Cheryl Wheelock and Cindy Stewart at the DHMC Patient Safety Fair
The Biomedical Libraries participated once again in the annual DHMC Patient Safety Awareness Fair held on March 6th, in Auditoria A-D. This year’s event was sponsored by the DHMC Value Performance, Measurement and Patient Safety (VPMPS) Department and the theme was “Look Before You Leap… Be Aware for Safe Care.” Representatives from a variety of DHMC departments shared their efforts whichfocused on Quality and Patient/Employee Safety needs at Dartmouth-Hitchcock.
This year, Cindy Stewart, an Associate Director for the Biomedical Libraries and Cheryl Wheelock, Access Services Supervisor for Matthews-Fuller, along with Research and Education Librarians Robin Paradis Montibello and Heather Blunt represented the Biomedical Libraries byshowcasing our resources and services in support of DHMC’s commitment to patient safety. They had the opportunity to speak with individuals, offering up ways that the Libraries can assist their efforts, through information resources, document delivery and literature searching services, and education programs. We look forward to pursuing collaborations with the various individuals with whom we spoke, as well continuing to support the patient safety efforts of Dartmouth-Hitchcock.