The Dartmouth Biomedical Libraries is currently seeking a person to provide user-centered service in the form of circulation, technology support, course reserves, stack maintenance, collection management, and resource sharing to work full time as an Information Access Assistant. This person will be based primarily at Matthews-Fuller Health Sciences Library, but will work at both locations as needed.
To join us in our fast-paced friendly environment, this person should have:
- Bachelor’s degree, or an equivalent combination of experience and education
- Strong interpersonal skills, with a demonstrated commitment to public service
- Excellent technology skills, including the ability to troubleshoot software and hardware, use various programs, and learn new technologies quickly
- Excellent oral and written communication skills
- Ability to competently interact with a diverse population of faculty, staff, and students
- Ability to work discreetly with confidential information
- Ability to work independently and in team environments
- Ability to organize work effectively and to set and modify work priorities, often under pressure or with constant interruptions.
- Ability to travel between Dartmouth campus and DHMC
Ideally, this person also has:
- Course work or work experience in life or health sciences
- Experience with research and searching library databases
- Proficiency with an integrated library system, preferably ExLibris Alma
More information and application at
This post was written by Paige Scudder, a Research and Education Librarian for the Biomedical Libraries.