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Welcome to the Bhattacharya Lab!

We are a team of interdisciplinary researchers investigating how to develop translational image analysis and machine learning methods for healthcare applications. We specifically investigate how to seamlessly integrate and learn from complementary multimodal imaging and non-imaging data for developing these systems. The two focus areas of our research include: (a) multimodal machine learning for medical image analysis to help clinicians in disease detection, risk-stratification, and treatment planning, and (b) multimodal machine learning for human behavioral analysis for improved clinician-patient interactions, behavioral health assessment, and ambient intelligence.

We are housed in the Department of Biomedical Data Science and the Center for Precision Health and Artificial Intelligence in the Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth College.

We are actively looking for motivated postdoctoral scholars, graduate and undergraduate students who are passionate about contributing to impactful research at the intersection of machine learning and medicine. If you are interested, please check out the Open Positions page, and reach out to