To celebrate the completion of our book we had a wayzgoose. According to Wikipedia (I know I should use better sources), “a wayzgoose was at one time an entertainment given by a master printer to his workmen each year on or about St Bartholomew’s Day (24 August). It marked the traditional end of summer and the start of the season of working by candlelight. Later, the word came to refer to an annual outing and dinner for the staff of a printing works or the printers on a newspaper.” A wayzgoose is also a celebration for the completion of a big project—kind of like an opening reception for an exhibit. Our wayzgoose was held in the afternoon with nice wine and nibbles in the beautiful library staff room. Here are some photos.
Of course there were more opportunity for speeches—including from me.
I was so happy to meet and talk with Margery Blackman, author of the book “Dorothy Theomin of Olveston” Dorothy Theomin was a prominent Dunedin resident and climber of mountains. She made regular excursions to the Southern Alps and Mt Cook around the same time Freda Du Faur did.
Are here’s the three collaborators! Rhian, me and Lynn.