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It wasn’t until the fourth century AD that the Medieval world was introduced to monastic life, in the form of a devout Egyptian Christian named Pachomius that thought it was a good idea to have an isolated space to be humbly miserable and to worship God at the same time. His concept spread rapidly throughout the Eastern Roman Empire, and with it, his expectation for all monks to be literate. About two hundred years later in 529 AD, Benedict established Monte Cassino, a soon to be famous Italian monastery close to Rome and Naples, and took literacy one step further than his predecessors. His Rule of Saint Benedict provides some guidelines for monastic life at Monte Cassino, including a section called “On Daily Manual Labor,” where reading is one of the compulsory activities built into a monk’s very regimented schedule. Soon after, Cassiodorus founded Vivarium in South Italy, and pushed for more than just idly reading texts--he made copying them yet another compulsory task. Suddenly, as per popular adoption of Cassiodorus’ Institutes rule book, copying texts of all kinds became an important (and highly pretentious) part of life in monasteries. He saw copying biblical texts as spreading the message of the Christian religion and “fighting with pen and ink against the unlawful snares of the devil” (ch. 30), which seems as noble a purpose as any for devout monks to perform daily as part of their grueling manual labor. And trust me, it was grueling.

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In the modern world, literature, and text in general, is so ubiquitous and presented in so many varied forms that we take the act of creating textual media for granted. Modern “authors” are able to create shareable works from anywhere, in a variety of typefaces, and at negligible repeated cost. The modern literary economy is so widespread that even as I acknowledge the carelessness with which we treat the written word, I create my analysis with taps of my fingers while music plays in my ears. While the scribes who created the works which have survived to us from antiquity would no doubt envy the ease with which works are created and copied today, their jealousy would not be limited to the act of production itself. ...continue reading "Out of the Hands of Slaves: A Comparative History of the Roman book production Economy"