Tor Wager featured on CBC Radio’s The Current with Matt Galloway

Listen here! The chronic pain segment begins @ 47:00.

Many Canadians suffer from debilitating chronic back pain, affecting their work, relationships and even mental health. We hear from researchers about a treatment called pain reprocessing therapy, which could offer some sweet relief by re-framing that pain in our minds.

CBC Radio’s The Current is a meeting place of perspectives with a fresh take on issues that affect Canadians today.

Faculty Profile: Tor Wager and Breaking the Neural Code

Tor Wager, the Diana L. Taylor Distinguished Professor in Neuroscience, helps lead Dartmouth’s Breaking the Neural Code academic cluster, which includes research on how placebos affect patients who are feeling pain. “We study how the brain creates mental models, belief structures, that then guide how we experience the world, and in particular how we experience pain,” Wager says.