Staff Meeting 4/29/13
Staff Meeting 4/29/13
Today, Nikki presented current events.She covered Syrian refugee camps and addressed the need to channel funds to neighboring countries to increase access to healthcare for refugees. One problem is that for Syria’s neighbors to do so, so they seek help largely from the Western world.
Elections will be decided soon after all candidates have interviewed with the incoming Presidents!
Next, Andy updated on Individual Giving. Unfortunately, integrating Global Giving with crepes didn’t work so well. There are 2 weeks left for Mother’s Day campaign and we are only down from first place by 5 unique donors.
Website: http://www.globalgiving.org/projects/combat-health-disparities-for-kachin-women/
Katelyn and Leigh Ann took sign ups for the Tie Dye event.
For ghU this week, students who attended the National Summit presented their experiences. The Summit was 2 weeks ago at Northwestern (where GlobeMed was founded) with representatives from all GlobeMed chapters – 3 days interacting with other chapters, discussing new ideas, etc.
We watched a clip from the documentary “How to Survive a Plague”. Furthermore, we watched a clip of Leymah Gbowee, who was a member of a group of women that helped empower communities in Liberia during the civil war, discuss women’s rights in Africa. Finally, we broke into groups to discuss it.