Q: Is this an interview for admission to the EEES Graduate Program at Dartmouth?

A: No. The EEES Scholars program is meant to provide talented potential graduate students an engaging, no-stakes preview of the opportunities at Dartmouth College and our EEES Program. Those who successfully apply and receive admission to the EEES Scholars Program will still need to apply separately to the PhD program later that winter if they wish to enroll as a graduate student here. Please note that application to or participation in the EEES Scholars Program does not alter the subsequent graduate school application and admission processes.

Q: Do I need to submit an official transcript with my application?

A: For the initial online application, an unofficial transcript is fine. Those applicants advancing to the final stages of the selection process may be asked to submit an official copy.

Q: I am interested in applying to Dartmouth EEES for graduate school.  How do I apply? What is the deadline?

A: Information is available on the EEES webpage. To apply to EEES you will need to apply through The Guarini School of Graduate and Advanced Studies. 

The deadline for general applications to the EEES graduate program is typically December 1st. 

Q:  How can I best prepare my personal statement for the EEES Scholars Program so that I can showcase my achievements and interests?

A: The personal statement should include information that will highlight an applicant’s personal and professional experiences and goals. You should discuss your academic interests and aspirations, and how your academic or research experiences have shaped these interests. What would you like to study in a PhD program? What research questions are you interested in answering, or are you answering currently?

We understand that as budding academics, applicants will come from a range of backgrounds with varying research experience. A lack of previous opportunities will not affect your chances of being selected for the program, your personal statement is an opportunity to share what drives your passion for science and how you believe participating in the EEES Scholars program will benefit you. 

Additional Questions?

Contact eeesdiversity@groups.dartmouth.edu

October 15, 2020