Get involved; join the Student Library Advisory Committee (SLAC)

We need you! SLAC is seeking representatives from Geisel, TDI and the Biological Sciences to provide feedback on library decisions including changes or improvements.

The Student Library Advisory Committee (SLAC) is a body of students, comprised of representatives from Geisel, TDI and the Biological Sciences, working together with Biomedical Libraries staff, that offers strategic feedback to the Biomedical Libraries on a variety of topics such as:

  • Services and resources
  • Spaces
  • Collections (books, journals, databases and more)
  • Student success

The mission of the Student Library Advisory Committee (SLAC) is to create and sustain an open, two-way communication between the Biomedical Libraries and the students that the library serves. SLAC provides students with the opportunity to provide library staff with advice on library decisions including changes or improvements to services and policies. Functions of SLAC include: (1) provide a mechanism for student suggestions to the library administration, (2) communicate with students about new library programs and facilities, and (3) solicit student opinion regarding library programs, services and marketing. This body will meet on a quarterly basis during the academic year and students will serve as representatives for the term of one year.

Apply today:

Questions? Contact:
Paige Scudder, Biomedical Librarian

This post was written by Paige Scudder, Research and Education Librarian for the Biomedical Libraries.

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