E. Mylonas, "Priam's Troy and the Date of its Fall," Hesperia 33(1964) 352-380.
C. Nylander, "The Fall of Troy," Antiquity 37(1963) 6-11.
C. Podzuweit, "Die mykenische Welt und Troja," in B. Hänsel (ed.), Südosteuropa zwischen 1600 und 1000 v. Chr. (Berlin 1982) 65-88.
The Mythology of Troy's Sack by the Achaeans
J. K. Anderson, “The Geometric Catalogue of the Ships,” in J. B. Carter and S. P. Morris (eds.), The Ages of Homer. A Tribute to Emily Townsend Vermeule (Austin 1995) 181-191.
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