Visiting Faculty, Dartmouth College
Lukas started collaborating with Dr. Wager and Dr. Phil Kragel at CANlab during work visits to CU Boulder over the past years to apply neural signatures for pain and other affective processes to the visceral pain neuroimaging datasets collected in his group, the Laboratory for Brain-Gut Axis Studies (LaBGAS) at KU Leuven, Belgium. To intensify the collaboration and gain more experience with CANlab neuroimaging analysis tools, he joined CANlab as a visiting research scholar on a sabbatical from KU Leuven in 2020. During his stay at Dartmouth College, Lukas is continuing collaborative work on visceral pain and its emotional modulation, as well as expanding the collaboration to include neuroimaging studies on other affective processes, both appetitive and aversive, and the influence of gastrointestinal signals on them, as well as radioligand PET data collected at KU Leuven. Another important goal of his stay is to set up a structural long-term collaboration between CANlab and LaBGAS including joint funding.