As you may have heard, the Dana Biomedical Library is scheduled to come down, along with Gilman, early in 2013 in order to make way for a new building to house the library, Geisel administration, TDI, TDC, and two social sciences departments. During the construction period, the library’s staff and study spaces will be at 37 Dewey Field and the collections will be housed offsite. We’ll be in touch with more details later.
In preparation, we are beginning a freshening up of the Dana Biomedical Library’s book collection – we’re clearing out dated, duplicative, superseded, and unused material in order to make the newer material more visible and easily browsed when we move into the new building in 2016.
Books designated for weeding will be pulled and shelved in Dana’s first floor Quinn Room. They will be held there for four weeks before being processed for discard. During this time you are welcome to review our selections and ask us to keep titles you believe are still of value to research or the curriculum at Dartmouth/DHMC. (You may also ask that a discarded book be made available to you for your personal collection.) A list of books slated for discard will also be posted on the Biomedical Libraries web at, along with instructions for making comment.
New discard selections will be added weekly, so check often if you are interested. This weeding project will likely continue for quite some time.
If you have questions, please contact Peggy Sleeth, Associate Director/Information Resources.