5 Things That Are Sure to Go Viral This Winter

  1. RSV: Respiratory Syncytial Virus or RSV is definitely gonna catch on. If people keep not washing their hands, (which they won’t) this sick respiratory tract infection is gonna be a hit.
  2. Rhinovirus: This is the most common cold-causing virus known to children. Definitely gonna make it big soon.
  3. Influenza Virus: The CDC mispredicted the specific flu strain this year, so keep your eyes out for influenza, which is sure to be a chart topper in the next couple of months.
  4. Croup: You’re definitely gonna be hearing about this viral infection of the breathing passages.
  5. Coxsackie A Virus: A virus that causes symptoms of blisters on hands, feet and in your mouth. This is my dark horse, mostly because I just got diagnosed with it and I have been making way too much direct contact with large crowds.

DZ ’16

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