Summer Reflections!
Summer GlobeMed has officially (and sadly) come to a close. As we gear up for the fall, check out what some of our e-board members had to say about their favorite parts of 13X!
GlobeMed 13X was awesome! It was a pleasure getting to know new and old staff members better; everyone was very open to get involved. I loved how we our group made decisions collectively and we really got the chance to define what we wanted GlobeMed to be like this summer. We had such great meetings activities like our health innovations presentations and both our speakers, Dr. Lisa Adams and Professor Sienna Craig gave really intriguing talks. One of my favorite meetings was when we went around and said fun facts about ourselves with the skittles. Also, I think I lost count of how many crepes I’ve eaten this term, but that’s a great sign. I want to thank the eboard for all of their hard work and it was seriously a great term!!
— Katelyn Wong, President
13X was a great term for GlobeMed! We had a lot of really successful
campaigns and I think we definitely bonded a lot as a group and a
community. It seems like a lot of clubs and organizations tend to fall to
the wayside during the summer term because there are so many fewer people
on campus and everyone is just trying to enjoy the beautiful weather, but
this was certainly not the case for GlobeMed; it made me really proud that
GlobeMed was definitely one of the strongest presences on campus this
term! Let’s keep that up for the fall!
— Delia O’Shea, Campaign Coordinator
Summer GlobeMed was simply great! My favorite events this summer were the presentation by Professor Sienna Craig and the mini-presentations on global health innovations given by staff members. Having a smaller group over the summer also meant that we could try some cool new ideas, such as dinner meetings. I was also very impressed with our successful summer campaigns, from crepes sales to the Parent’s Weekend raffle to the Ramunto’s fundraiser. After such a wonderful summer, I can’t wait to see what we can accomplish in the year to come!
— Samantha Sherman, ghU Coordinator
I was so proud to be a part of 13X GlobeMed! We were one of the few organizations to continue to function over the summer, and we had a lot of success both fundraising and raising awareness for our cause all over campus. I really enjoyed the presentations by Dr. Lisa Adams and Professor Sienna Craig, and it was also great to have fewer people on campus and more intimate staff meetings. Despite all of the obstacles that should come with functioning over the summer, GlobeMed did a great job with all of our events and had a blast doing it!
— Heather Szilagyi, Director of External Communications
My favorite event of the summer was our Foco dinner meetings. Moving the
meetings to Foco I think really helped everyone get to know each other
better and in a different setting. We had a great time with our campaign
events, but bonding as a ’15 group was the best part of my GlobeMed
summer, and I can’t wait to be back in the fall!
— Julia Bratic, Director of Community Building
I loved being a part of GlobeMed this summer. I thought that we did a great job with the resources we had given that not many other organizations were that active in fundraising or in raising awareness. I particularly liked the two discussions we held, first with our advisor Lisa Adams and second the talk by Professor Craig about social change in Nepal. I thought those were extremely informative and that they really helped with the awareness side of our campaigns. I also thought we were really innovative with the restaurant campaigns and think that those are great fundraisers that we can continue with as we move into our third year!
— Ayesha Dholakia, Director of Finances
We did a great job bringing the group together and establishing ourselves despite the small numbers on campus. We learned a lot and made a ton of progress! Awesome work everyone!
— Julia Salinaro, Director of Internal Communications
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