Staff Meeting 4/15/13
To start of the meeting, we had Co-President elections! The candidates for External Co-President are Nina and Melissa. The candidates for Internal Co-President Candidates are Adam and Aditi.The results will be announced next week!
Angela and Nikki talked about the Haven and presented a video on the Haven. Leigh Ann, Harrison, Aditi, Aaron, and Haider are going this week!
Andy presented Individual Giving. He provided links to our website and Global Giving donation website: sites.dartmouth.edu/globemed/ , http://goto.gg/12154 . Then, he discussed the “Elevator Pitch” (ideas we want to get across in a short statement)
“GlobeMed at Dartmouth is a chapter of a national network of universities that partner with grassroots health organizations in the developing world. Our partner, the Kachin Women’s Association Thailand, works to improve the health of an ethnic minority group displaced by ethnic conflict in Burma. Our project this year is to build and implement a medical laboratory at a crowded Burmese refugee camp to provide diagnostic screenings for HIV, TB, and malaria.”
Then, we had ghU. Julia presented on GAPPD: The Global Action Plan for the Prevention and Control of Pneumonia and Diarrhea. It was released 3 days ago by WHO and Unicef with a goal to end childhood deaths due to pneumonia and diarrhea by 2025, reducing 1/3 of childhood deaths. It has 3 components: protect, prevent, and treat. There is potential for success due to local customization, coordinated efforts, and accountability measures.
Next, there was a presentation by Adam about travels on off terms. Adam was in Peru and he traveled to visit all of GlobeMed’s partner organizations in Peru to do capacity assessments. He visited ASPAT PERU (UChicago’s partner), Dios Es Amor (Vanderbilt’s partner), CCC UNSCH (Boston College’s partner), and Kallpa Iquitos (U Rochester’s partner). He found that the most common areas for growth are stakeholder identification, resource mobilization, and government relations
Lastly, Leigh Ann and Katelyn discussed campaigns. We only made $49 on crepes. However, we have many larger events coming up such as the pre-med raffle, the Tie Dye and Ice Cream campaign, and cupcakes.
The Tie Dye Campaign leaders are Shay, Ana Maria, and Delia.
The cupcakes campaign leaders are Delia and Ellen.