Aug 30: Migrant Exchange and Dinner with KWAT
Today we had an amazing time connecting with both the Kachin migrant workers KWAT helps and members of the KWAT staff.
About thirteen migrant workers came to our hotel room to share their stories. We learned about the challenges they face in Thailand, such as obtaining work permits and temporary passports. Without these documents, migrant workers are often unable to travel freely and receive medical care from hospitals.
As we learned about the problems faced by migrant workers from Burma, we shared with them the experiences of migrant workers in the US and other countries and suggested ways they could fight for greater rights in Thailand. It was incredible to hear firsthand how difficult it is for Kachin people who try to escape to a better life in Thailand.
In the evening, we took our friends from KWAT out to dinner at the Art Café, located near the gate to the Old City in Chiang Mai. The KWAT staff got to try western foods like pizza, chicken parmesan and quesadillas, although it wasn’t spicy enough for some of them. Most of the GROW interns were glad to have a little American food again after eating nothing but Kachin and Thai dishes, although Nick ordered a red curry.