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18W Research Mixer!
18W Research Mixer!
18W Research Mixer!
18W Research Mixer!
Spotlight on Womxn 19W
PC: Nate Giffard
Spotlight on Womxn 19W
PC: Nate Giffard
Spotlight on Womxn 19W
PC: Nate Giffard
18W Research Mixer!
Our Exec Board member, Roxy, working hard on a pset!
AWM Exec Lizzie showing off her amazing penmanship at Spotlight on Womxn!
AWM member Lessley working on a problem at Food for Thought!
AWM 10/16 Meeting!
AWM 10/16 Meeting!
First AWM Meeting of 19F!
Midterm season mood
Peep the rigorous math in the corner of the board