Co- Presidents
Angela Gauthier: I’m a senior at Dartmouth College majoring in neuroscience. I joined GlobeMed because it gives students a chance to use our knowledge, time, and resources to make an impact in the world and in the lives of others less fortunate. Last year, I served as one of the Global Health University Coordinators to give presentations and lead discussions about our partner and health around the world. Now, as the External Co-President, I have had the opportunity to directly communicate with KWAT, lead our E-board meetings, and help lay out this year’s goals with our partner. I’m very proud of our chapter’s work so far and the effort that our members devote to our organization. Outside of GlobeMed, I lead the Generations service group, volunteer at DHMC as a Cancer Resource Volunteer, take shifts and teach CPR/First Aid Classes for Dartmouth EMS, and conduct research in neuroscience. After graduation, I look forward to attending medical school.
Nikki Sachdeva: I am a ’15 at Dartmouth College from Plano, TX. I plan to major in Government and minor in Public Policy. My main interests lie in public health policy and social justice, and I hope to one day increase the accessibility, affordability, and accountability of health care in the developing world. I am extremely drawn to and humbled by GlobeMed’s goals of global health equity and international unity as I firmly believe health is a human right. I love to travel, read, doodle, and have spontaneous dance parties.
Campaign Coordinators
Leigh Ann Humphries: I’m a ’13 at Dartmouth College, majoring in Biology with minors in Public Policy and Ethics. I am incredibly proud of the chapter that we have become in just a single year! Through collaborative projects and an amazing GROW trip to Thailand, GlobeMed at Dartmouth has been able to lay the groundwork for a strong and sustainable partnership for years to come. From my time in Thailand spent working alongside our friends at KWAT, I feel so closely connected to the community we serve. I am so happy to continue GlobeMed’s impact by fulfilling the position of co-Campaigns Coordinator. In addition to GlobeMed, I direct the Dartmouth Cancer Scholars program at Norris Cotton Cancer Center, where I am also involved in laboratory research on leukemia. In my free time, I enjoy playing tennis and basketball, reading, traveling, and spending time with friends and family.
Katelyn Wong: I am a ’15 from Connecticut planning on majoring in Neuroscience with minors in Anthropology and Spanish. After serving as a Director of Community Building last year and getting to know all of the staff and Eboard members, I’m extremely excited for another successful year with the passionate members at GlobeMed at Dartmouth. I am grateful for the strong community and cohesiveness of our chapter and our close ties with our partner KWAT. I am excited to connect with new and returning members through our events this year. Outside of GlobeMed, I am involved in neurobiology research at DHMC and Big Brother and Big Sister. In my free time, I enjoy reading, cooking, swimming, and spending time with my friends and family.
Global Health University Coordinators
Zuo Ming Koh: I’m a sophomore at Dartmouth College, majoring in Economics and Government. I’m from Singapore, and having traveled extensively throughout Southeast Asia, the realization that health standards are so deplorable in many parts of the region that I have come to love impelled me to act. That is why I joined GlobeMed. In addition, having previously worked on projects that sought to raise awareness for the refugees along the Thai-Burmese border, the opportunity to work with the Kachin Women’s Association of Thailand through GlobeMed was one that I simply could not pass up. In my free time I enjoy watching and playing soccer (it’s called football where I’m from, but I’ll let it slide this once), and my favorite team is Liverpool. I also like going to the movies, watching plays, hanging out with friends, and reading.
Aditi Misra: I am a ’14 planning on majoring in Biomedical Engineering. I was initially attracted to GlobalMed because of its unique style of engaging its members in direct service. It has been a great experience and I look forward to seeing our chapter grow. Besides being part of an awesome E-board, I’m a member of the Dartmouth College fencing team. When I am alone, I enjoy reading books in front of a fire with hot chocolate.
Director of Individual Giving, Webmaster:
Andy Zureick: I grew up in the suburbs of Detroit, MI, and I’m a chemistry major in Dartmouth’s Class of 2013. I founded GlobeMed at Dartmouth in April 2011, served as External Co-President during our chapter’s first year, and I’m working as our Director of Individual Giving this year. During November-December 2012, I mobilized our staff and e-board members to raise over $6000 in donations from family and friends! Outside of GlobeMed, I’m writing my honors thesis on my catalysis research in the Chemistry department, and I’m also working part-time on a clinical research project in the Department of Radiation Oncology at DHMC. Additionally, I’ve been very involved in Dartmouth’s Chamber Music program and the Dartmouth Undergraduate Journal of Science, formerly serving as its President and Editor-in-Chief over two years. After graduating from Dartmouth, I will be starting medical school with hopes of pursuing a career in academic medicine.
My name is Shaital (Shay) Vellanki, and I am currently a freshman at Dartmouth. My hobbies include traveling, painting and dancing. I am part of Ujima (the hip-hop dance club on campus). I also am interested in the sciences, particularly in Neuroscience, and I hope to major in that area later on in the future. My favorite foods are spaghetti, pineapple, and the chocolate-chip cookies at Foco. I became a member of GlobeMed during the beginning of Fall Term. It was one of the extracurriculars I stuck with because I really liked the club dynamic as well as what it was set out to do for its international partner. I wanted to continue to contribute my time and commitment to this club and so I applied for the position of Historian. I love to document events as it helps for clubs to look back at what they have accomplished and cherish memories. By posting our pictures on Facebook and the blog, we can also publicize events and let our students as well as the greater Hanover community know what exactly GlobeMed does on campus. After all, they say “a picture is worth a thousand words!”
Directors of Communication
Julie Ivy: I’m a pre-med ’15 at Dartmouth College, majoring in biology and minoring in international studies. I’m very interested in global health. I love GlobeMed’s sustainable approach to aid: forming close relationships with a particular group of people and directly impacting the lives of those people. I’m excited to welcome new members to and keep up the success of GlobeMed at Dartmouth! I’m also on the fencing team, and I do research at DHMC.
Harrison Han: I’m a ’16 from Thousand Oaks, CA currently planning on double majoring in Biology and Economics. I was drawn in particular by GlobeMed’s dedicated info session that genuinely showed the entire staff’s commitment to creating change overseas. My first quarter in GlobeMed has only reinforced my first impression. I am looking forward to seeing our efforts make a difference first hand this summer! In my free time, I enjoy playing tennis and piano, traveling, and spending time with friends and family.
Directors of Community Building
Heather Szilagyi: I’m a sophomore at Dartmouth and GlobeMed’s Director of Community Building. I have been fencing for about six years and am a member of the Dartmouth Fencing Club. On campus, I also write for the news section of The Dartmouth, the College’s independent newspaper. I am probably a Government major with an Arabic minor, as well as either a major or minor in Geography. I became involved in GlobeMed my freshman Fall because I loved the structure of the organization. I love being able to see the difference we make through direct work and the development of a long-term partnership with a community. The national network is also great for support and extraordinarily inspiring. GlobeMed at Dartmouth is still a new organization, and I think we have the ability to build it from the bottom up and continue making it an extremely influential group on campus!
Kristina Mani: Hi, I’m Kristina! I’m a 16 from New York City I’ve always been interested in health and the sciences. So I plan to be pre-med here at Dartmouth. I joined GlobeMed because it gave me the opportunity to interact with others who share my passion for global health and my goal of reaching out to help others. Over the next four years, I hope to remain apart of GlobeMed’s inspiring movement to actually make a difference in the world of global health.
GROW Trip Coordinator
Nina Boal: I’m a 14 pre-med majoring in Geography with a concentration in International Development and minoring in Biology. I originally joined GlobeMed because of my interest in global health and it has allowed me to give back and connect directly with our grassroots organization KWAT. I feel like I know exactly what my efforts are going towards- allowing us to focus our efforts and be more effective. On campus I am a member of Alpha Phi, I am a drug and alcohol peer advisor, a member of green team, and I do research at DHMC.
Director of Finances
Sumayya Younus: I’m a ’15 and currently a sophomore at Dartmouth College. On the premed track, I am frantically trying to decide between a French or Government major. In my free time, I love to knit and read. I decided to get involved with GlobeMed because of their unique approach to problems in health care. Globemed’s premiere priority is to provide what their partner’s indicate they need and respond accordingly. It’s an extremely effective and useful partnership, as shown through our success last year.
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