In addition to completing the Dartmouth Dementia Directive on paper, consider making a video recording of it.
Some people feel that family members,the primary healthcare provider, and/or the Durable Power of Attorney for Healthcare would appreciate a more personal expression of their wishes, in addition to the written directive. There is some evidence (Mirarchi et al, 2017) that advance directives are more likely to be followed if a video recording one's wishes for care has been made, in addition to the written advance directive.
A pilot study we conducted has demonstrated that making a video recording of your wishes, as expressed in the Dartmouth Dementia Directive, is relatively simple. All you need is a smart phone that is capable of making video recordings, and someone to assist you with the recording process.
Note: Making a video recording, just as completing the written form of the Dartmouth Dementia Directive, should only be done by someone who possesses full decisional capacity. Your healthcare provider will determine this if there are any questions about capacity.
Instructions for making a video recording may be found here.
Mirarchi FL, Cooney TE, Venkat A et al. TRIAD VIII: Nationwide multicenter evaluation to determine whether patient video testimonials can safely help ensure appropriate critical versus end-of-life care. J Patient Saf 2017 Jun;13(2):51-61. doi: 10.1097/PTS.0000000000000357