Student Describes His Two-Class Layup Term as “Still Pretty Tough”

Despite taking two classes this summer, Jonathan Warren ’19 said in an interview that his term is “still pretty tough.” Currently enrolled in Film 27.72: Sri Lankan Indie Film Studies and Psychology 43.41: Plant Psychology, Warren reported that his course load is nearly too much to handle over sophomore summer.

“I really wanted to take a third course this summer,” Warren said. “But between being rush chair for my frat and my cabin overnight PE credit, I just didn’t see how I could fit it in.”

In response to his rigorous schedule, Warren even considered dropping his psychology class in favor of a class populated entirely by his closest friends.

An Economics major, Warren is used to his fair share of homework and academic stress, but being in class an extra three hours a week over the summer was the tipping point.

Warren’s major advisor, Professor Bill Stevens (class of Dartmouth ’81), reported, “I personally advised against Jonathan taking a third class this term. Over my Sophomore Summer back in the day, we all took one-class terms.  I remember barely leaving the Stacks for weeks on end studying for my Astronomy 2 midterm, and that was my only class!  I can only imagine the extra rigor of a second class.”

Reporters attempted to get a second interview with Warren on Saturday, but he was unavailable for further comments.  Sources from inside his fraternity say he was seen attempting to qualify for his Masters B team.

– MH ’19

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