Whether you’re looking to learn something new or enhance your knowledge, our Fall workshop series is packed with a variety of workshops. The best part of them being via zoom? You can take them anywhere! Registration is required for most workshops.
Upcoming September Workshops:
Systematic Review Office Hour
Date: 9/18/2020
Time: 12:00pm – 1:00pm
Presenter: Elaina Vitale, Pamela Bagley
Description: Are you thinking about starting a systematic review, but you aren’t sure how to get started? Are you halfway through one but you’re not sure what to do next? Are you curious about standards, guidelines, and resources you can use to help you on the way as you work on a systematic review? Are you ready to publish, but don’t know where? Or do you just want to pick a librarian’s brain about what all of this means? Join Biomedical Librarians (and systematic review enthusiasts) Pamela Bagley and Elaina Vitale on the third Friday of every month from 12-1 to discuss all things systematic review!
Registration is not required for this event. Join anytime during the hour: https://dartmouth.zoom.us/j/99889776250?pwd=RFFpOW5iNmozeFhuM3JuRnBSdjRZUT09
Making the Most of PubMed
Date: 9/21/2020
Time: 12:00pm – 1:00pm
Presenter: Elaina Vitale
This workshop is for people who have some experience searching MEDLINE (via Ovid or PubMed) who want to learn more advanced features of the PubMed interface: searching with medical subject headings (MeSH), clinical queries, utilizing the citation matcher, saving searches and autoalerts, and other My NCBI features.
Please register to receive the Zoom link.
Metrics: Managing Personal, Journal and Article Impact
Date: 9/21/2020
Time: 3:00pm – 4:00pm
Presenter: Pamela Bagley
Description: Research impact is a buzz word in academia. Metrics, such as journal impact factor, h-index, citation analysis, and altmetrics attempt to quantify impact. In this workshop we will:
— Discuss impact metrics, what they measure, and why (and if) they matter
— Show tools to determine these metrics (e.g. how to calculate your h-index?)
— Demo ways of tracking interest in your publications using alerts
— Highlight what you can do to optimize your scholarly presence
Please register to receive the Zoom link.
Clinical Research Databases Beyond PubMed
Date: 9/29/2020
Time: 12:00pm – 1:00pm
Presenter: Amanda Scull.
Description: PubMed is a go-to source for biomedical research but in this workshop we’ll discuss and explore several other databases that are ideal for both general and specialized clinical questions, including UpToDate, DynaMed, Lexicomp, Natural Medicines, and others.
Please register to receive the Zoom link.
This post was written by Paige Scudder, Research and Education Librarian for the Biomedical Libraries.