Photography by Eddie Ruhland at Matthews-Fuller Health Sciences Library
The latest exhibit at Matthews-Fuller Health Sciences Library features photographs taken by Eddie Ruhland. Eddie, a fourth year MD/MBA student at Dartmouth Medical School and the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth, spent two years in Vanuatu, an island nation in the South Pacific, as a Peace Corps Volunteer. Vanuatu, located 1,000 miles east of Australia and is made up of 83 volcanic islands. Eddie has a remarkable insight into the beauty of this island nation. His photographs are on display from January 2012 through April 2012.
Photography by Christine Claudino at Dana Biomedical Library
About the Exhibit:
My lack of gardening skills has inspired me to capture nature’s beauty whenever it passes me by. I especially enjoy capturing flowers in bloom. I’ve spent the past year and a half working on a series of flowers I call Forever Blooming. These photos will displayed on the first floor of Dana Biomedical Library from January 16 – March 31, 2012.
Christine’s Bio:
The blizzard of ’78 greeted my parents when they set foot on American soil. Their final destination was Boston, but the plane was rerouted to New York due to the blizzard. The snowy weather was drastically different from their sunny hometown islands they left behind in Azores, Portugal. They officially met and got married after arriving in Boston.
I was born and raised outside of Boston. My interest in art started at a young age. I’ve used many different mediums over the years and continue to experiment with them. My interest in photography was actually an added benefit to my painting. Initially I took photographs of places, people, and flowers in order to paint them. As my photography improved I received a Cannon Rebel as a gift. The new digital camera was intimidating at first, but through experimentation I have been fortunate enough to capture these unique images.
What a unique exhibit for a medical school. I’m sure Vanuatu provided some awesome opportunities for portraiture; it’s a very special culture.