Visiting Scholar, Dartmouth College
Alina is a predoctoral candidate at the Max Planck School of Cognition and is joining the CANlab for a lab rotation during her orientation year. Prior to starting her Ph.D., she completed a BSc in biology at Humboldt University and Charité Berlin exploring the link between Alzheimer’s disease and Type II Diabetes. During her MSc in Clinical, Social & Cognitive Neuroscience at City University of London, in collaboration with the Max Planck Institute of Brain Research, her work focused on electrophysiological differences in subtypes of Mild Cognitive Impairment. Subsequently, she worked as a research assistant in Prof. Dr. Tania Singer’s Social Neuroscience lab and is currently working at Prof. Dr. Büchel’s lab in Hamburg. Her interests lie in placebo research and the neuronal mechanisms through which prior experiences shape our pain perception.