Nana’s Guide to the Movies You Saw this Year

I may not have heard everything the actors were saying but that doesn’t mean I didn’t enjoy the flicks. It’s all about the experience, the popcorn, the skittles, the works. And those whipper snappers in front of me were, you know, kissing. In public. Not even married. Yeesh!

Despicable Sheep 2

Just when you thought they couldn’t get worse…. they did. This movie follows a group of sheep doing some naughty, naughty things. Like voting for Obama.

Bingo Unchained

When I heard about this picture I said, “Count me and Muriel in!”

Frozen Yogurt

A movie about ice cream? What gives?

12 Years Asleep

Now here’s a movie that appeals to my demographic. Nothing wrong with settling in for a long winter’s nap and waking up with a couple of new grandkids.

The Hungry Gays: Catching Squires

Don’t get me started.

Shaving Tom Hanks

I mean you don’t want him to start looking like he did in Castaway but really? A whole movie about a little trim of the beard? I’m not convinced.

Monsters, You, and Diversity

We’re supposed to accept them just the same as you and me.

The Wolf Lost His Sheep

Another movie about sheep! I think this is an adaptation of Peter and the Wolf but with that actor Leonardo Decappucino.

-MLH ’16

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