Crepe Campaign & Skype Session with Partner
We held our 2nd campaign over the fall term reading period (December 1-2)! We set up a counter at Novack, the library cafe, and made crepes for students, who in turn donated to KWAT. Overall, we raised almost $500 over the 2 days!
Staff members of GlobeMed@Dartmouth learned how to use the “Princess” crepe machine that we had bought. We got a recipe from the Internet and perfected it over a practice crepe-making session at one of our meetings. We brainstormed for toppings and finally decided on bananas, strawberries, Nutella and cinnamon sugar.
On November 27, we had a Skype session with Seng Mai, our contact from KWAT, who answered our questions. We discussed details about the project, and we learned that KWAT has peer educators who check in monthly with those who attend the reproductive health trainings they host. Several of the community leaders who come to the training are religious leaders. They go back to their respective communities or villages and share the new knowledge in groups at churches (women’s groups, children’s groups etc).
In addition, our GROW Trip coordinator, Nick Jensen, also got to speak to Seng Mai about our GROW Trip next summer.
Although everyone has gone home for break, our individual giving campaign is in full swing. Our target for this campaign is $50 per staff member.