Exchange student looking for housing during fall 2024

Hi, I am an exchange student from Copenhagen Business School coming to Tuck during the fall term 2024 and I am looking for housing from August 26 at the latest until at least November 24.

If you are looking for a roommate, want to sublet your room, or rent out your apartment during that period – or know someone who does – please reach out:

(Given that I am at Tuck only for the fall, the room would have to be furnished and reachable from Tuck without a car)

A bit about me: I am from Northern Germany, studying the MSc in Finance and Strategic Management at CBS, and I enjoy outdoor activities such as hiking, cycling, or kayaking.

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1 Comment

  1. f006yzj

    Hey, I am a graduate student (MEM) and I am also looking for a housing next fall (last semester) in a similar timeframe as you.
    Please reach out @ if you are interested.

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