Medical Student Journal Club

In the new year, we’re starting a new journal club for first and second-year medical students! Journal clubs can be an important part of residency training, with a long history in many residency programs. Journal clubs are an excellent way to stay on top of medical research, learn and sharpen critical appraisal skills, and get experience presenting cases. In our journal club, facilitated by a librarian, you’ll be introduced to many of the principles of residency journal clubs in a low-stress environment. 

Curious about some of the topics we’ll cover? Here’s a sampling:

  • What elements should you prepare for a journal club?
  • Tips on preparing presentations
  • Practice reading and presenting an article critically 
  • Practice asking and answering questions
  • Feedback about presenting
  • Learn about new, interesting research 
  • Tips from a librarian on research and searching literature

To learn more about journal club, visit our journal club library guide or email We’re looking forward to reading and discussing with you!

This post was written by Elaina Vitale, Research and Education Librarian for the Biomedical Libraries.

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