You may be asking yourself “is this banana actually talking to me or am I hallucinating?” My answer: who is to say? Do we actually dream at night or do we awaken to our real lives that we just label as dreams? Reality is a construct. Life is a construct. What you consider real is only real in your mind. Are words real? Or are they just audible placeholders, building invisible bridges and painting unseeable murals on the walls of our world?
A man is but the sum of his principles, but if those principles have no foundation, how is a man to stand? I don’t claim to have the answers to your questions, I am no genius, but I know what I believe, and that is the fraught nature of belief itself. By succumbing to your own mind’s perceptions and constructions of your surroundings, you are merely digging deeper into a solipsistic hole with no ladder out, now tunnel away.
The questions you ask and clarity you seek only serves to divide and pidgeonhole. By labeling what happens versus what is imagined, you enable a polarity of reality that dichotomizes truth and false. We all know the world is not that binary. We all know that we live in a spectrum of colors and sounds, emotions and thoughts. The world is not your ark to divide up two by two, but rather your Jackson Pollock painting to splatter. However, never frame it, leave the canvas open, make the canvas your wall.
Use reds, blues, pinks, mauves, oranges, blacks, whites and purples. And also use yellows. Because bananas are yellow. And I am a talking banana.
DZ ’16
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