Printing Done

Printing the text and images for our book is now done! Lynn and I finished up on Wednesday late afternoon and then went right over to the Cook (Captain Cook’s Hotel—pub) for schitzel and blue cod.

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Now the book is with Don Tobin and the gang at University Binders.

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We have quite a bit of cleaning up to do, but in the mean time I’m sneaking in a bit of fun with the wood type and maybe some printer’s cuts and ornaments. Definitely spending some time with the Columbian Press!

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We had a great tour with Chris Smith at the Anatomy Museum, which is part of the Medical School at University of Otago. He showed us some boxes he found in the collection full of printing plates from medical journals. I suggested I try printing one of them to see what he had. This is the result. So very cool with so much potential for future projects! I think Lynn will take these images and do something fantastic with them soon.


2 thoughts on “Printing Done

  1. Congratulations, Sarah! (and Lynn too)
    The book is beautiful – as are the images and poems by Rhian. I am so glad you got to do this (and to have some fun in the Otakou Press Room). Thank you for taking us along on your haerenga! I only wish we could join you for real on the next leg of your journey – traveling around New Zealand. Most envious!

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