DynaMed is a clinical reference tool that provides evidence-based, clinically-organized reviews for over 3,200 topics. Designed for use at the point of care, DynaMed quickly outlines general information, causes and risk factors, complications and associated conditions, history and physical, diagnosis, treatment, prognosis, prevention and screening, information for the patient, quality improvement measures, and national guidelines. Evidence supporting recommendations is well-referenced and graded.
A recent article in BMJ evaluated five point-of-care resources (including UpToDate) to see how quickly the resources updated new evidence. DynaMed was judged the best by far at updating critical topic reviews based on new evidence.
According to another study of disease reference tools by KLAS, survey respondents indicated that DynaMed excelled in the credibility of the information it provided and in the relevance of its information.
Links to DynaMed can be found on the Biomedical Libraries Web under Resources and in the Dartmouth Library Catalog.