The Biomedical Libraries have a guide of curated resources on the topic of Anti-Racism in Medicine and Medical Education, including many that explore the broader topics of allyship and education. We’ve gathered books, articles, podcasts, videos, and educational toolkits to provide easy access to those who are just starting to learn about this important issue and those who are looking for a deeper dive.
In a newly added section focused on the clinical setting, you’ll find textbooks for practicing dermatology in skin of color and providing patient-centered care for African Americans. There is also a selection of research articles about the ways in which racism affect treatment across the healthcare spectrum from obesity to OBGYN to the use of race in clinical algorithms. Also check out the Clinical Problem Solving Podcast’s Antiracism in Medicine Series.
We’ve also added a section on Race in the Clinical Workplace. In the most recent data available from the AAMC, only 7.1% of acceptees to U.S. medical schools in 2018-2019 were Black or African America; only 6.2% were Hispanic or Latino. Only 5% of active physicians in 2018 were Black or African America and 5.8% were Hispanic or Latino. These significant gaps in diversity in both medical schools and clinical workplaces can often lead to inequalities and experiences of racism reported by medical students and practicing physicians. We’ve included a few books on this topic, as well as a starting list of research articles.
This guide is a constant work in progress, and we welcome your suggestions for new resources to include. Please feel free to send us your suggestions using the email form here:
This post was written by Amanda Scull, Head of Education and Information Services for the Biomedical Libraries.