14S Updates
Spring is a time for new beginnings, and we at GlobeMed at Dartmouth have certainly been pushing our boundaries this term both with campaigns and ghU events. Despite some troubles with weather canceling our Tie Dye for Health event, we had a huge success with selling tank tops for Green Key weekend, May 17-18, with over 500 shirts sold!
We’re also trying something new with our Awareness for Syria event coming up this Saturday, May 10, an awareness event that focuses on the Syrian Refugee Crisis. Co-sponsored by various other campus organizations, we plan to feature a screening of an award-winning documentary, a panel of professors and other speakers with personal involvement in Syria (Skyping in!), and various informational booths about topics relevant to the crisis and problems faced by refugees in general. Although it’s not 100% related to our partner organization, we still feel that it’s important for GlobeMed, as a global health organization, to address what we see as a pressing humanitarian issue. We hope the event will be a success, and we encourage everyone to go!
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