6 Easy Life Hacks For The Everyday

1. Be really smart. Intelligence can go a long way. It can get you into a good school. It can get you a good job. It can even make you understand things better. Definitely helps if you’re smart.

2. Be really attractive. Most attractive people find it easier to do things like look good or date other attractive people. Being attractive is a great way to make people like to look at you.

3. Be tall. It’s kind of part of being attractive, because a lot of people find tall people attractive. Being tall can also help in sports, reaching things and walking faster.

4. Be funny. Everyone likes a good joke. If you’re really funny, people will probably like your jokes. Humor can go a long way to alleviate a mood or build social connections. If you’re funny you’ll probably be more popular.

5. Be popular. It is a lot easier to do things if you are popular. That means that more people like you and/or want to be you, which always helps. You also get to have more friends.

6. Be talented. Having talents are really useful if you want to be good at things. Take music for example. If you’re talented at music, you’ll probably be a good musician. The same works for other stuff, like sports or jokes. Try being talented, and you’ll really be happy with the things you’re good at.

-DZ ’16


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